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    St. Louis, MO

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  1. Thanks for you quick reply. Too bad that I can't travel with the CD and a diskette and resume my game anywhere. I wonder if that's allowed with CMBB? At least I can show the game to anyone who has a computer, and show them what it looks like and how it handles.
  2. I'm able to run the game from my CD-Rom (rather than installing it; fast way to play if I'm away from my home box). However, how do you play a saved game? I have a previously saved game on the hard drive: how do I load it up? When I get a list of scenarios, I don't see an option to look for my saved game on the hard drive. I tried a command line to try and run it, but I keep getting "There is no program called Combat" or something like it. Any tips here? [ November 19, 2002, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: bignickel ]
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