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Posts posted by sonar

  1. Tried a little experiment.

    1x company reg german inf, 1x 81mm spotter 1x runner(vet sharpshooter, ammo 2) for each plt, 3x runner for company hq.

    Mission, a probe against american vet inf plt, in village, small hills and wooded.

    One plt and heavy weapons section left hook, other two plts right hook.Used the runners to direct the battle.

    Taking it that if the runners had visual contact with co. hq, then simple messages such as "in position" could be relayed while more complex ones would mean them having to be in command of co. hq to relay.

    I also imposed a one minute delay for the excange of report/order.It made for an intresting scenario co-ordinating the attack under these conditions,taking into account timing and fatigue of the runners etc.

    Maybe some of you tried something similar, if not give it a go.

    I'm sure you will come up with your own interpretation of the "rules" I have made.

    Oh, another rule I had was that the co.hq would inform the plt's of a move to a new position as in real life the plt's would not know where they were ortherwise.

    [ May 03, 2008, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: sonar ]

  2. I think CMBB will always be on my hard drive anyway but this will add even more depth to what is already a recognised classic. It will be great way to wrap up the old engine, so were all rooting for you lot to get it out. Oh and is it wishful thinking that you would hazard a guess as to when it may possibly appear?

  3. (Manteuffel further developed this method of penetrating raids that cut in between the russian colums and struck at them from the rear."It was handicapped by the russian's lack of dependence on a normal system of supply - I never met any supply columns on these 'interior' raids") from The Other Side Of The Hill.Liddle Hart. I don't know if your explanation covers this?

  4. HI, I was wondering. how did the russians actually feed themselves when on the offensive. I have read many times about their soldiers having to "live off the land" but how would the divisions actually provide for their men on these op's. I assume that local villages and such in an area would be slim pickings after suffering the attentions of both the Germans and any partisans that had been active. So how do thousands of men survive for weeks on end, or am I missing something?

  5. Hi, had an idea. Maybe this has been done already but I made this mod using someone else's fence mod, only for test purposes I must add not distribution, so if you recognise your fenceposts don't be alarmed please. I think this type of fence has a lot more tactical life than the standard wooden one.

    You can quickly wire up a position in the editor and although it will be seen by everyone at set up, that's ok I think because a lot of the time when attacking you would have known exactly where the line was anyway.

    Although there were not a lot of barbed wire fences in rural Russia I think it looks ok as a standard fence as well.

    Thing is, I'm no modder and I'm sure someone else could do it justice.

    Anyway it's an idea so what do you think?

    p.s. If you look closely you can see that the fence actually joins with the wall of the pill box. 27414663ue7.th.png

  6. For me WW2 has the lot in gaming terms and the deeper we can delve into it, with the aid of a new engine say,the richer and more rewarding the experience will get. So for me I'm not bored with it at all in fact I can't wait to see what the real CM2 is going to be like [once Battlefront finish with this modern lopsided thingy,that there using to polish the new engine]. Chortle,chortle.

  7. Abbot, it should be obvious that it's not my feelings but those of who are directly affected by such events that I am talking about being sensitve to. Lethaface, look at the title of this topic, I didn't start the topic, I am giving my opinion, it's you and others who are telling people i.e. me, what I am thinking and what I should do. Anyway I have no more to add but I'm sure you will see this as more "Activist propaganda" lol. Cheers.

  8. Hev said. "Get a grip, you dont complain when authors write books about "possible future conflict" or about "Horrific murders and unwanten destruction"

    Q. How do you know what I read or think.

    A. You don't.

    Hev said. "you dont even complain when your own country continues to be the worlds largest polluter of the planet, therby speeding up the destruction of the very plannet on which we live!"

    Hev,I live in Scotland, that's in the U.K. so unless you mean Bagpipe music,I'd like to see where you get this information lol.

    Hev said "you'll sit around your tv and watch films and tv shows that mirror real life very closely, and tread some very dodgy ground with regards to how close to home some of these shows/films come.

    Untill you're campaigning about all those other forms of media that "apper insensitive" you should keep quiet"

    Q. Once again, how do you know what I read,watch,think or do.

    A. Once again, YOU DON'T.

    Hev said " And as for those imaginary games you cited, being an open minded person i would happily play them"

    All I can say to that is, once again maybe it's down to your own insenitivity and shaky grip on Reality not mine. Cheers

  9. Having the opinion that this game is in bad taste has nothing at all to do with being able to separate fiction from reality. It's about sensitivity to other people's feelings. Would anyone want to play a game called " Auschwitz - Kommandant", "Darfur Rebel" or perhaps "Colombine" Or "9/11 Escape from twin towers"? It is my opinion that a game that closely resembles an ongoing conflict, is in danger of appearing insensitve and being in bad taste. If you can't see why some people may be of that opinion, then maybe it's down to your own insenitivity and shaky grip on Reality not mine. Cheers.

  10. I've always thought the choice of theatre for CMSF was at best, a little near to the knuckle, in respect to whats happening in Iraq, yes it's supposed to be Syria but it mirrors too closely the war in Iraq in all but name and at worse, it's insensitve and in bad taste. Apart form checking out the demo to see the new system, I don't feel comfortable playing titles like this. Anyone else have misgivings about the subject matter ?

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