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Posts posted by Terif

  1. If you got thrown a few thousand bombs on your head, I think you also would go into hiding...or more likely be destroyed :D .

    And if a city is leveled to zero, that means it is more or less destroyed completely and so most of its AA guns. They first have to be rebuilt before they are effective again - which is even more realistic and also better for the game cause otherwise Bombers wouldn´t work.

  2. Leaving certain cities/spots empty - yep, here you have a point... smile.gif

    ...but on the other side Axis simply don´t have enough units to cover every possible landing/drop site if they also want to conquer new territories and Allies know what they are doing...so it is usually a cat and mouse game to protect the right spots and to make the enemy pay a high price if he takes empty cities.

    Allies are far superior in production and numbers, but Axis have the advantage of the inner line and can shift forces fast from one front to another to achieve local superiority - that´s the challenge Axis have to master in order to win the war smile.gif .

    So in the end: Axis have no realistic other choice than to leave some cities/places empty, but they shouldn´t be the wrong ones in the particular situation :cool: .

  3. Axis had AA here - but Axis can even have AA level 5 and it doesn´t really help them if Allies know how to use their bombers smile.gif .

    Only in the first strike the bombers take real losses - if a ressource is at low strength, then it does no harm to an attacker (except the usual average 0.33 points). That´s why bomber strategy is always possible and certainly no gamble smile.gif .

    Bomber strategy is a long term strategy so only few players do it - wasn´t the first time I used it as I prefer long term strategies, only the first AAR about it tongue.gif .

  4. In V1.06 mpps from Iraq always go to UK and not to Russia if the capital is liberated/conquered - just the normal behaviour smile.gif .

    Maybe it gets changed in the future, but at the moment with the current game mechanic otherwise Allies would get in certain situations double mpps. This is avoided as Russia this way never gets mpps from Iraq with the capital in allied hands.

    Nevertheless you can redirect a part of it (up to 40%) via the Archangel convoi from UK to Russia.

  5. Reason for the quiet opening was a severe lack of ground units and tech on the allied side – as they opted for an extensive Heavy Bomber Strategy smile.gif

    Germany had a huge edge in combat techs at Barbarossa (IW 3 / AT2 vs 1/0)...lasting more than a year...Russia despite 5 chits in IW and 1 (after Motor fired 2) chits in AT was only able to get IW 1 AT 0...which didn´t improve till September 1942 !!

    Nevertheless this didn´t concern russian high command: if you have no tech, simply don´t try to counterattack but instead act and build accordingly and such a tech difference doesn´t really matter smile.gif

    So Russia bought mainly tanks and bombers while its cheap corps took the inevitable beatings from german air and ground forces... the russian defence line at Sevastopol-Kharkov was well fortified and so the entrenched russian tanks destroyed any axis intruder riskless from their fortifications and corps closed the gaps immediately.

    In summer 1942 the line was under heavy attacks, so western Allies decided to sacrifice a few brave volunteers by launching a commando raid for relief: Hamburg, Essen, german mine and Frankfurt as well as Konigsberg (via amphib from Sweden) get occupied and german units forced to operate west...giving Russia the necessary break to overhaul their defences.

    Meanwhile russian forces conquered Iraq and approached Egypt - Axis preemptively declared war to Syria + Iran, Iraq joined them. At Alexandria Axis built up a strong fortification to defend this key position, using italian surface ships to block Suez canal. Here russian bombers came into play: sinking/heavily damaging a ship every second turn...while 2 fighters from each side fought deadly airbattles above the desert...

    But lastly the war was won quietly in the bomb factories of the west...producing millions of bombs, later droped down on Axis cities all over Europe by 6 allied Bomber squadrons. All in all Allies built 8 bombers: 4 USA, 2 UK and 2 Russia...also researching Heavy Bomber techs (USA Lv 4, UK Lv 2).

    So since summer 1942 each turn every axis city and mine in France, Denmark, western Germany, along the Baltic and Spain got leveled down to zero...causing a loss of about 160 mpps/turn...Germany receiving less than 300 mpps and beeing barely able to keep its air flying, not to mention feeding its ground forces smile.gif .

    In the end, Germany had been starved to death by allied bombers and the war won without a real shot fired in Russia...only light skirmishes after Germany retreated most of its forces into newly built fortifications to save ressources...light western allied forces meet no real resistance when cutting off Spain and after Italy lost another cruiser in Suez canal and russian tanks moved in...killing one of the now 3 defending airfleets with the help of some Paratrooper...revolution of uncontent citizens swept away the Axis leadership.

    In this last attack Russia discovered advanced german airplanes with Jets 2 and LR 4 grounded in the desert due to lack of fuel and spare parts...german scientists and captured planes got transfered to russian research centers immediately to analyze and copy these wonder weapons...fortunately the enemy had not enough ressources to produce them en mass, therefore the few available ones had no influence on the outcome of the war...

    And so in February 1943 - before the allied bombers could have taken off again to wreak havoc amongst the european cities – Axis surrendered unconditionally. A very unbloody war on the ground...only 11 russian land units destroyed vs 23 axis ones...a pure bombing campaign war where the bombers won the war on their own smile.gif .

    War photographies:

    August 1942 and Russia still defending with IW 1 AT 0 vs german IW 3, AT 2 forces – but in defence, tech doesn´t really matter...and Axis still didn´t come very far:


    Much different picture in 1943 – Russian defence line now strong and ready to strike the next summer:


    Russian forces also present with 2 bombers in the desert, sieging Egypt when the war ended after their breach into the enemy lines during this turn:


    End of the war:

    Few allied ground troops in France, but covered by large air formations and 6 bombers:


    [ June 01, 2007, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

  6. @Iron Ranger + Liam:

    Yes, airfleets don´t need tech - except for some LR. Airfights nearly never kill enemy airfleets any more like it was in SC1. Base combat value of air vs air is only 1 - before they do real damage you need Jets 2 at least or better Jets 3...which also makes the AFs more costly...

    Therefore as Axis you don´t need Jets except if you intend to attack western Allies in the air - which usually is a bad idea in itself. Russia has other problems than building air that doesn´t really help them - like building ground units and researching appropriate techs for them smile.gif .

    The power of airfleets is in deed the offensive - reducing enemy morale and readiness before groung troops attack. Therefore airfleets are not needed in defence as there they have no real use. Air has to be commandeered to the offensive parts of your forces - there they can show their real value smile.gif .

  7. @Hellraiser:

    In version 1.06 it is usually not a good idea any more to use transports as spotters/blockers. Damage has been doubled and weather also doesn´t protect them any more.

    Therefore if you use a transport as spotter, you will most likely loose it if it finds something... :D .

    Like you experienced in our last game where you used transports as spotters. Result: army + 2 corps transports sunk without much effort, the survivors fled in panic back to the coast tongue.gif ...

    So don´t worry, transports as spotters is no real issue any more - any player who makes a cost-benefit calculation doesn´t do it while the game is still open...sacrificing 110 mpps minimum to find an enemy ship...only if you have too much ressources :D ....here my Axis only used corps as spotters since the game was already over and they had plenty of surplus units they couldn´t use anyway after the surrender of Russia :D .

    [ May 29, 2007, 04:57 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

  8. After a last rebellion, where the allied fleet is thrown into a final heroic battle – in which they loose nearly all their last surface ships (cruiser, 2 battleships and a carrier) the british empire decides to follow the russian example and surrenders unconditionally. USA also only lands its tanks and HQ in Brest to destroy the italian bomber as last action in the war before it signs the peace treaty which will ensure a united and prospering Europe under german leadership smile.gif .

    War photographies:

    Axis naval blockade of England before Barbarossa starts:


    First huge naval battle when Allies break the blockade:


    Allied counterattack in Iraq with overwhelming force:


    Axis assault against Stalingrad:


    Fortress Tobruk comes into beeing...


  9. September 1944:

    The largest bloodbath in history took place in Ural the last few turns...half the russian population was fighting and dying there against the axis main forces...The battle took a horrendous toll on both sides...in total 23 russian units got destroyed since the last counting...HQ, AF, tanks, armies, corps right up to the last rockets...everything was thrown into the death zone and eventually destroyed...finally Russia had to accept its defeat and surrendered at August 20th, 1944 when its last capital Sverdlovsk got conquered. Axis engineers immediately start disassembling russian factories and sending raw materials back to Germany - plunder: 1512 mpps.

    Following the russian surrender and their forces in Iran/Iraq, Axis immediately started the final offensive against Middle East and Egypt...Allies fleeing in panic from El-Agheila and Tobruk, followed by axis forces...german armies from Greece landing along the coast to cut them off. Now it should be only a matter of a few turns till the last clean-up operations are over...peace is already returning to mainland Europe when the victorious soldiers return home to celebrate with their families the great victory smile.gif .

  10. July 1944:

    El Agheila is in enemy hands – 2 german corps lost in the desert...in England the Royal Airforce returns back to their homes...only to be thrown immediately into the next air-naval battle around the isle...U-34 sunk at Manchester port by carriers from Edinburgh and bombers...carriers under attack by 2 axis bombers likewise...german fleet retreats at the sight of those impressive enemy airpower now present in England...also needing some repairs and further upgrading...

    In Russia the war gets hot...Axis main forces loose 2 armies in the Ural mountains...but Russia also lost army, 6 corps and a rocket detachment...3 fortifications destroyed...airfleet shot down to str 1 by german paratroopers...meanwhile Russia started a counterattack many miles west of the main battle: russian troops approaching Vologda/Archangelsk...several german corps already got dispatched to face the new threat and lead off the fight in the Taiga...

  11. @Blashy:

    Yes, subs in SC2 are a bit overpowered when it comes to ship vs ship battles - didn´t occur historically in the extend it can happen in the game and higher port defence vs subs surely wouldn´t hurt.

    On the other side in fact the standard subs don´t do much damage to ships in port, only if you research high tech subs they really become dangerous to ships in port...so you also can say if they develope the right technology and tactics to attack ports it could have also happened in history and is perhaps not that unrealistic smile.gif .

    In any case ships in port were not invulnerable - quite in contrary at least vs bombers. In the situation here any ship in Manchester port would have been destroyed anyway in real life...probably not by subs, but by the countless bomber attacks and battleship gunfire :D .

    However - independent from the game here - since players know that against high tech subs ships are not save in port when the enemy has high tech subs, they only have to adapt their strategy to this fact. Good example my resent game vs Hellraiser where his Axis had subs lv 4 ( AAR here ) - since my Allies know hiding in port doesn´t work, they fought the battle on the open sea and were hiding at places the enemy couldn´t reach or where they had aircover smile.gif .

  12. June 1944:

    Clear summer weather...offensive against Fortress Ural can begin...countless german armies and tanks start moving towards the sinister russian mountains...while half a dozen airfleets take off from their airfields...

    Axis corps defence lines in Caucasus are holding so far...2 enemy HQs spotted on the other side of the river commanding mighty armies...but entrenched in their mountains behind the river, german corps have nothing to fear...

    In Africa allied forces accelerate their speed, attacking El-Agheila...too fast...german forces counterattack....destroying a UK army...german cruisers and italian battleships bomb Tobruk and its port to zero to eliminate allied supply.

    England and Ireland: Dark isles in the ocean...defended by 3 armies, 7 corps, 2 bombers and figthers...U-32 gets sunk in front of Manchester port...Heavy airbattles...port bombed to zero by several axis bombers and italian battleships...UK cruiser within it destroyed by subs.

  13. This one is an extraordinary game – therefore the AAR smile.gif :

    It started completely unspectacular with Hellraisers Axis using the Poland first strategy, marching their units into the west and attacking LC late in April 1940...Axis sub got sunk near Canada as usual...France fell in July 1940 after the 3 french and 2 UK chits scored one hit in Iraq - but convoi didn´t start till the second hit in January 1941 with 4 UK chits and only lasted 2 turns before the coup :D .

    Turnaround came in August 1940: surprisingly the Axis navy went onto a rampage tour, 3 german cruisers bombarding the UK bomber east of London...what seemed first as kamikaze mission, developed into the largest naval battle ever seen...resulting in 15 destroyed naval vessels.

    German scientists had been extremely successful in those few months and shipyards also busy building and upgrading subs....in August 1940 Germany already had upgraded its pre-war subs to level 4 and also built 3 new high tech subs. Simultaneously it also got successful in LR air and combat techs for its ground forces...and so the first naval battle begun after the destruction of the UK bomber in England by german air and cruisers.

    Royal Navy was divided into 2 task forces (Gibraltar and Brest) when the battle started, the first one got surprised by the german super subs when it attacked the 3 cruisers near London and was immediately eradicated: half of the Royal Navy went to the bottom of the sea in one day without enemy ships lost !

    But soon the rest of the fleet arrived...ready to revenge their comrades and now informed about the enemies wonder weapons....starting to fight the battle with flying colours....luring the enemy fleet towards Scotland – away from the german air - in the process...german subs were diving like crazy and nearly impossible to destroy (sub str 1: diving 4 times, sub str 2: diving 5 times...etc.)...lots of damages...german shipyards repaired a total of 37 sub strength points during the battle :D ...but only one of them got sunk by accident when it run onto a british shipwreak... the german surface fleet on the other side fortunately had no diving abilities and therefore no chance to survive: all 3 german cruisers (despite 9 str points repairs) as well as Bismarck battleshipgroup destroyed....nevertheless the german subs took a horrendous toll....5 UK battleships, 1 free french battleship down, 1 carrier destroyed and 3 cruisers...the rest of the fleet heavily damaged.

    And so when the italian fleet broke out in the Atlantic and joined forces with the Kriegsmarine, Axis ruled the sea and raided all convois for the next 2 years...the remaining british ships hiding first in Scotland, then Iceland and lastly west of Greenland...meanwhile Axis was passive in Europe on the ground...only Egypt got conquered (Algier secured by UK immediately after France fell and not threatened till Mid 1941)...every mpp obviously went into the naval war and research...which was extremely successful on the Axis side: Germany Subs lv 4, IW 3, AT 3, LR 3, Jets 2...Italy GLR 2 are only the visible ones...but Axis diplomacy was not far behind: despite no mpps for diplo before mid 1940 they achieved with minimum effort maximum result...3 (Mega-) hits and Spain joined Axis. But convincing Spain into joining lastly also laid the cornerstone for Axis defeat and so in the end these bustling diplomats even doomed the Axis as the future would show...without the Pacific fleet, things would have looked different in the next naval battle... tongue.gif

    To counter the Axis naval threat – especially the german subs level 4 and italian navy with GLR 2 – USA invested heavily into ship technologies and bombers...UK meanwhile built ground troops to counter a possible sealion...

    In August 1942, the now combined US and UK armada - strengthened by the Pacific fleet – set sail to win back naval dominance...US ships had been equipped with ASW 4, carriers with LR 2...US bombers were spotting from Ireland, UK carriers running ahead to spot the enemy...and so the second and last huge naval battle of this era begun southwest of Ireland in the middle of the Atlantic where both the axis and allied fleet clashed on each other:

    In the wild battle...soon shifting towards Portugal...Axis used several transports for scouting and as support vessels... a spanish army and 2 corps didn´t survive their missions and now are at the bottom of the oceon as a warning example for future generations...but in the end Axis naval supremacy had been broken and the enemy nearly completely destroyed:

    2 enemy battleships, 2 cruiser and 4 subs sunk...only 2 axis battleships survived with damages and fled into ports (the last sub is busy in Baltic together with a spanish cruiser that had been shot down there to str 1).

    So in the end Axis still lost the war at sea despite all those massiv investments into its navy: researching subs lv 4...building 3 new subs... upgrading all italian ships to GLR 2...repairing in total more than 60 sub, 20 battleship and 15 cruiser strength points...

    On the ground it therefore was extremely quiet...Axis had no land forces when Barbarossa started in September 1941...if it can be called a Barbarossa tongue.gif ...in the first turn Axis didn´t dare to enter Russia and in the second only had enough units to take the empty Riga :D ...Odessa even stayed russian till summer 1942...maximum axis expansion: the 4 russian border cities taken...meanwhile Russia conquered Finland in October 1941 and Sweden. Strangely Germany later sent a full task force into Finland in May 1942, supported by 5 airfleets from Riga. Russian tanks made short process and destroyed german HQ, army and 4 corps...a Para jumped to the swedish mines where it is just about to die without supply...we are in September 1942, right after the lost naval battle and Axis already sent diplomats to negotiate about surrender...no ground battle fought during the whole war except for the lonely task force in Finland... smile.gif .

  14. War continues...we are now in May 1944:

    Allies are gaining ground...6 axis land units destroyed vs 3 allied ones...Fortress Tobruk with its last existing fortification has been eventually abandoned and will fall next turn into enemy hands despite naval support from the sea and bombardements of US armies by the Axis fleet. Rommel operates to Tripoli where engineers are preparing the next fortress while some light corps are entrenching in El-Agheila to delay the enemy so the fortifications can be completed.

    Manstein task force has to retreat from Iran/Iraq after some losses – oilfields again in russian hands, defence perimeter implemented behind river Araks (boundary between Russia and Iran). Only light skirmishes near Ural mountains...Axis waiting for clear weather to bring their airfleets into battle.

    But in the Atlantic Axis immediately demonstrate the newly hired british Admirals who now rules the seven seas... finally also german LR bombers and airfleets arrived to support them with spotting capabilites and air cover...and so they start sinking the rest of the allied fleet....first one to taste the might of the Axis navy is the last US cruiser with GLR1 + ASW2 which gets sunk directly under the enemies nose in Manchester port by several german subs lv3 to make clear who now has naval supremacy :D .

    Due to demands by the british citizens, both allied bombers operated a while ago back to England, but they can only powerless watch the destruction...Axis vessels have free hand and sink every enemy ship in sight....each turn up to 100 mpps are raided, no merchant ship reached England any more during the last 6 months ...the population is in despair, fighting for bare survival with their neighbours about the last pieces of bread...

  15. War continued...we are now in February 1944:

    While Axis secured positions within mother Russia and prepare for their assault against Ural, Western Allies went on the offensive...

    Tobruk: Key position in Africa and meanwhile built out to the largest fortress on the african continent...thousands of aircrafts standing ready in the protected caverns, 2 engineer-brigades expanding the fortifications hundreds of miles into the desert...more than a dozen armies and corps standing ready to defend against the evil forces from the east....

    5 UK/US airfleets and 2 bombers from Alexandria/Cairo finally started the desert war in October 43 by killing von Bock in his command outpost...demonstrating LR 3...following this surgical operation, UK tanks together with originally 8 US/UK armies and countless corps attacked the german frontline east of Tobruk...2 US armies and several corps get killed in the first wild battle, together with half a dozen german units on the other side, including italian engineers...Rommel got dispatched immediately into Tobruk to take over command of the Axis forces... at the beginning each turn 2-3 fresh units arrived as reinforcements via Tobruk port...until he got destroyed by enemy long-range bombers....despite Rommel and his reinforcements, Allies now attack in overwhelming forces...not much more than half a dozen german units defending and 3 fortifications are left of the once proud fortress Tobruk now....beyond the death zone around 2 dozen enemy units storming towards them....at the same time UK forces from England also started an invasion in northern Germany, conquering Essen and Hamburg.

    So at the moment Axis forces are wide-spread all over Europe, the axis empire at its largest expansion...but now fighting a 4 front war:

    - Kesselring with tank, army and 4 corps against the UK invasion in northern Germany

    - Rommel and his desert rats fighting a hopeless battle of retreat against the 4:1 superior allied forces

    - Manstein together with his task force just conquered the oil well in Iraq but is now forced to retreat back into the mountains as 2 strong russian task forces with armies and 2 paratroopers approach...

    - Axis main forces are concentrated against Ural...where nearly every mountain tile is manned by enemy corps and armies...looks like another 2 dozen russian units are entrenched in their mountain fortress...

    Losses for both sides have been extreme so far...49 axis land units vs 90 allied ones lost, 8 axis naval vessels vs 19 allied ones....Allies have the ressources to take such losses without too much trouble...having still lots of units...Germany barely able to replace all losses...less than half the available tanks built, also armies and airfleets far away from maximum...

    But this is also due to extensive investments into the naval arm of the axis forces...and so what the ground forces are missing, the axis fleets have in abundance and can now proudly announce complete and undisputed domination of the oceans...Axis subs raiding all allied convois: Iraq, Egypt, Canada and USA...no merchant ship passes through any more...potentially more than 200 mpps/turn can now be raided if necessary...Englands population already demonstrates in front of Buckingham Palace to end this war before they all starve to death... smile.gif

  16. Widespread deaths on boths sides...no turn passes by without more than half a dozen destroyed units...Axis factories working at full capacities to replace at least partially the losses in this bloody stage of the war....while shipyards in Greece, Portugal and Spain are busy repairing and upgrading italian battleships and german subs...meanwhile the first naval battle occured near Alexandria when several allied cruisers arrived via Suez loop...heavy airbattles between various german AFs from Tobruk and UK+US fighters around Amman...

  17. Back to the game:

    August 1943:

    Heavy battles in Egypt as well as Fortress Caucasus...both sides each loosing tank/army and 2 corps....Grozny conquered by Axis. Finally the axis eastern Mediterranean fleet steps in and starts sinking allied transports...there are so many, they don´t even know which one to sink first :D ...Allies obviously hadn´t enough space in Egypt to land them all...only 11 heavy allied units found a tile around Alexandria smile.gif .

  18. @Blashy:

    To be inferior in numbers has not much to say in SC2 - same applies for mpps ;) . Never quit and give up too early. Only if you surrender you really have lost...usually you always have still a chance to turn the tide till close to the end...but only if you don´t lose courage and continue to fight !

    Choosing the right time and place for a battle is much more important than numbers or mpps and if you achieve tactical advantage in a battle you can easily beat a 2:1 superior enemy force. Just have a look at the last naval battle: 15 allied vessels with better tech against only 11 axis ones - result: 6 allied fleets sunk vs only 1 german and naval superiority shifted to Axis.

    The same can happen the other way around if Allies can force Axis in a battle of their choosing...that´s also why my main fleet decided to retreat in the battle before and let Bismarck and Andrea Doria die the death of a hero instead of assisting them in battle...better to cut your losses instead of sending more units into an already lost battle that is fought on enemy terms.

    That is also one of the reasons why luck plays no real role in SC2 - one sided luck can give or take you maybe a few hundred mpps in total...one well fought battle easily makes a difference of several thousand mpps and offsets any random influence (See land battles in Russia or again the last naval battle: Allied losses: ~ 2500 mpp vs ~ 500 mpps on the Axis side).

    Here in the game Axis may now have numerical superiority, but Allies still have their core fleet with better tech and after reinforcing, it also has the potential to gain back naval superiority if Allies next time can force Axis into battle on their terms.

    Besides, Allies still have mpp advantage and their land forces are strong in numbers - at least their UK and US forces...Western Allies had 4 years preparation and only lost 2 units in France... ;)

  19. Yep, Rommel gave orders not to be disturbed...after 2 years of counting sand corns in his underwear and playing camel poker to kill time he therefore finally died peacefully in his bed in Alexandria when suddenly a US blind shell fell through the roof on his head :D .

    Again perfect timing from Allies here – next turn it would have been too late to conquer Alexandria...Axis as well prepared a Middle East offensive on their side too in order to attack Allies there in a pincer movement and sent a massive transport wave towards Egypt-Syria...only Allies arrived one turn earlier smile.gif . So since destination ports are now blocked or in enemy hands, von Bock and his task force of half a dozen units had to reroute and land in Tobruk instead of Alexandria-Cairo....this time the UK bomber placed west of Alexandria can spot Axis units popping up around Tobruk like ants... :D

    Unimpressed from the allied ambush against Egypt, Axis forces in Russia start their assault against Fortress Caucasus to force Allies in a two front war in the MiddleEast-Caucasian combat sector. Russian tank gets bombed out of his fortification northeast of Grozny while simultaneously german paratroopers occupy Baku and its oilfields.

  20. Back to the game here:

    Independence Day - July 4, 1943:

    The naval battle is over...ending in total axis victory at sea and from now on undisputed naval supremacy of the combined italian-german fleets...african and portuguese ports are swamped with shipwrecked british and american sailors, picked up from their sinking ships all over the ocean... :D . Italian and german seaman will never forget that sight till the horizon of allied ships beyond numbers...going down in flammes as far as the eye can reach...the tale of this day will never be forgotten by them and told their children and grandchildren....

    At the end of the day, the last barely floating allied wreckages flee in panic into all directions, followed and hunted down by german wolfpacks, cruisers and italian battleships while 3 airfleets train sub hunting at the US submarine cought near Portugal and finally sunk by a german cruiser.

    Axis naval command is very pleased with the performance of its fleets and rewards all ship captains with the highest decoration. All odds against them: the enemy superior in numbers (15 allied vs 11 axis fleets - the others out of battle range) , better allied tech (GLR 1, ASW 2) and also weather in favour of the enemy, Axis forces still managed to achieve with minimal own losses a complete naval victory smile.gif .

    Total losses of the battle:

    Axis: One smile.gif german sub sunk (U-73)

    Allies: 1 US carrier, 2 US battleshipgroups, 2 US cruiser and 1 US subfleet at the bottom of the sea.

    Relative naval strength the day after:

    Axis: 14 fleets

    Allies: 9 fleets

    On the ground it is still quiet...no western allied forces anywhere seen in mainland Europe any more...german forces approaching Caucasus fortress....preparing their assault against the russian stronghold.

  21. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    *** Breaking News ***

    Rumor has it, Terif is scared to play against my new strategy! He is dodging me!

    Weekdays = workdays... tongue.gif

    Nevertheless we managed it now towards the weekend to squeeze in a session before Rambo had to go on his long trip smile.gif . So far I can see no new strategy, only the same 4 rockets in 1940 his Axis already used the last half a dozen games :D .

  22. June 1943 – the battle for the Atlantic has begun...

    In clear weather the combined US-UK fleet engages the first german spotter subs west of Portugal. Allies got besides a free french airfleet (destroyed in England during the first naval battle more than a year ago by ship bombardement) also 2 free french cruisers that are also already corroding at the bottom of the sea, but that means despite their heavy losses they still possess 4 carriers, 4 battleships, 6 cruisers and a sub, upgraded to GLR 1 and the US ships also to ASW 2 – all sent into battle now.

    The new german sub U-73 is one of the first to encounter the enemy...still untrained it is unable to evade the enemy attacks - the first victim of this confrontation. U-47 on the other side higly experienced and already rewarded with 5 medals proves not to be such an easy target as the green recruits of U-73...and so they not only manage to survive at str 6 but also to deliever massive damage to the attackers in return smile.gif .

    In the Axis turn the weather gods save the day for Allies as they send stormy weather so Axis ships only do half the damage they would do normally...otherwise the allied fleet would not exist any more after challenging the might of the german-italian fleet in axis territory...

    Only 5 wolfpacks are in range of the battlefield as they are spread out to hunt merchant shipping...german naval command immediately orders the remaining subs to approach the combat area with full speed...and so Axis surface fleet together with the wolfpacks currently present – several of them with 5 experience medals – only manages to sink 2 US battleships and a US cruiser in the counterstrike....3 other cruisers reduced to str 4, 5 and 6. At least now all US battleships are at the bottom of the sea smile.gif .

    Meanwhile it is quiet on the ground in all other theaters: Brest got occupied by german forces, Russia retreated back into its mountain fortresses in Ural and Caucasus while Russia is beeing cut in two...both sides are licking their wounds and doing repairs – the decissive battle is now fought on sea for naval supremacy in the Atlantic and all other forces are holding their breath...watching the clash of these 2 gigantic fleets...

    [ May 18, 2007, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

  23. Yep a really good game from Jollyguy with many excellently fought battles and traps set up by him smile.gif .

    Only a bit too aggressive sometimes - especially last turn the allied commander got overwhelmed by an over-aggressive mood and counterattacked again - this time in the wrong season and place.

    He destroyed 3 german corps, but now it is already May 1942 with clear summer weather so the Axis air can fly again and support their ground troops - wreaking havoc amongst the russsian units...Stalingrad conquered, 3 russian armies destroyed as well as an airfleet standing too close to the front now...the survivors heavily damaged.

    In the West the city of Brest is about to fall after the last US corps in France gets killed by advancing german troops and Brest port is already axis.

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