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Posts posted by KG

  1. Originally posted by Blashy:

    The Axis is stronger because of the air power issue.

    Remove that and you can't steamroll through everything.

    When Barbarossa starts Axis have 5 AFs at their disposal, buy another one (or two) and just watch cities fall "too" easily.

    You don't even need tech, although LR really makes it lethal because you can continue your advances in the winter if you place them properly before winter arrives.

    I've been trying to find a counter for some time but there is none, the reality is that the down in morale and readiness is too harsh to how it occured.

    Can't we just make ANTI-AIRCRAFT RADAR tech also apply to units in cities and have it also protect from fighters as well? This would supply a counter.
  2. Originally posted by Lars:

    What the AI does not do, which a human opponent does, is move the initial attacking units out of the way to let the other units in to finish off a defender. Sometimes it won't even grab a empty city. Think it puts too high a value on the entrenchment bonus,

    Fix that, and I think you've solved 90% of the problem.

    Completely agree. Getting the computer to finish off units when it has the chance would help greatly.
  3. Originally posted by rclawson007:

    The default AI scripts all have a maximum research chit allocation of 1. Increasing the allowed max chit count for the key technologies of each country would give the AI a chance of advancing more rapidly much as most human opponents would do. The cumulative probability difference between 1 chit and 3 chits is substantial. This could be tailored to specific countries...like HT for Russia and advanced aircraft for USA...etc. It would certainly add variety to the AI play.

    Or you can just double the value of each chit for the computer. This will save the AI some MPP and give it a 10% chance each turn to get each tech. Very easy to edit.
  4. Go into the scripts and double the value of each purchase of Diplo and Tech for the AI. Gives it another advantage while not taking away the randomness of the game. You can also combine this with some event % modifications as well to help the AI even further while still maintaining randomness.

    Just save one campaign for Allied AI and one for Axis AI and you should get a much better game from the AI overall.

  5. Go into the scripts and double the value of each purchase of Diplo and Tech for the AI. Gives it another advantage while not taking away the randomness of the game. You can also combine this with some event % modifications as well to help the AI even further while still maintaining randomness.

    Just save one campaign for Allied AI and one for Axis AI and you should get a much better game from the AI overall.

  6. Originally posted by Retributar:

    Honch! ... im with you on your comment's,...i just sold my house in 'Oregon City', Oregon and have moved back to Canada for some of the reason's you just stated!.

    Im afraid that 'George Bush' may have some underhanded plan up his sleeve to stay in power after his Presidency legitimately comes to it's end!.

    What he is doing right now reminds me of how 'Adolf Hitler' consolidated the situation and rose to the postion of 'Full Time Dictator'!.

    Uh, yeah, right. To many late night movies I think.
  7. I agree it would make it more difficult, but is a solution without making a new patch or making a mod.

    Giving up two corps and one army, would be 500 MPP & should still allow Germany to take France, but would slow Germany down. Some experimentation would bring to light where the break even point was.

    Everyone would agree a point system would be the best route to go, but without mods and no new patch, this is a solution that could be used now.

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