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Everything posted by rama

  1. I think it's not 8X. The feature list includes a line "AGP 2X / 4X support with AGP Texturing and Fast Writes" but no mention of 8X. Besides, MX440SE is actually a slowed down version of the standard MX440. (BTW, is it just me? This forum feels really slow today. )
  2. Which is the best Detonator version for Geforce4 MX440SE in CMBB? The newest 44.XX? Or an older one like 30.87? :confused: Thanks.
  3. Does it mean display cards like FX5200 and FX5600 are now compatible with CMBB? Thanks.
  4. I'm still harbouring a bit of hope somehow. Has anyone got the chance to test the compatibility?
  5. I'm thinking of buying this display card. Does anyone know whether this is compatible :confused: ? Thanks.
  6. I'm thinking whether it's better to wait a month or 2 before buying. When the GeForce FX comes out in February, there may be quite a big drop in price for GeForce4 products.
  7. Thank you. Most likely, I'll buy a GF4 MX440 for my PC soon. :cool:
  8. Currently, I only have an old display card with 8M VRAM. Although the demo works more or less ok, I want to buy a low price display card (largely for this game) and need some advice. Between GeForce MX440 and Radeon 9000 (not PRO), which is 1) more suitable for this game, 2) better in general? Thanks.
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