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About AnthonyS

  • Birthday 10/23/1975

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  • Location
    Perth Western Australia
  • Occupation
    Sales Consultant

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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. I have 2 question. 1)I am just wondering if vehicles that are in the way or more importanly vehicles that are destroyed create a line of sight problem for vehicles behind them that are still active? I am asking this because of the footage on CNN etc of burned out tanks and APC. The vehicles seem to but nothing more than a few pieces of metal. I can recall a shot of the war in Yugoslavia seeing a T72 that had come off on the wrong end of an engavement and had its turret off and the rounds cooking off. This was quite a startling and amazing sight. My thinking is that this would cause both a distraction and a line of sight problem not to mention a smoke cloud (that would be simmilar to a smoke round but for longer duration). Is this taken into acount in the game or not? Secondly on a less positive nature. The footage on CNN etc of the Marine Amphibious vehicles that were caught in an ambush and the after action footage showed very little left of the vehicles, There was also a shot of possibley an Abrams that was serverly burned out. And now for my question Are these shots acurate of combat damage to the vehicles or is it that once the action is over and the vehicle is seen to be non repairable does the army/marines use white phospherous granades to destroy what is left of the vehicle to revent loss of technology?
  2. I have had a swing a most of the missions in the disk but i can not find any games that supply me with minefields deployed by artillery. I can find the minefilds that are deployed during set up. I know that this is a fairly unique item. Are they included in the game. Also is there any future for the Copperhead artillery round. My thinking (yes i know that the copperhead is expensive and mostlikey not going to be used on targets like tanks)is that you can get a recon/infantry team into target OPFOR in dug in possition and have them target the bunkers with a laser sight and the option of a single copperhead round would take out the bunker. Is there a future for this in the game or is the Copperhead a little to much of exotic equipment to make an apperance?
  3. Are there any games that cover Amphibious operations? Such as Marines coming ashore under fire? I can not seem to find any maps like this. Can you direct me to any? And are there any games that cover inter service/nation coperation (ie marines and Army or Marines and Australian/ NewZealand forces)
  4. AnthonyS


    Hi I have recently purchased you game and i was thrilled to find it is what has been missing from strategy games. I have had the game for about a week and i can pull off Anti Armor ambushes quite well, but when i am retreating or disengaging I Pop smoke and/or task smoke from artilery. My problem is even when reversing i seem to loose a large portion of my Centre ambush team. I have all my teams Hull down (or so i think). Should i Retreat and pop smoke after the first volly or should i wait for several vollies. Then drop smoke on Me or the OPFOR? I also can not seem to recreat the same effect in artillery as the OPFOR can. They seem to have massed artillery and i only seem to beable to lay down single rounds unless my mortar teams are with in sight of their target. How to i achieve a crushing Artillery strike like the OPFOR and when i task :confused: Smoke from artillery it does not seem to arrive.
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