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Everything posted by maxkazar

  1. Thanks guys. Sorry if I was a bit harsh. I really wanted to like this game so i was a bit upset when i didnt. The game has potential and it is hard to strike a balance between to much and not enough control in this type of game. And I probably didnt give it enough time to learn all the controls and features properly. Happy Gaming, later all.
  2. Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin(demo v 1.01) How the heck do you uninstall this game(demo). Dont get me wrong I love the concept and the genre and I appreciate the hard work it takes to program a game like this but this is micro management hell. Crappy camera control. Crappy control period. I have searched for a proper way to uninstall and can find nothing. What is this some cheap way to keep the game on someones hard drive. Yes I could delete the folder but that dosent remove all game files/registry etc...
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