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Posts posted by RSColonel_131st

  1. Originally posted by TikiBob:

    Don't bother challenging someone in the cesspool until you get a better grasp of 5th grade english.


    Oh I'm terrible sorry, you typo-searching Git. Did I hurt your feelings with that awfull grammatical error of mine?

    If you want to debate about the virtues of correct grammar, how about we do it in german? Of course, dont bother if you can't speak 5th grade german at all.

    Sublime, I'm gonna accept your little-bitty challenge because SgtOOdy alone ain't going to keep me busy anyway. Send me a setup with everthing 'xcept the russkys in it - I dont play em. How about something original - hungarian vs romanian late war? Make it 1000 to 2000 points, I dont care what type of battle, you will lose anyway.

    SgtgOOdy, nice try at talking tough, but your tank crews (the few that survived the last match...very few indeed) are bound to remember the outcome better than you. I'm surprised they didn't desert and run away from a commander who slaughtered them better than I ever could.

    As for Senachais Lederhosen Fetish...the mental picture prevents me from answering at all. OF course, him being a Minisodian, I'd expect nothing better. Maybe some day I should open a Lederhosen Store over there, guranteed market hit.

  2. Let it hereby be know that SgtGoody send me a revenge for our last PBEM (and he DOES call me Wittman now).

    Also, let it be know that I challenge him for a signature line. The loser of our new battle will bear a line of choice by the winner in his signature for 8 weeks (2 Months for the Cess Poolers who might not figure it out themself).

    So, SgtTwoShoes, you accept? Otherwise I'll just proceed to kill you less enthusiastic, but still with a vengeance.

    [ February 24, 2003, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: RSColonel_131st ]

  3. Interesting, kinda related tidbit. Since switching to FSAA 4x I can see my in game FS2002 Menus again. This had been bugging me ever since going to Windows 2K.

    There is definitly some weird error in the Nvidia drivers that creates problems with overlays in 3d graphics and such. In both games, the menus and buttons are there, you can click them, but you can't see them unless you switch to 4x.

  4. Before I get flamed...I'm not a pirate or somefink. You can test me by asking questions about the CD Design, Manual Quotes, whatever you please - I have the real deal, bought in shop from CDV.

    But, my usual gaming evening involves BF1942 (yeah, yeah, arcade...but fun) and CM. Trough constant switching of CD's I almost scratched the CM Disk once when I dropped it. No CD means the good stuff can stay in the DVD Package and goes unharmed.

    I wonder, nowadays, of the CD-in-Drive Check is really usefull anymore, anyway.

  5. A few points...

    I'm not a long time CMBB Player, but I'm getting better, and for my understanding infantry always is supposed to support armor, not the other way round. Infantry is usefull for holding ground, but you really need tanks to get them there (unless you have a map with so much wood that vehicles are useless anyway).

    I usually do okay with a squad riding on each tank, and any additional vehicles will be used for HMGs, FO's, and other support staff.

    I could imagine that in small games without lots of tanks, or in huge battles without armor, that infantry in HT's has a place...but as soon as you bring armor in, HT's are not really usefull.

    If I had to convert my tactics for HT's, I'd have them follow the heavy first line of the attack, ready to dismount and surpress Anti-Tank Stuff or scout for the heavier units.

    The German Infantry Squad Tactics book sold here on the site is supposed to have a chapter about mounted and unmounted infantry tactics in cooperation with HT's. I'll fetch it from my parent's home this weekend, can tell you then how usefull it is.

  6. Talking about the Tiger B & W Print...it arrived over a week ago, but since I had it shipped to my parents adress it was only yesterday that I could have a look at it.

    The detail is amazing. Best example is one of the dirt-stopper panels (above the tracks) missing on the right side of the tank. Looks like it was blown off during combat. There's also a small something dangling down from the Muzzle of the Radio Op's MG43. Have yet to find out what that is, but at any rate the detail on the tank looks really cool. As do the burning wrecks and advancing tanks in the grassland behind the tiger.

    If there's one change I'd suggest is that the posters could be even bigger. 24x16 is a nice size already, but the picture fills only the center, with a noticeable white frame around it. Of course that looks better when mounted on the wall, but I'd like that thing to be big - maybe even huge. Say 32 x 27. Of course, that's for people like me who can make a Tank Poster the dominant picture of their living room. I see why for "normal households" you would want smaller sizes.

    The handwritten signature and limited edition numbering make it perfect. Quite a bit more luxuriously than any home decoration bought at Ikea.

    Two thumbs up from this customer. Still waiting for my german squad tactics book, though ;)

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