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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. hits the nail right on the head.
    no wonder no ones to be its publisher theres ppl with nails being hammering lol

    Thats a good review for the book which sounds like its worth having.

    Eisenhower's death camps
    i didn know we did the death camps as well :eek:

    i never even hear of allied 'deaths camps' before.

    Iam gonner check that one up on the net

  2. i feel like such a dumarse now. You mensioned year/month, well iam in late 43 so i checked each month till i found them. There middle 44.

    :( i feel so stupid now, should have checked first. :(

    anyways what the mod site called so i can have a look round?

    [ April 22, 2003, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  3. From playing games such as MOH:AA and watching films such as saving private ryan i been brought to the conclusion that the Panzer Grenadiers wore camo uniforms and not the grey one in game or even the ones the SS untis ware.

    Now is it these were only worn on the western front or is the uniforms were just not put in game?

  4. i didnt mean the tanks being blown i mis worded that sentance. I wouldnt wont it to be like that were everything could be taken.

    I mean you could have enemy trucks on map which were empty, so if you had a squad go pass they could steal the truck, the same for tanks but you would need crew members.

    So you could have empty enemy trucks sitting round, to simulate a ammo dump. then you could have troops blow the trucks and run off.

    Thus oping the way for lots of behind the lines missions as they most likliy did happen during the course of 4 years of fighting.

    and on that note, any reskin trucks to look like fuel trucks or even fuel drums?

    [ April 17, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  5. another question on this matter, the german surredner was on may 7th in the early hours, and the capture of the berlin was 5 days before that. Now would have the Hitler youth and other troops in berlin contuined to fight pass the capture of most berlin and pass the final surrender?

    [ April 07, 2003, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  6. Well my berlin is a small map a load of rumble burning building and building strung to gather in some sort of blocks with spaces with a few trees buring.

    I could have got pics of berlin and made the map more realsitic but that would have taken time and would have been boring.

    Erm say this was in part of the city, not the suburbs or CC, would troops have been surrounded?

    Coz i though about this and i think yes but would like other ppl opions

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