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Posts posted by Sivodsi

  1. It's available through amazon app store, but be aware that the android version has not received the latest upgrade and they appear to be in no hurry to do it.

    Unfortunately, that's not the news we want. If you don't live in the US (or Europe I hear) you cannot get CM for touch on Android. That's why we are waiting for an international release, such as what we hope will happen on Google Aps

    We heard that it was taking a long time to get it on Google Aps, but that was a long time ago.

    Really, what's the news?

  2. How frustrating! It finally comes out for Android, but when it does its unavailable outside the US.

    1) I'm just wondering what this 'exclusive' deal with Amazon entails. Does it mean that it will never be on google play, and thus unavailable to the rest of the world? Or will its release be delayed just until any bugs are ironed out?

    2) My particular machine (ASUS transformer, TF201) is unlisted, though I'm pretty sure it has the grunt to run it. So, if somebody in the US can find out for me and other transformer users, I'd be grateful.

  3. Nice one Stikkypixie!

    I'm trying it out now. A couple of questions:

    1) I presume it works for CMSF just a easily as CMBN... right?

    2) One of the stages is taking a long time: "getting all mails from ____@gmail.com". Would it be correct to say that this step would be a lot shorter if you archived your gmail as much as possible?

    I ask this because I haven't archived my gmail for years! So, now I guess it has to sort through 5000 odd e-mails dating back years, just looking for those from my PBEM opponent...

    Anyway, I'll let it run for a while longer.


  4. The second picture is this


    It shows a wooden barn. Wouldn't bullets penetrate this fairly easily? And if you knew the enemy were inside such a barn, I'm sure you would hose it down and cause casulties. However, if you are inside, I don't expect you would be able to shoot out, since you could not see who to shoot.

    It would be quite a different situation for a brick or stone building which bullets could not penetrate.

    Just my idle two pence. I'm sure a barn grog will step in to talk up the bullet absorbing propensities of Normandy farm buildings...

  5. The tanks themselves are modeled beautifully.

    But, I spent some time on YouTube, and I think that the human figure's head is too big for the tanks. YouTube has Panthers driving about with a crewmember's head sticking out of the top. It's fairly clear that the human figure in the game is too big for the tank.

    This is not a big deal to me, but, it is interesting.

    Don't just talk about it: get a screen shot of the original, open up CMBN and get screenshot from the same angle. Give us evidence! Support your accusations! Chat is too easy, show us the proof!

    Seems the obvious thing to do.

  6. You can do it with one click

    - use firefox

    - download the tool: "save link in folder" (now version 1.5.3)

    - set up CMBN incoming in the above tool

    - when you get the ema file just left click and use the drop down link this tool gives you to select "cm incoming" to save it there.

    - for convenience have shortcuts to incoming and outgoing folders on your desktop (you still can't delete files from within CM :mad:)

    This is almost as easy as using PBEMH, certainly a whole lot easier to setup.

    - and a 'ta' to Sergie for putting me on to this tool.

    edit to add: heres the linky to 'save link in folder'

  7. Actually spotting enemy units at night in bocage before they open up on you is really hard. You are up and moving, quite often on a road or in open ground, while the other guy is stationary and in good cover.

    So the lessons we're supposed to learn from this are:

    1. If you try to recon by stealth and movement it is almost inevitable that you will be seen first and mown down.

    2. If you want to recon successfully, play the scenario first to find out where the enemy is so that you can move your units into areas where the enemy isn't the second time you play

    3. Recon by randomly shooting into hedges is more likely to lead to success.

    Is there a procedure that will help here? Perhaps slow + wait, slow + wait until the '?' appears, then if you wait some more will you identify the '?' unit?

    Or do you have to use slow to get closer to identify (and risk being mown down)?

  8. What gets me is the continual assertion that solo players are the main market. I really cannot understand how BF know how the sold copies are used. It might seem that I have as much knowledge as they have as to the playing community - and that is an incomplete picture..

    Well, BF know how many copies they sell, and they can count the number of people who join this forum, as well as those who play in online CM communities. You could extrapolate from this how much MP is going on.

    Is it possible that there are some secret communities of players outside the above categories? Maybe there are whole CM villages of tightly knit enthusiasts who only play on local LAN and don't belong to any CM club or ever post in this forum. Occasionally I hear of some in the military who set up games with each other, and even I used to play on private LAN with a friend who didn't buy a copy himself.

    But, be serious, how likely is this? Overall the fans of CM are too few and far between for this to happen - it simply doesn't have the same audience as Halo or world of warcraft (thank god). I suppose there might be some pirated copies of CM around, but I doubt it since its not really the game of choice for the youth of the day.

    To back this up, all the CM clubs I've belonged to have members from all over the world, which I think says something about the nature of this game. How many other players are there in South Korea for example?

    From this, I think Steve's assertion that their main audience are SP players is quite reasonable.

    Of course, they might not have the same passion that those who play MP have, but at the end of the day the person who plays SP pays the same amount as the one who plays MP, and as pointed out above, there seem to be a hell of a lot more of them.

    MPs such as ourselves are the vocal few, while SPs are the silent majority, I'm afraid, and small independent companies like BFT ignore them at their peril.

    So, Diesel, how can you argue against the above? :D

  9. -but from where I'm standing it looks like almost all the pieces are already in place if you were designing it with it in mind from day one. On its own real-time TCP/IP should be significantly more difficult to implement than feature-complete (not this nonsense about no replay) WeGo play.

    Out of curiosity, yllamana, what is your occupation? How old are you?

    Curiosity, that's all :D

  10. Try a FACE command. It is one of the Target set; it _should_ override the Target Smoke command. Let me know. ;)

    If I want just a few shots area fired - be it smoke or HE - I'll use a combination of movement orders + pause and covered arcs to break the target command.

    1. I'll use the covered arc to put the turret in the right position,

    2. move the unit to the position where it should fire,

    3. pause it for the amount of time to area fire,

    4. reverse with the shortest possible movement and

    5. put the covered arc back on at that waypoint.

    6. move back to the position or whereever.

    Of course, if the unit is starting at the point where you want it to fire then you can start from step 3.

  11. Wooo hoo! Downloading at 950KB/s

    If only I had time to actually play the game...

    edit to add: Crap! corrupt files, will download again

    Second try, this time without a download manager, downloading from Gamefront, and I'm afraid that once more the files come up as 'corrupt'.

    Not looking good. Be prepared for some frustration


    Has anybody got it working through gamefront or another provider?

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