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Posts posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. Originally posted by Pandur:

    ... i never ever used area fire for infantry so far, since the game came out.

    Hmm, the ghost campaign for instance is impossible to play without area fire IMO. I played the first map whithout ever actually targeting a syrian. Most syrian units were killed by the area fire, the others were killed because they were thoroughlly pinned when my troops stormed the buildings.
  2. Please critisize freely , I can take critcism, at least in this context ;):D

    Hillier would definitely be better. I´m not so inclined towards infantry because bots are useless at infantry and AKAIK you can´t restrict infantry to the deployment zones. The reason I chose 76mm vs 20mm is that I didn´t want to encourage rushing the thors with 20mm paladins. I want to encourage sniping. both sides should be forced to think about positioning. (Using the Apollo 20mm would aleviate the rush problem ). The shrike I agree is too strong in this setting, maybe only 1 or none would be better.

    I can make heightmaps with terragen (free version), but rendering at 2048x2048 can´t be done with the free version. Anybody know a free program in windows (or linux) that can do that and is reasonably easy to use?

    Or even better does somebody have professional software to whom I could simply email some heightmap prototypes?

  3. i´m working on something of the category "workaround".

    The scenario is called "Gauntlet".

    The story: a heavy space viking raiding party (4 thors) has been stripped of its escort vehicles and dropships. They try to escape to a nearby wormhole portal. a light colonial defence force (8 paladin 76 mm and 8 shrikes) tries to kill them before they can escape.

    the worm hole portal is the objective in this map. the objetive is protected by 6 ion towers (owned by the space viking side) to deter camping by the colonials.

    the map itself is a modified version of the Iwo Jima map. i hope Hub and poesel are OK with that smile.gif I´´ll make my own map when I´ve figured out how to render the RAW files into a 2046x2048 bitmap for free. and after thatndeal with the even more horrifying mask.jpg business.

    In a human vs. human match the colonials should concede defeat if one of the thors manges to reach the objective.

    The vehicle numbers and maybe types need some tuning. tell me what you think!

    check it out (just save it in your dropteam/data folder):


  4. re: the inf only match: intersting, but the game is not made for it

    re: the dead gulch game:

    Poesel I saw afterwards that I had turned off the volume of my microphone...doh (zuviel Zielwasser am Vortag)

    Stonewall really killed us in that game by killing my standing by Mercury a second before I was going to take it over to start our final attack. The 2 minutes we lost there were crucial. Excellent game.

  5. kim if you read this, stone was about to join you in the attack, didn´t want to gang up on you.

    well, never mind, had a nice last game against stonewall on good old twin peaks, some very personal 120mm duels there :D

    hope to see you all next sunday, very good games.

    As you noticed the server kicked me once too, was real strange couldn´t rejoin until I had restarted my computer, so maybe not the server but some other kind of matrix hickup.

    [ April 13, 2008, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]

    [ April 13, 2008, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: __Yossarian0815[jby] ]

  6. house to house was quite something. never more than 300 points difference throughout the game. In games like these you always wonder: what was the crucial mistake? was it the time I could have easily killed jung´s cutter but forgot to switch to auto aiming for three crucial rounds? Should we have deployed more turrets?

    Though 2to1 most of the time , thus not exactly fair, the mesa game was also cool. we (152 & me) took our time and closed in on one of jung´s bases methodically. those frantic last seconds where we were nearly thwarted by a tricksy cutter smile.gif , 152 howling over the com, a sort of full battle stations! type-all claxons screaming moment :D .

  7. On a more theoretical side, some more advice gainst overuse of the bacchus. I call it "tactical overforcing". The trick to any DT game is to have a robust plan, which isn´t always easy. If you constrict the attacker by obviously AAing the whole map with bacchhi, you have planned for the enemy. He now can concentrate his forces by default in the DZ while half your forces are uselessy spread over half the map as Bacchi.

  8. Hehe, fell for the old "Bacchus at the last minute trick", eh? :D

    Of course. I've got my own variant from hell on your unethical use of Bacchuses for Recon in Force. In this spin-off, I cover the entire field with AA coverage, forcing you to use the deployment zone, the only one on the entire map. Then I mine the deployment zone until it's black with mines, then concentrate turrets and most of my bots (leaving a few around the objective for points) around the zone so when you drop, so you end up in a detonating shooting gallery. Then you might see how you like it when someone sets you up to fall, like you did today.

    Try it, or actually don´t. Clearing a mined DZ is easy, just drop 5 cutters nicely spread in the DZ, and the mines are gone in no time, followed by lots of 20mm paladins to take care of the turrets or enemy units nearby.

    Other than that you can "combat drop" against a single AA turret. Usually 2-3 of 8 ships make it through if dropped simultaneously(!).

    I´ve always thought that the forsaken map (=slugfest, right?) is flawed due to the much too large AA defence. A smaller missile def. at the base would be more balanced. The map was designed before the bacchus came along...

  9. Originally posted by Omenowl:

    As for Iraq I was for the war. What I was sorely disappointed by was the lack of foresight once the war had ended. Instead of having a marshall plan or anything resembling Post WW2 Germany or Japan we thought democracy would magically flourish and we would leave in 6-12 months. Hell, Nato is still in Bosnia and Kosovo and the UN is still in Cypress 40+ years later. Korea is another 58 years, Japan and Germany almost 63 years. Yet, we don't say leave there. And believe me if you look at the NYT it states our role in Germany was a disaster in 1948.


    Speak of comparing apples and pears. The US is in most of those places because of the cold war or because it wants to for geopolitocal/military reasons, not because the US needs to keep the peace in Germany smile.gif

    I´ll call you on the NYT 1948 statement. Do you have a link?

  10. Sorry i couldn´t make it on friday/saturday, but I was away in the mountains (on these occasions I always wonder if i should treat myself to a gaming laptop, but when I see the price i just can´t do it) just got back and had a quick ctf battle with 152mm. always remember to replenish the turrets! smile.gif

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