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Ankh Morpork

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Posts posted by Ankh Morpork

  1. Have you even played WeGo mate? :) Im starting to doubt it ;)

    1min of WeGo means you can roam around the battlefield freely with your cam while watching the actual battle. Thats pretty much it.

    What I want (and many others) is the option to watch the full game (30 turns or what ever its set on) just like that after the battle has ended.

    In WeGo you can select your unit and let the camera follow it - or just move the cam down to ground level (or what ever view you want) and see the battle.

    When you do a PBEM you actually send really small files to each other which already include the outcome.

    Let's say that 1 turn is 2-3 pbems (cant remember if its 2 or 3). What I'd like is the possability to combine all these pbems (without the order turns) into one big and watch it like any other WeGo turn using the actual game engine.

    So, apart from the classic "battle report" after a finished game. I'd like to see more statistics AND the option to save the full battle (and watch it later on through the game engine) and/or the option to watch it right away using the classic Forward/rewind/pause/play options.

    And yes, thats what people want and it's not really a big problem to put into the game. Im 100% sure of this.

    You see - moving around the cam on the screen while you watch a WeGo round really doesnt do anything at all to the actual size of the WeGo file. There really is no reason why it should be limited to watching from just 1 specific view.

  2. However most people when they ask for this (and the reason why I know the official response is because its a "popular" topic) want the full functionality of the WEGO replay (including sounds and graphics).

    They might want to review the turn by watching the replay at a bird's eye elvation to get an overall feel.

    This is exactly what Im talking about. These things are just like any other WeGo replay only it will be 30 minutes rather than 1 minute.

    However, the rest you mentioned is not at all what Im talking about. Im talking about a replay of the game - not at all about changing what happened during the game.

  3. Well tbh Im not really sure if you actually DO understand what we're asking for - we're not asking for a way to save a fully rendered game.

    Here's how it works.

    After you've seen 1min of WeGo - you can (in the old games anyway) watch a replay of that round where you can move around the cam just like in any other WeGo turn. The data for this replay is variables that was calculated before the actual WeGo turn started. This variables takes very little space since all they do is that they tell the game engine what is about to happen in the game and what it's to show. The actual graphics/sounds is not stored among those variables.

    A full minute of WeGo data really takes as Monkey pointed out very little space - however, was the data to include the graphics/sound and actual view you had while you played the game it would quickly turn to much bigger files. But there really is no reason for this.

    I really hope that Steve and the others really understand what we need. We do NOT need a way to render the full game into video files. What we need is a way of replaying the data files in the game engine and be able to watch this full game again without any interupts for giving orders.

    It would actually be like any normal WeGo turn only that you saw it from round one to round thirty and no options avaible apart from pause/rewind etc.

    These files would actually take very little space. Monkey is pretty much correct with his calculations on how much space it would take.

    But rather than you quoting Steve and others - it would be much better if this was read by the actual developers instead. It could be that they have misunderstod people in the past on this matter. (who knows, perhaps they wont understand me either ;))

  4. Yes I know it can and other games offer it.

    But in CMx2 you wont be getting it (full length videos or replays or AAR) and the above two reasons are why according to Steve.

    Well, fair enough. However, those reasons are quite silly since people (well, I can't actually speak for anyone else but me) would only want the possability to rewind the whole game and watch it from beginning to start using the game engine. You wont ever reach TB's using raw data unless it include the rendered graphics and sound.

    Edit: I just saw your other post. I never said there would be any data for the full game..however, I do think its possible to do. 1 turn of WeGo doesnt take much space (now ofc Im talking about CM1-3 now) and combining 30 rounds (since thats the standard gametime) would actually be a quite small file too.

  5. Well you'll be the one disappointed as THERE IS NO FIRE in CM:BN.

    How many more times do we have to tell people.

    (waits 15mins for the next "will there be flamethrowers / fire in CMB:BN" post). :)

    Well - that no flamethrowers would be in the game was quite obvious from looking at the list of what weapons was to be included.

  6. Yes but as I understand it unless you have either:

    1. Several TB's to store the AAR file or

    2. Happy to wait several hours for your machine to render a smaller version (i.e. remove a lot of the calculations, etc.).

    You will be waiting a very long time to see this feature in CMx2 or CMx3

    I actually think your wrong on this one. It shouldnt need several tb's or you waiting several hours. It's enough if it keep the actual data file. There is no need to save the graphics/sounds since you should be able to play the replay of the whole mission using the actual game.

    I think you mistook his question with saving actual videos of the full length game. This can be done using third party programs like fraps instead. Something i've done in the past.

  7. Hi there!

    Sorry if these questions have been answered before, but I'd like to know a couple of things about CM:BFN.

    I asked similar in other threads - but might aswell have a thread with all my questions instead.

    So here we go:

    1.> Will CM:BFN include more statistics after each battle? I'd love to see tons of it since it will improve the realism when playing campaigns with my brother (we make our own campaigns).

    2.> Air battles. Any chance of us actually getting a glimpse of the planes this time rather than shadows on the ground? Would also see statistics on the planes after each combat.

    3.> Order menus. Will these look/work like the ones in CM:SF or the old games? Cos the order system was imo MUCH better in the old ones. Actually one of the biggest letdowns in shockforce.

    4.> Physics. Will weather affect burning objects? Like fire in the woods change depending on the weather? (strong wind makes it burn more and spread faster etc)

    5.> WeGo...I've read the threads about it..but please...PLEASE make it possible TCP/IP. WeGo + the 1min replay was actually the thing that made me start CM in the first place. The best system ever with no other system even close to it.

    6.> Judging from other threads, Normandy is just the first battlefield we will see. Anyone else got this impression or anyone even able to confirm that we'll see more later on? (east front/africa etc etc)

    I've got more questions - but since Im in a hurry now Ill settle with these for a start.

    Best Regards

    Anders - sweden

  8. What I'd like to see in the multiplayer part would be the following:

    A chance for the defender to set up his defences before the game starts.

    Insted of fixed units, points to buy what you want as in the CM games.

    Support weapons like offmap artillery/Airstrike. Just like in singleplayer.

    Sizable forces (using the mentioned points). I want to be able to have bigger battles against my brother other than have some 8-9 units under my control :(

    Victory points, random (or set) names on the various areas on the map.

    Random maps or atleast LOADS of premade maps to randomize.

    Cooperative campaign.

    Thats what I can think of right now. Tbh this game is really great, but to make it even better it needs (according to me anyway) the same MP options as the Combat Mission series to really last. Implant it and I might even concider abandon CM1-3 for it!

  9. I got my physical copy and it has a manual with 76 pages.

    Goes through most things you'd like to see really. Only thing I DON'T like with the physical copy is the bloody sticker they put on the front cover. A sticker that tells that you should get a compability pach - something that is good that their telling, but its a bloody big sticker right in the middle of the cover. Imo they should have put it inside the box rather than on it. :(

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