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Monsieur Pinke

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Everything posted by Monsieur Pinke

  1. To Blue Streak and my dear fellow aussies, try a nice little company based in Victoria called [DELETED]. I ordered my copy (CDV version) about a month ago, slipped in an extra $5 for express post and was choking on the North African dust the next day.They might still have some in stock. You can find them and order at [DELETED] Cheers Monsieur Pinke [MOON: Sorry, I had to edit your post and remove the links. These copies should not be there as the CDV versions come with a European license only. Not your fault, possibly not even the other company's fault, but at the same time we have to remove the links or it might appear that we support this, and we don't. The only "legal" copy of CMAK (or CMBB) to obtain for the Australian market is from us directly.] [ May 14, 2004, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]
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