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Mikael Red

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About Mikael Red

  • Birthday 05/09/1980


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  1. I just want to notify the makers of the game and the players about my opinion on the "Human Wave" order present in CMBB. I think this command/term has Nothing to do with history/battle/reality, I think it only is a Racist slogan. Racist because it is directly aimed at Russians (Soviets), Chinese, Japanese etc, in words of Nazi and Western/American propaganda "Subhumans"! Why do I think so? Didn't Soviets, Chinese, Japanese used costly massed infantry attacks in war? Yes, they did. But so did Everybody! What great bull that Germans/Americans didn't do dumb things because at that time they weren't capable of doing anything else or because they were stupid! WW1 was an entire "Human Wave" war! Omaha Beach was one big Human Wave! And Americans didn't stop at Omaha either, read some diaries you will find mention of tons of bad decisions made by American/British/German commanders. Yet, when the Westerners get slaughtered like cattle, they are represented like Heroes. The Easterners, on the other hand, are represented like hordes of mindless bums rushing like buffaloes over some cliff. I understand this goes deeper into human psyche (an example of these Freudian Archetype can be seen in many Hollywood movies, like "Lord of the Ring: Two Towers"), but I think it's greatly hypocritical to remove Waffen SS for the German market and then reinforce residual Nazi stereotypes by such small things like this "Human Wave" term. Today in the West "Human Wave" is still greatly associated with "subhuman" Russians, Chinese, Japanese and so on. How can we then claim that we got over our Racism/Residual Nazism??? These hurtful stereotypes are still deeply rooted in us! Finally, why is this command even needed in the game? I don't see it having any purpose, but if somebody does, explain to me. In any case, I do not want to see the term "Human Wave" in a computer game for many reasons, not least that so many brainwashed youths learn more stereotypes from these. P.S. I am a proud owner of a pirated/downloaded version of CMBB. I wouldn't want to contribute to this biased cause, not until Changes are made.
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