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Posts posted by haido

  1. Now i've seen som videos i tried to search the forum but didn't find a topic regarding my take on infantry.

    Seems like you control them all one by one? Or is it a Represent a squad like in combatmission?

    Are there squads?

    Will squads be able to hide in buildings?

    Will there be infantry battle only sometimes?

    I have only seen tankbattles so far?

    I would be too bad to ruin a game with such great potential to just leave out infantry battles.

    Please someone answer my questions

  2. Perhaps maybe, but i use my scouts to scout ways of safe approach. I use them as cannon fooder in other words. And you have to consider the other factors. Weapon strength, with tank hunters you have ability to destroy some tanks, you can actually survive a contact with an enemy plutoon for a little while. You can hardly say that for a scout. Then consider the price you get 2(x11) tank hunters for 1(x22) scout. With that you even have the ability to search a wider area for enemy forces. You can even use your tank hunters to secure flanks and so on.

  3. I know this might seem a little bit "gamey" but if youre in a quickbattle. Your tankhunters make out the perfect scouts. Small in number, fast and can run for long. Very cheap and well armed.

    Perfect for running stretches to check if there might be enemy resistance along the strech youre about to move your platoon in.

    And i can't tell you how many times ive done this and discovered when i've entered a forest ive seen enemy vehicles behind that ive taken out.

    The German Tankhunters beat every single unit in the game as a scout unit. Even the sharpshooter (way to expensive)

    If there are an ally equivalent i would say, A bar team. Its cheaper altough not as versatile.

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