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Everything posted by imported_Monkey_Boy

  1. I've hunted for years and years for a game like this and spent hundreds of pounds of my well earned cash in an attempt to find not only a turn based game but one that you can play via email. Finally they came along CMBO and CMBB!!! I haven't bought or played anything else since. It's nice to see a company stand out from the crowd and produce a 'turn' based game with such quality. None of this 'real time' stuff that seems to be the norm these days, none of these graphic hungry first person shooters that you need a computer from NASA to run and none of the junk that is dumped onto the market to make kids part with their pocket money only to find it isnt what it says on the tin. BATTLEFRONT I SALUTE YOU! Right that's that out of the way. Just a couple of points that I hope either the forum could answer or even the designers themselves :cool: 1. Could you not patch CMBO with the same updates as CMBB, making them the same engine but obviously giving you the option of different fronts. 2. I've noticed that there is no option to point a tanks turret one way whilst driving the vehicle the other. This often causes a delay whilst the turret turns to face the target which can result in it's loss. 3. The engine quality in this game is amazing, will we see a boom in the range of different CM wars, maybe introducing a fantasy element. 4. One last thing, I think an option box on the start up menu would help, giving options to change things such as sound, graphics, keyboard short cuts and director changes for email saves. This will help users tweak the game to the settings required for their computer. This is my first post so please be gentle if it's all been answered before. Thanks Paul
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