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Posts posted by haido

  1. * Larger multiplayer battles 2 players or more.

    * Actual unit size

    * More tracer lights and ambient sounds

    * No time-limit in deployment mode

    * A better interface in Before-game menus

    * Shelling with mortar into forests

    * Models ingame

    * Larger Artillery Impacts

    Larger multiplayer battles 2 players or more:

    It would be fun to share the multiplayer mode with a friend making tactics and so on. There are two modes possible here.

    One player is one army or 2 players or more are one army sharing the points spent. I think this would really boost the community with clan games and so on.

    Actual unit size:

    I want to see the people i kill (Call me morbid). I do not believe the **** about it taking up to much CPU. If it does then just reduce it with a simple CTRL+X toggle.

    More Tracers lights and ambient sounds:

    Give a more feeling to the chaotic enviroment a battlefield really is.

    No time-limit in deployment mode:

    When playing multiplayer with timelimit, the game counts the deployment as a turn and therefore it can sometimes be really impossible to deploy on a 2 min round time.

    A better interface in Before-game menus:

    They just suck

    Shelling with mortar into forests:

    I think it would be fair to say that the mortars actually fired deeper into the forest than they could see. Even though they didnt fire in to forests. But i still want the option available if necessary.

    Overall better models ingame:

    They infantry units look like **** *honest*.

    Kinda like 3 boxes stacked on eachother and painted with a smile. It's really not that important but everything helps to add that little special thing.

    Larger Artillery Impacts.

    They are kinda small. I also would like a better sound for those incoming projectiles.

    I do think all of this could be done, if just put some time into it.

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