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Everything posted by Vesku

  1. Easytarget, low pt limits in 1000-1500combined arms makes in my opinion having enough arty / HE throwers for cleaning impossible. Anyway I guess easiest solution would be to get learned in bigger battles where you can have decent stuf to clean strongholds out. Oh and I prefer heavy forests because then atleast you can have some degree of suprise etc. Also the location of your troops is not that easy to spot for arty. In medium density maps you can pretty much tell it from the start were both sides will be when clashing starts. Besides they even dont look that "heavy forest" to me. This could be because I live in Finland and lots of trees is the standard not open field. Anyway thanks to all who have replied so far. EDIT: What are these house rules? Some sort of "gentlemen agreements"? Idea sounds fine to me. I guess I have to some searching. [ April 17, 2003, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: Vesku ]
  2. Because I constantly refuse to play anything but heavy forest maps in 1000-1500pts MEs. My arguments are. 1.) If you fail to secure objectives first attacking is almost impossible because you have to cross very large areas of open fields even in moderate trees mode. Also in my opinion the more trees the more option you have for attacking meaning more fun. 2.) You cannot have enough arty/HE throwers to pound the **** out of opponent because of low pts limits. 3.) Too big luck factor concerning victory flags. They are not usually exactly at the center of the map and of course terrain will benefit either me or my opponent more. I really love to play 1000-1500 sized games because I can micromanage every squad and still enjoy it, but in my opinion they are not very balanced because of mentioned things and winner is too often decided by how lucky he got when the map was created. If it was attack or assault the attacker might be able to use his superior firepower to take objectives but in MEs it is usually also attack mission for another player and he doesnt have the extra 50% points. Another option might be that I am just a crybaby Cheers. [ April 15, 2003, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: Vesku ]
  3. That is a very nice site. Simple,working and stylish. Pleasure to read. Good job [ April 03, 2003, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Vesku ]
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