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  1. Alright Im a Dip XXXX. But now Im a happy dip XXXX. Thanks Carrot.
  2. Thats the prob. I can't find the damn thing. just finished a vicious BT battle Hitlers son and I want to see the stats.
  3. Nice. ? Just were the heck it that kill ratio screne. The manual says that it is in the upper right hand corner of the unit info panel. I can't find it! Help!!!!! anyone.
  4. I would like to give this one a go. Thanks!! imets86@aol.com.
  5. Keep at it industrializer. I think it's a bug, but I just accept it now, bug or no bug. I have never taken much stock in morters in CMBB like I did in the CC series. After reading this post I had 2 AT guns knocked out by 82s. Readers luck i guess! Now I always go in with an 81. Preferably with the 251/2 or 250/7. My first QB before work yeserday and I knoced out 2 pesky 45s within the first 5 min. Just wish they had an MG as I have to be really carefull with them. Thanks Soddball.
  6. It's not only AT guns that are the culprit. I cringe when ever my tanks or my on board arty. ( excluding mortars which ARE brutal against dug in AT )take a shot at infantry in the open and come up short by 50 or 75 meters every time diging a hole in the same spot with 8 to 10 rounds of HE. Got a bunch of down and out Ivans in a building and you just can't wait to lay the TNT snack down on the building. Think about it,you don't want a million screaming Chiniese troops poring out of the other side of that hole you just dug many meters in front of the building. I can just here my gunner saying to his Unteroffizier,at least we got anouther one of those damn dogs with the AT mines straped to their backs, and dug a deep hole for his bone. Almost every game I have this Prob. At first I thought it was reverse sloop placements or military crest placements of troops, buildings and AT guns. But it happens out in the great wide open all too much. Now if I can just get the Cmmos dirty/dusty tank mod's too load!!!
  7. On map arty (excluding mortars) digs ditches in the fields with HE as well.
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