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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. A question about the german airborne on the eastern front.

    Did there germans use the airborne in any large scale attacks on the east front?

    Did the germans use gliders?

    Thanks for any help

    edit to add these question: In game there are tanks, armoured cars etc all which can be used for the airborne. But will they have been able to use any of these in combat ... like a combat jump ... armoured cars etc in gliders prehaps?

    Did the german airborne do day or night drops, or did they drop in both?

    [ August 30, 2003, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  2. Your valiant effort has only prolonged the war another day so more of your comrades can make it to the american lines

    that ending may be better.

    u got the idea i was on about, but yes it would have to be fought about thoughly for jerry in the later war years

    In the game, just as in Real Life, all credit and praise for your victories accrue to people further up the chain of command than yourself.
    so some squad captures a small lil village without being orderd to

    and a dude with a hell load of medals bursts into the war room monty is and saz heres a medal for daring capture of that lil village.

    [ June 30, 2003, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  3. lol @ the lot of u

    the reason i thought about this was coz of this. One mission i played, the brief talked about the need to take the area was to encircle jerry.

    Now two roads with the victory flags on them led off map, so i sumise these are the roads jerry had to keep open to escape. rite.

    i only took one so i mean sumthing at the end banging on about how a half a divsion sliped out coz i didnt close the door. etc tongue.gif

  4. ive been playing CM like mad the last couple of days and i thought of a small improvment which could be added mybe in the next game.

    A better debriefing, as well as seeing the stats something to tell you how good your role as helped the war effort lol.

    example iof u take one victory flag u get a debriefing which saz somthing like good progrees.

    u take them all sumthing like we have jerry on there knees in this area. you take none, you get bitched.

    Wot you think?

  5. i heard or read some where that the italians tank designers came up with quite a few designs for tanks, one for different purpose etc (so diff arm, guns etc) they showed the designed to mr dick...i mean Mussolini and he looked at them for a couple of momments(just long enought o play ip dip dip) and just picked one.

    Could this be a reason there armour got there arses wooped? coz there leader just picked a design and not asked questionS?

  6. yeah when i seen it i was like OMG, dont ppl bout this, then bout 10 minutes later i relised WTF!!! thats a load of crap.

    as a result think before you post and think before you actully belive what you reading for as you said it can be a load of crap

    [ April 22, 2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

  7. after looking through a few more sites to see if anything did show more details which did not link back to that dude, i found nothing.

    the other fews sites i looked at all mension that one men, no other sources.

    Also ive been hooked on history since i was a child (WW2 being my favoute area) and i never heard of this.

    In conclusion (after having a think)i think that its all a load of BUll which i fell for.

    since there would be evdance, milatry records, news reports.

    fianlly its seems to me, to be some sort of (basically) neo nazi proganda.

    Yeah, definitely need other sources.

    The same site also debunks the myth of nazi concentration camps, reveals the world wide jew conspiracy... and then some...

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    **** if id seen that i would have deffinatly not have posted that link

    [ April 22, 2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Jack Ryan ]

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