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Dan Fraser

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Everything posted by Dan Fraser

  1. Sir Many thanks, I used my full version CD. It is a more interesting game on a Mac. For future reference, I am using a PowerMac 7200/75 with 32Mb RAM with OS 8.6. It is very some and nice, now a 17 inch screen and more Gb of hard drive. ANyone got any old PowerMac stuff they want to sell.
  2. Sir I have justed been given a Power 7200/75 with 64 Mb RAM, 500Mb Hard Drive,14 inch Monitor with built speakers, and running OS 8.6. Will it run TacOps 4 effectively. Will the next full version of TacOps be a hybrid CD? This is my first Mac at home although I have used them in university and at work. Dan F
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