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Posts posted by Snorri

  1. vs AI, no boni.

    led my two *goose*-collums around the *fire*-cirlce. when they passed the second i turned in to take rear-flag first. fighting started in turn 13. at turn 21 i was closing in, two platoons *met* at the very rear. anyway i was surprised by the hard resistance.

    [sure this defence hits the historic ground of fact, but the germans. i doubt.

    i have no idea to the historic facts which where used for this scen. but i (to give the critic any worth) would level some! of the FJ-groups up..hardass and expierenced. most of the hqs, got killed right away..so *hurt* them if good skills, regular and less level, if they are just: field-decorated to higher grade(?). therefor a *even* stronger defence, with little armor (what all seem to wait for:)

    err..or was this the *training-companie?? -will look it up)

    uncertain if i finish this map. [which is a fighting box, indeed, but didn`t remind me to the crete i visited...nm.]

    it should be said i made terrible mistakes (ey, it`s just an ai...heh) but so, it sure improved my skill in "inf".

    thx! anyway ;)

    (excuse my manners)

    [ May 21, 2004, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Snorri ]

  2. two ways of recon:

    secure(?) probing: f.ex. a platoon.

    ->move from cover(next to you) to cover(n-t-y) with one group(split `em here!) while the other group don`t move!, also to give support if needed but more important: spot. the KI helps itself in finding cover, but you can to ,by placing the waypoints about 10-20m next to a real cover.

    if moving over a "clear" plain (whaa..inf. never..bla-bla) situation it helps to give your men a 29m[just in case] firing arc. this way your men won`t *answer*, f.ex.: an entreched hmg, but go for cover right away (note last sentence of this message)

    as you sure imagine this takes time and sometimes has little effort(yeha, we found the fortified entrenchment and the vicory flag ..?..)

    (un-secure) forced probing: (used mainly in real)

    the commander of a unit picks his most unliked sub-commander and gives him the order to move ahead. the selected one, aware of this *mess* won`t sneak but rush. (rush into a secure position, so to *hop* to next, is ok.)

    anyway this unit will (try to) reveal enemy fire positions upon itself.

    i think today briefings call it: get into contact with the enemy

    the main *gain* by doing so is: time

    but yes, someone will get hit...

  3. yep, keep `em behind your platoon. (concidering cover!) in advance the group`s move ahead in line -at 50-70m- formation(no it`s not the drill court). the Lt.(?) about 25-40m behind the middest. again 25-50m behind comes the support. this case the FO. i started out keeping these close to a higher hq, up at marshall`s hill. but as you encountered this keeps them off sight, just when n` where it could be realy useful. [but mind your men might get hit..oh..you don`t care..k]

  4. First, i wanted to say, more recon-suggestions[1stSergeant points out, that..or where the fire line is]

    needed, but i do also agree that you simply have to think a little more..

    i depends on the scenario (*tada*), if *you* lead an attack all your own (big-size), then you do reconnaisance yourself or noone does. taking over a frontpart or a "second battle" command, i like to have more *interaction* to my staff, sergeants, *pet* corporal and lieutenats. especially as german: hear(read) their suggestions

    [ May 15, 2004, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Snorri ]

  5. sure..

    south africa was talking `bout: happy to... first african soccer world cup

    egyptean speakers talked `bout: happy to.. first arabian soccer world cup

    well beside global politics atm, the case was: next soccer world cup -> africa


    (this topic will be moved, will it?)

  6. me play *premade* scenarios vs. AI, (just returned:cmak) and used to play operations mainly.[edit]


    (no it`s not the ueber-op snorri, hehe, no-no [ueber wie in überflüssig, übergeschnappt, oder californien..)

    nm..team desorby is back..[edit]

    ->(concidering this topic)

    historic scenarios (*set by designer`s*) have even more *expiering* content, if you re-start them in order to get different weather conditions. don`t play a scenario only once.[edit] and quit these qb... smile.gif

    [this post with little to no content was heavily edited due to redwolf`s..]

    [ May 16, 2004, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Snorri ]

  7. IMO(nm)..

    knocking through a shermans front is *wrong*.

    you sure knock `em out from side(side is not inf. flank! ..side means side!).

    troublesome to cmak tankers is the range. german tanks can make sure hits over long (above 1200m) distances.. but where to do so? around 500 is allied-range(as i call it). at 100-200 your 5cm should work again.(see exp. below)

    also the tunesian pre-atlas mountain region doesn`t spoil such *battles*.

    the german`s point was *experience*(some say so..) and a *more tricky* tactical behaviour. german tanks weren`t superior in armour sofar (..did this change, actually?)

    -this is also the point *k*-ammo became a vital part to tankers interests.

    (found a sp.-mistake? -keep it)

    [ May 11, 2004, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Snorri ]

  8. damn i had to learn for study-test. no use anyway..heh(buhu)

    i give it (new-driver) a try the following days. sorry i`m realy thankful for your help, but my daytime-live is a .."troublesome" a/m.

    my motherboard is a QDI by legend.hm? i opened the system-folder and i read:

    system:win98 2nd edit. "4.10,2222" registered for-

    (and a little below)

    genuineintel -x86family ..

    i look for my "garanties-folder-BAG"..this may have the answer.

    when you test your als4000 it`ll be cool, but i quess i have to afford a new one. no?

    ps: the driver-package problem. i`m allowed to remove them all or none.. i guess the system thinks it`s one, and so mixes everything..

    anyway, THX :D

  9. Thx Schrullenhaft! , you`re the "help" to this forum`s corner, ain`t ya? smile.gif

    to the problem,

    win98(nontroubling in past)

    ati 128 is a magnumXpert128/..2000, driver is dated: 6-13-2000 probably the 128rage-familiy one(?k?)

    trouble i have with the 1.10 for my Als4000. in my "hardware-profile" i have several (like midi, pci..etc.) "driver" listed below my soundcard. when i unzip the 1.10 n` install it, there is only "one" driver-slot [yes, i have little pc-kno..] AND SOUNDS ARE GONE. deinstalled, reset all, tried to handle it manualy, only the pci-driver..no use.

    intellim. = microsoft intellimouse (me lazy fool:)

    cmbb..all data/mods were lost by format:c (snif) n` also sold all games afterwards. so i reinitialized my pc completely. but changes? hmm?

  10. Well the supply was actually even more "unstable" then you think. For example "42south" in early march new equipment, and even long-barreled IVs arrived. "Cholm" (interesting, read about it!) was supplied "successfully" by air..(maybe a reason, some thought this would work in stalingrad too..?)..in wintertimes!! this doesn`t help, sure, you have to look close to the battle you want to deploy.. and also, at strongpoints of either off./def. get most of the division`s/corp`s shells(..not only the artillery)

  11. no it`s not gamey, it isn`t really not. It`s, to my opinion, also an interesting start-point for a battle..

    to those intend it`s gamey when arty strikes at turn 1..your actually right..historic correct would be..if a whole countryside..and your lousy bunch of soldiers somewhere within..is chopped by heavy artillery fire for let`s say: 22 turns..yeah, THIS would be correct...

  12. i found out; "to defeat a best-armoured-to-date", you don`t have to penetrate the armour. i often fired at the thin line,with "anti-personal" ammunition, right where tracks met ground. The result was this "heavy-evil" to be prone to the end of game. As soon as it`s prone, there "somany" funny ways to silence it at all.

    from calibre 7,5(german IG) to su-122 non-piercing ammo worked fine to; immobilizing a giant.

  13. i use to replace two men, either by a, "Tank-Hunter"squad..(PzJgr-Trp) or a pzBüchse. cause they can run as normal. let the two guys drop the mine and everythings fine..or maybe two sniper, as "regulars" replace nothing but; someone with an irregular K98.

    as an MG3 gunner,..quite similar to mg42..no?, this is nuts!!!!!.. but ok, i have to accept it, i think it`s an engine thing, so to place non-german lmg..(see all the other threads)

    so to be "battle ready", all weapon units attached to an inf.-company(50mmGrwf,Flame etc..) are taken away from the "third platoon"..

    heh, i also like to place a "forth platoon", meaning to decline the total strength of all. therefor i unlist the platoon leader (4men) from a group, and place "them"/him as "unexpierenced" in their new role..

    this is actually quite common to german military, as the best men at place(worst case; Schütze Vierling) will lead the platoon, even(when) all offizers & sergeants(die Ufz. halt) are.."away".

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