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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Night

  1. What could be machine specific when nothing has changed on the machine except the card? I've played SC games, including breakthrough, on this machine for years. Besides there have been two other documented cases, one on these forums and one on the AMD forums, so it has to be something with the drivers or card.

    In any event it looks like I may have to just uninstall from my machine and reinstall on my laptop since there doesn't seem to be a solution. :wacko:

    Thanks for your help regardless.

  2. Yeah it will no longer let me load the game... apparently you are right the copy protection is broken. I bought this game and installed it as a bundle, so it only had one license, do I still need to utilities?  Also, how come I cannot simply enter the license I still have for it?? it lets you type it in, but the "enter" button is not a button.. .just text...


    This whole thing is so whacky I swear! And to top it all off it doesn't seem like AMD is going to get around to this any time soon.

  3. Thank you for that information. I'll be honest it is hard to believe that I as a single consumer would have a better chance then a developer, but I will give it a shot of course.


    Yes I updated the driver the next day it came it, currently I think I may go and try to install old drivers and hope that they work with my other games. Strategic Command is easily one of my favorite games and I am determined to keep playing it. As I said before, I've been playing them since the first strategic command european theater.

  4. Disregard I had to reinstall everything and the patches AGAIN but now i get the game to load up... this is all very strange never had problems with SC before. But I still cannot get the scenarios to load, getting the error:

    FAILED(initialize_national_tile_surface): 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect.


    and game crashes >X(    something to do with new AMD driverrs???


  5. I, and others, have received no response from Battlefront regarding this issue... there was a post made in Mid-August in the Startegic Command forum which has gone unanswered.. I sent in a help ticket and have no received a response,  so I am hoping someone here can help us..


    After installing a new AMD grapics card and updating the drivers... Startegic Command World War 1 breakthrough no longer will load new or saved games, or any games.  the following message appears:


    FAILED(initialize_national_tile_surface): 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect.


    I have tried a host of solutions from a fresh install, to running it windowed, to running it in 16 bit, to running it compatible with windows 7, and nothing will get the scenarios to load. The game itself will launch, you can access the settings, saved game menu, new game menu, but as soon as it starts to load the actual scenario that message appears and the game crashes.. Please note this is the 4th SC game I have owned, all have worked just fine, this one has also worked fine for months since I bought it, in fact I was playing it on my machine the day before i got the new card, also, the game is fully patched up the current 1.05 version of the expansion and 1.08 of the base game.

    After visiting the forums I saw another user had the same problem and he was able to identify it having something to do with the video drivers for new AMD cards... I am obviously  not going to get rid of my brand new RX480, but SC1 is also my favorite single player game to play, I paid good money for it and the expansion, I have paid good money for almost all the SC games going all the way back to the first SC European Theater.

    I noticed on AMDs gaming calibration software, the list HAS Strategic Command European Theater (the very first SC game from about a decade or more ago) but it has no others listed... I don't know if that is battlefronts fault or AMDs fault, but someone DUN GOOFED.

    I would really appreciate some kind of help on this issue.  I am running Windows 10, quad core i5 2.8 ghz with 8GB ram 700 watt corsair power supply and a new RX480 GPU.   Again, please note that this game has always worked for me on this very machine, the only difference being the new GPU, my old GPU was also an AMD just a very old model. Also, I really think battlefront could do a much better job with tech support.. there is no tech support forum that I could find.. no tech support contact either.. the closest thing is a sale support (which I did contact and did not receive a response)  the FAQ and help desk mention some errors and how to solve them, but very few and this was not one of them. Thanks again!

  6. All of a sudden, after experiencing one error that would prevent saved or new games from loading, now I am getting this error simply trying to start the game.. :


    -Error- No Game Title

    It seems like there was a problem with your license.


    Contact us for further assistance.

    -Erroro- No Request Code

    Send this number to customer support to get your activation key


    Please enter a serial key to fix this error.

    Erroaaaaaar message.

    • Exit
    • Enter


    It looks just like that and is a white box   no number not anything else...   wtf is going on all of a sudden i've played this game a long long time

  7. I tried running AMDs gaming evolved software which "optimizes" games, it does not find SCWW1 breakthrough installed,, I looked through the entire list of supported games and I saw Strategic Command European Theater... which was the original SC game made years and years ago, I remember playing it back in the day, but non of the newer games, IE SC2, SCWaW, SCWW1, etc are on the list... perhaps someone at Battlefront should be keeping up with these kind of things? I mean, I have played nearly every Strategic Command games over the years, I love the games, I paid good money for them, they are graphically very very basic, there shouldn't be problems like this in 2016! The game technically isn't even that old!!

    Also, where the hell is the tech support? I can't seem to find either a tech support forum here, or anything on the main battlefront.com webpage for tech support... there are some FAQ or help desk items, but very few really and non that match this problem.. the contact us page has no tech support contact... Yes its true this is probably the first time I can recall having an issue with battlefront games, and I have been a buyer and player of your games for many years, as you can see I am a Senior Member, but still to have either absolutely no tech support for your games or to make it so hard to find is kind of bewildering?

  8. I just installed a new AMD GPU, updated drivers completely.. and I now have the same error... I play SCWW1 Breakthrough almost daily for months now... easily one of my favorite games and I am in the middle of an epic saved game...

    Are you going to fix this issue with some kind of patch? Because its pretty crazy to think I can no longer play a game I paid for simply because I have a new graphics card... I mean hell this game doesn't even HAVE graphics...

  9. Having fun but the AI does not work so well (not that the original game has any AI to speak of.)

    For one: Russia has major problems, they automatically attack the Japanese in Asia with like 3 Armies, a Tank Group, and an HQ. They continue to attack EVEN when Russia itself is collapsing and Moscow is captured. China has a similar plan apparently, attacking and attacking even when they should just stay put.

    Pearl Harbor... well... doesn't work. I lost 3-4 points on each carrier just to sink 1 Battleship. Very unhistorical, you are actually better off just saving your carrier force and attacking the Americans if they attack you first. Any attack on a port in this game is useless and stupidly so.

    British AI sends a lot of forces to east Africa, something like 1 armor, 1 army, 1 corps and an AF. However, they never send they right amount needed to actually WIN and never try an amphip attack or anything like that, they just send men in, take losses, and retreat to do it again. Pretty much worthless waste of MPP and it never learns to change tactics or abandon the operation or ANYTHING like that.

    The U.S. seems disinterested in the war even after joining. They did not send Air Forces to England (atleast not within the first year) and this left England at my mercy as I literally bombed every resource to zero and knocked out the convoys. It also never seemed to sortie it's Pacific Fleet.

    Overall a good mod, some balance issues prehaps. It seems to me most of the problems are with Russia, it was like nothing to defeat them even though they should have had the force to hold me off.

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