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Posts posted by xediel

  1. i would like to concede my game against gavrok for i don't have time to finish it..

    i'm really sorry to end it this way but i really don't have time.. anyway it was fun playing the tournamet and i wish my oponnent the best of luck in the next round.. the delays were mostly my fault so this is the only fair thing to do..

    ok people have fun smile.gif

  2. heavy fighting in france ! i'm still succesing in pluging all the holes and making some kills but the germans keep rushing in and their superior air advantage gives them a punching power that is shattering my defensive wall.. destroyed a tank unit this turn but i fear the one that is still loose on the battlefield could do much damage.. i'm holding on in greece but i can see the italians got something cooking in the background.. trying to take tobruk but still no luck.. have to keep trying.. anyway what happens in the few next turns is going to shape the game... regreting now that lc gambit that i didn't make on the 2nd turn, had the manpower that's for sure !

    [ July 23, 2003, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: xediel ]

  3. yes but still...

    1 axis bomber

    1 axis air fleet

    1 british carrier

    it happens in this order:

    1. axis attacks the carrier with bomber

    2. a message appears "british interceptors" (interceptors of the carrier that is being attacked)

    3. a message appears "german interceptors"

    4.damage taken by both sides (carrier and af)

    5. bomber unit bombs the carrier and they exchange damage

    is this what is supposed to happen ?

    this doesn't happen in hotseat !

    in hotseat:

    1. axis attacks the carrier with bomber and bombs it with no interceptors, they exchange damage and that is that

  4. in pbem when you attack a carrier with bomber unit and you have a af in vicinity you will get an intercept for that carrier with your af and consequently your bomber will get a clear damage free attack on carrier making devastating damage !

    i was stunned when i lost a carrier in that way in my game against gavrok so i playtested it a few times so this is 100 % correct info !

    [ July 18, 2003, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: xediel ]

  5. The real shame was all the U.S. young soldiers who died on June 6, 1944 to help the French
    sure if it was not for the U.S war machine europe would be probably overrun but don't go kidding ourselves.. wars aren't conducted out of good will nor charity.. they are a product of politics and that means interest...

    we all know germany needed the war but so did america (thousands of new jobs and a boost for the fallen economy)

    this is my point:

    if it wasn't for the recession in U.S no one would give a rat's ass for what happened in europe

    for there was no real danger for america itself.. so please don't go telling about the "helping"

    but don't get me wrong it's ok doing something for yourself and eventuate later on as a good guy.. moreover it's a positive thing !

    and sure..

    The Americans don't care...
    they do not care now and did not care then..

    it's also true that..

    The French don't care.
    why would they care.. when it's done it's done and the damage has been already done

    anyway who gives a **** what happens somwhere over the mountain.. it's not about the freedom and well being of others as they are makin us believe..

    who thinks that is a god damned fool and a naive romanticist.. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE PROFIT !!!

  6. we played a lot of risk this winter.. and i can say it's all about the diplomacy.. not strength nor strategy... it's the common macchiavelli lobbysts dream smile.gif

    which leads to lots of real world hostility and argue.. why me ? younogooddirtylowdown..

    you could say it's all about: pick your saddam !

    look at him his massing his forces he's the biggest on the map, you know i'm peaceful i wouldn't attack you you know i wouldn't..

    you must have a hell of a lot charisma and pesonality to convince all you are the good guy and someone else is the saddam or else play against all odds !

    you discover things you didn't know about your backstabbing "friends" ! smile.gif

    anyway it's lots of fun but people take it far too much seriously and personally which takes me to the point... for me playing pbem is kind of casual and without tension and people are more based on fun and pure gameplay rather than tcp/ip where all are trying to prove something.. :rolleyes:

  7. if the scenario starts chronically later and every game which starts is surely to finish by the end of time given for the pbem tourney round it would then be wise to consider playing as both sides and in the end look at the score table.

    what i mean is..

    it's pbem so you can play parallel more than one game at a time so it would be fair to play a game as axis and as allies so everyone would get the same chance and there would not be the edge

    In the end of the scenario we look at the score and compare the scores to decide the winner !

  8. don't think that house rules would help improve neither the game nor the scenario just would add complication and confusion. if something should be changed then change the scenario. the game works just as it is and any house rules would limit the gameplay.

    in this particular scenario the problem lies in the right defence of france and the player who mastered that part should be able to crush the axis if played correctly.

    if the defence of france is bad done and it falls early.. in most games all is lost..

    and the france mostly falls because this tourney is "Open to all who believe they belong in the new player, beginner, and the lower intermediate skill levels"

    and it's easier to play the agressive and straight forward axis strtegy then slow and calculated allied strategy... and that's why the axis has the edge..

  9. he is constantly forgetting switzerland smile.gif

    i launched the attack on russia and i took my first city on the border with turkey, killed the corps in riga but didn't manage to take it... i could of taken it with the tank unit but thought to myself it's better to make as much damage to the border units and i'll easily take it the next turn..

    malta is bothering me from the beggining and messing with it cost me precious time.. now i made other arrangments and converted it into a training center for my carrier units(one german and one italian)(the italian one survived the battle in the mediterranean and made a decisive blow to the british dominance and ark royal in egypt.. go figure that out) and a italian sub so it's not so bad..

    my rocket units are constantly harrasing london and its port...

    started slowly building up my navy so i can win the battle of the atlantic britain is constantly losing 40 mpp for the atlantic and 5 on malta

    britain has 4 ships left and i think they are badly scathed.. waiting for the cccp move.. they have 1600 mpp and if they use it wisely it could be a slow and boggy battle..

    air superiority is working my way... if all goes well by 44 we'll have our "lebensraum" !

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