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Everything posted by viper007700

  1. Every other game i have works fine also (Unreal 2003, Medal of honor, age of mythology, etc.)
  2. I have the new detonator drivers from nvidia for xp (the 40 series). I think my refresh rate is set to the lowest (60 hertz) Is that what is meant by optimal? The same thing happens though?? Any other ideas? Thanks.
  3. My refresh rate is at 60 hertz. I think that is as low as it goes and i also tried set to lower resolution but that didn't help. Any other thoughts?
  4. i've downloaded the demo of cm barbarrosa. When i try to run the game my monitor syas "out of frequncy". Is it because of my video drivers?. I have an nvidia tnt2 with the new detonator drivers. Thanks for the help
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