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Posts posted by Ant

  1. Very good work as usual Andrew. One quick question if I may though. You've done wehrmacht uniforms both summer and winter, you've done SS uniforms, you've done Russian winter uniforms and now Fallschirmjager. Is there any chance that you'll be doing Russian summer uniforms?

    The reason I ask is because I was thinking of doing my very first mod on the Russian summer uniforms, as I think the stock ones are a little on the bland side. However, if you're going to be doing them then I can't see me needing to do mine as yours will be undoubtedly better anyway.

  2. That's funny, I could have sworn that e-mail addresses used to be in profiles. Don't seem to be in there now.

    My e-mail is Ant_martin@btopenworld.com

    Thanks for the files. One caveat though, I've never done a mod before. I'm familiar with the technicalities of it, and I've got picture editing programs but I'm not sure how my artistic talents (or lack thereof) will bear up. I'll definitely give it a go, but I probably won't start it until after Xmas.

    I'm not familiar with DOD I'm afraid but I always thought that greatcoats were not possible.

  3. Hofman, the greatcoat cannot be modded because the 3d graphics won't allow greatcoats.

    I would, however, be interested if you have any illustrations (ie. not real photos) of the Russian uniform with rain cape (as I now know it to be smile.gif )

    Unfortunately I've only got a 56K connection so I can't practically take any huge file sizes.

  4. No it is not, they weren't commonly issued blankets. It is the rain cape.
    Thanks Michael. Well whatever it is I like them and I want them smile.gif

    So as soon as I get Xmas out the way I reckon I'm going to have to buy a book or two and try my very first mod.

    possibly because it would'nt look right on a flat surface.
    Yes, I was wondering about that myself, but there's plenty other stuff on the uniforms that shouldn't look right on a flat surface but do OK (German gas mask containers, backpacks etc.)

    Oh and Andrew, I'd just like to point out that I love your uniform mods, and I hope that if I do get to try mine it'll be at least half as good as some of yours

  5. I'd like to take this opportunity to repeat something that I posted on another thread because I'd really like an answer to this.

    Whilst on the subject of Russian uniforms one thing has been puzzling me slightly. Whenever I see pictures or movies, or even models of WW2 Russian infantry they always seem to be wearing that fabric roll type thing (don't know what it is) that's slung over one shoulder. I've seen this so often that I've got the impression that it was very common, yet none of the Russian infantry in CMBB seem to be wearing them. Furthermore no mods seem to represent this, and nobody has even mentioned it. Was it not as common as I seem to think?
  6. Whilst on the subject of Russian uniforms one thing has been puzzling me slightly. Whenever I see pictures or movies, or even models of WW2 Russian infantry they always seem to be wearing that fabric roll type thing (don't know what it is) that's slung over one shoulder. I've seen this so often that I've got the impression that it was very common, yet none of the Russian infantry in CMBB seem to be wearing them. Furthermore no mods seem to represent this, and nobody has even mentioned it. Was it not as common as I seem to think?

  7. Ian, the winter version of any graphic is 50000+original .BMP number. Example: XYZTank gun barrel grpahic 7234.bmp. If a winter scenario is used, CM will first look for a 57234.bmp and if it doesn't find it, it will use 7234.bmp as a default. If the original number was 12456.bmp, then the winter version will be 62456.bmp.

    The .bmp's for winter and summer are two seperate files. In general, you can add winter mods without overwriting any of the original mods.

    Does this apply to infantry uniforms as well or is it purely vehicles?
  8. Usually the gun brackets the target - one short shot, one long shot, then he starts to refine his aim.
    Speaking of bracketing what is the deal with that?

    I would have thought that you aim to hit with the very first shot, then refine your aim accordingly if you miss; but I keep hearing about bracketing being a deliberate policy of using your first two shots as rangefinders. I would have thought that this was extremely wasteful of ammo, not to mention downright hazardous to ones lifespan.

  9. the delay to Barbarossa caused by the Balkans campaign is the main culprit. Barbarossa was originally scheduled to begin in April or May of 1941.
    I'm sure that I've read many times that this is a bit of a myth. As I understand it the Germans were incapable of a major invasion of the Soviet Union in April/May because they couldn't get everything prepared in that time. The lack of prepared forward airbases for the Luftwaffe has also been stated as the reason for the relatively late schedule for Barbarossa.
  10. I don't know much about the Napoleonic period, apart from the fact he tried to invade Russia (big mistake!).
    Sorry Wretch, but you know one thing less about the Napoleonic wars than you thought you did ;)

    Contrary to popular belief Napoleon didn't actually intend to invade Russia. He just wanted to meet up with the Russian army, give it a good thrashing, and force Russia to accept the terms of the 'continental system'

    Unfortunately the Russian army kept retreating, and Napoleon kept following it.

    Sorry, bit off topic but like I said this is my favourite period of military history :D

  11. Oh I wish!............ It's not going to happen though.

    The Napoleonic era is my favourite period for military history and I've given up hope of a good PC simulation of Napoleonic warfare. There are a couple of games out there that almost make it............but not quite. The best ones that I have played were Talonsoft's 'battleground series' but they are looking very dated now, and after a while it gets really boring fighting the same battle over and over and over again.

    Napoleonic warfare is very popular and it's about time some talented individuals got together (rules me out :D ) and did the same thing for napoleonics on the PC that BFC did for WW2.

    Unfortunately being a bit of a pessimist I'm not holding my breath.

  12. Originally posted by SixGunsSouth:

    Is the Ti 4600 better than the 4400? I think I'll be going with one of these two. This game can only be ordered online right? EB or Best Buy doesn't carry it?

    Yes, the Ti4600 is better than the Ti4400. but it's also more expensive so it depends on how much money you're willing to spend and what kind of performance you really need. I've played a 3000pt QB on a Large map with almost no slowdown on my Ti4400 and all the detail is at maximum so I would have though that a Ti4600 is a bit overkill if you don't want to spend that much money.
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