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Scots Gray mkII

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About Scots Gray mkII

  • Birthday 01/08/1960


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  • Interests
    All aspects of military history
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  1. The problem is that the 251/10 has only been given a team carriage capacity wheras in reality it could carry the 7 man platoon HQ(including mortar)so maybe the vehicle needs patched to squad capacity. Alternativly mount some squads on your supporting armour (thats the best solution I can come up with)
  2. Also included were the last remnants of the SS Charlemange division and a SPANISH!!! SS company. As with Wallonie and Nordland they went down to the last man
  3. Actually a similar event to this scenario occured in 1941.The roadblock in real life was a KV II which held up a division fo 24 hours just by sitting on a road.The germans tried everything to kill it and lost heavily(at one point they got an 88 behind it but it was spotted and killed almost immediatly. In 41 KVs are mega-scary kit
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