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  1. I saw some screenshots (I think it was on combatmission.com) where the bases where MUCH bigger and greyish (easier to spot for the colour blind)...maybe this was a patched version?
  2. OK, i posted about my units not following enemy units around...and people said that if I ordered fx. "assault" and clikced on an enemy unit, my unit would follow and attack this unit. I can't get this to happen! My units just walk-run to the specified point. There is no box asking "will you follow this unit?" Do I have to be within a certain range? What am I missing here?
  3. Still new to CMBB, and having trouble seeing all my units, even with the max size on. I need a more visible "base" åæay aid for them (I am a little colour blind, which doesn't help). Can anyone recommend anything? How about the patch: will it give better visibility options?
  4. Even though it has shared memory (192 mb)? It should simply take resources from the sys mem, as far as I know, but I may be wrong... If anyone is playing this game with low specs, please let me know!
  5. I have an old laptop that would be nice to use for some TCPIP action, but I'm not sure if I should go through the hassle of changing OS (necessary), as I am afraid it's too slow. It has a 2 mb Neomagic gfx-card, shared with 192 system memory. Would it run ok, or shouldn't I bother?
  6. OK, here's the scenario: My AT team is on one side of a house, and the enemy tank is pounding away on some distant target on the other side of the house. I ASSAULT the tank, target it, and press "done". Movie begins. Tank moves away from the house, and my AT team moves towards its previous position, even though this makes it impossible to attack the tank. My Q: How do I make my troops attack a certain target no matter how it moves in the following turn? I want a "target and move accordingly"-order...is it possible?
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