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Posts posted by Traveller

  1. Originally posted by Sergei:

    Try to get at least a couple of weapons that can kill even the heaviest tanks that your enemy might have, then some HE lobbing mediums, some normal infantry grunts and an artillery spotter or two. Experiment & learn.

    Thanks for the answer. Let's be a bit more specific... what are, in your opinion, those weapons than can kill even the heavisest tanks?

    What are "lobbing mediums"?



  2. Hi guys,

    I have been searching the forums for some advice. I have not really found anything so here it goes (apologies if I have missed a good thread) :

    I am a fairly inexeperienced CMBB player and I have a mirror challenge where I have to select my own forces. I suck big time at selecting because normally I play random forces games.

    Can you guys give some advice on which units to pick for each side? or point me to a thread that does? thanks in advance.

    Game is as follows :

    Mars 1945

    Meeting engagement

    2000 points

    Map size: medium

    Tree cover: moderate

    Map type: Village

    Hilliness : modest hills

    German force: unrestricted

    Russian force: unrestricted

    Quality: unrestricted

    Ammunition: 100%



    [ April 16, 2005, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Traveller ]

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