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Everything posted by ConantheBarbarian

  1. Ok I take it back it's a very usefull website. I registered and downlaoded a few mods. I'm still looking for a few I used to have but can't find them there....Gordon Molek or Bergmann I think was the artist if I recall and I can't find any of there stuff. I'll look again maybe I missed it. Happy New Year.
  2. Alright I guess I'll take a look, thanks for the reply. Any other websites anyone can give me?
  3. Been out of playing CMBB for sometime but again reloaded it and getting into it. I just made a great operation with the scenario editor and was really hoping to add some mods to the game to make it even more visually enjoyable. I looked for mods online but found that CMoutpost closed and CMHQ hasn't updated forever. I'd really like to grab some mods I had before ( I bought a new PC and never saved my hard-drive.) I recall some great mods from marco bergmann which I'd like to get back. I noticed that the CM Mod database is still up but it bothers me to have to register to download. It wouldn't be such a hassle but the website is not that great and as I recall from last time I visited there is no screenshot previews of what the mod looks like. I miss CM Outpost, that was a really great site from what I recall. CMHQ was great also but a little messy, still it was a great spot, in fact I used to use it as a homepage. Any help in a linked or archive for some decent CMBB mods would be appreciated; thank you.
  4. I was surprised to see that in one or two scenarios that Kubelwagons, trucks and Halftracks had command abilities; is there a way to recreate this? For example in Golzow two trucks and a Kubelwagon have command abilities...although they don't appear to have any use as they have no squad to command. I tried several keyboard options while in the scenario editor to make a kubelwagon or an ordinary halftrack into a command vehicle but no success. If anyone knows of a way to force squad leader abilities upon a vehicle that can't be chosen as a squad please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  5. I don't know what the stats for a Russian Katyusha rocket launcher truck are but I thought it could be on the map for support just as a Flak truck or support vehicle. I know they are indirect vehicles but so are mortar crew and we use them. From I read the Katyusha rockets in Stalingrad were used across river at night but I think it wouldn't be unrealistic if they were provided in game. Whatever the case I'm not concerned it wasn't available just wanted to ask if it was. John
  6. ...? Well not sure...Howard after all created Conan the Barbarian but I think Kull was a creation of Marvel. King Kull I think started in 'Savage Sword of Conan' comic/magazine. BUt I recall a specific letter re/ who came first was in the mail/letter section of Savage Sword Mag and it stated that Kull's empire was after Conan and the Hyperborean era. John
  7. I'm sure this has already been asked but I was too lazy to do a search. Did BTS leave out the Russian Katyusha rocket launcher truck? It's not a big deal if the rockets are only available through spotters I was just curious if you could purchase the truck itself. I tried to find it but could not and thought it might only be available at a certain timeline in the game. Thanks in advance. John
  8. Hehehe sorry couldn't resist being a Conan fan as well as an Arnold fan. LOL I like the pics Michael I'll stop by your website to pick them up. I'll probably still change a few others to movie personalities just because I'm a big movie fan. In CMBO I changed all the pics to Saving Private Ryan, Big Red One and other movie shots....of course I had to add Oddball from Kellies Heros for my US armour profile pics. Those pics make the game more fun for me, personal preference I guess. John [ October 31, 2002, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: ConantheBarbarian ]
  9. Thanks Matt, I'm a little surprised I haven't seen this issue talked abit more about but as I said it's in my opinion, and problably others also, small potatoes. Its still bothers me.....taht it is the 3/4 view, but the POSITIVE side is that it is probably the only issue I have as CMBB is so awesome. Is there anywhere online in an archive I can get those original pics before they were edited...as they should be somewhere? Otherwise I'm planning on modding all the profile pics myself. Nothing to extravagant as it's not important to me that the portraits are proper. I assume I'll just do screenshots of Enemy of the Gates and Stalingrad and then make them into portraits. I can always add nationality flags to the portrait...it should look ok. John
  10. No, I mentioned the flag in point#2 But point noted... I still hold to my point where the full portrait was made of the unit which everything could be seen well enough. Enlarging it and cutting off 25% of the picture didn't seem to help things. I really don't understand the decision to do so. Why didn't hey just use markers like the ones in ASL in the middle of a flag instead of wrecking the unit portrait? PS- Conan in comic book history came before Kull...Conan was played in movies by Arnold, Kull was played by Kevin Sorba in a movie...I rest my case John
  11. Would someone explain to me, please, why the unit profile pics are not done to show the UNIT in PROFILE? Currently the full version and the demo show the pics of soldiers (BMPS) enlarged so that the upper and right border of the BMP is 25% missing. I assume this is to 1)emphasize unit insignia or ranks on shoulder patchs and 2)emphasize the unit uniform and flag to upper left. Maybe I'm missing something but this makes no improvement for me as the picture is to small to see the shoulder patch. Someone obviously took some time to make the pictures of the unit profiles and then BTS seems to have made a conscious decision to wreck it by only showing 3/4 of the picture to emphasize a portion of it. I have seen pictures from BTS during the making of CMBB and no they USED to have the full picture in there of the unit profiles but changed it. I don't like it the way it is and look forward to Modding it but mostly I don't understand why they did it. Would someone please explain to me or give me a link to a thread that explains it so that I might accept this rather minor irritation. It is of course really small potatoes but I'm pretty curious why that decision was made. Any positive or constructive responses would be appreciated. PS- Don't call me a NOOB, I lost my old password to the Forum and to recreate a new account. I have been a BTS fan since prior to first CM demo release. John aka ConantheBarbarian [ October 29, 2002, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: ConantheBarbarian ]
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