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Posts posted by ArmenianBoy

  1. I've just recently received the game and I have to completely agree with the initial post. A bit of tweaking does have to be done to reduce air powers ability to remove strength points. At the same time an adjustment should be made to put the emphasis of air power on ground targets to reduce readiness and supply. Although if people read my post about oil reserve points, the issue with massing on air units might go away.

    - Still love the game, which is my reason for trying to help with some tweaking. smile.gif

  2. I really like the idea of differentiating between oil and other resources. A major country should have some type of oil reserve point number and each time a unit is used that would require oil the reserve looses a point. The units that could require oil can simply be air/armor/naval. If the country had no remaining oil points, maybe a unit could still move half of what it could before, but not be able to attack (or at a penalty)?

    Also, at the end of the turn countries gains oil reserve points based off there current oil centers. This would add some reality to maintaining certain unit types in the field.

    I have not thought all the details out, but if there's positive feedback from designers, I'll be happy to do more brainstorming.

    - Each major county would begin each campaign with a starting oil reserve value.

  3. I have to agree that the release of the computer version of 'Third Reich' was a travesty. If that game had been released by Russian design group, they would have been all shot :mad: ! The game never worked right and had tons of bugs even as a production release, guess they never heard of alpha/beta testing?

    This also assisted in the demise of the Avalon Hill computer games division and Avalon Hill as a whole probably. Part of it was saved and bought up by Hasbro Games.

  4. Germany also built extensive fortification in the east 'Hagen line' later in the war and planned on building more. The limited resources coupled with the priority of new defenses in the west, didn't permit this. But, Germany had the 'Tote' workforce capabale of building large fortifications as well.

    Also, let's not forget the fortifications that were built in N. Africa by Germany and Britain, naming Tobruk for Britan as an example.

  5. Zappsweden has written:

    15. Reduce plunder/pillage rates:

    They have a tendency to create a domino-effect in favour of the germans, which make allied possibility of military actions very hard until Russia enters the war.

    16. Consider changing the production system:

    Reduce the production cost for all units but instead let them cost some maintenance. The problem now is that if UK have too high losses when defending France then it will take them more too long to rebuild a large military force.

    The problem with your arguement is that both conditions mimic the reality of that period.

    -limited military actions were really the only avaialble options for the Allies(Britain) ealry in the war before Russia and the USA got involved. Remember that during WWII about 70-80% German war resources when into the east front meat grinder.

    - and yes, if Britain decides to go heavy into France and suffers they will be set-back else where. Remember Dunkirk is what allowed a large Anglo-French commitment later in the war.

  6. I'm in the same boat and waiting for my copy to arrive soon. I feel like a little kid just before Christmas, when I come home from work to see if my copy has finally arrived. So far no sugar plum fairies.

    As for significant gains, well before the Demo has ended I've done a few cool things. One game I just conquered France as fast as possible as to build a fleet with the plunder. I continued to plunder Yugo and Greece to keep up the fleet funding. I upped my gun laying research by 1 and got a breakthrough early. The fleet I built was for destroying the mighty UK navy, which I finally did before the demo ended. It took a combination of air and navy to do this.

    Of course you can do this in a real game where Russia will be a threat, however, know that the game was going to end with Russia still a 'sleeping bear' I didn't care. Build a navy for Germany makes no real sense, as the ground/air units are a must to deal with threats on the continent.

    Another game I conquered France, balklans(non-friends), Spain, and Portugal before the end of 1940 :cool: .

    When I get my full version I will proceed TO CONQUER THE WORLD, hehe. :eek: Yeah, everybody loves to play Germany/Italy and do the what if's.

  7. I agree that plunder seems to be an all to easy reason to gain quick mpp at sometimes little/no cost, except possibly time. However, if there was a cost for a DoW as suggested in another thread as well as activation cost for units moved(attacking) in a turn.

    What I mean is that each time a unit is moved (or maybe just used in an attack) there is an associated fee (small) in mpp that is deducted. The cost would depend on the type of unit that is moved (attacked with) with inf being the cheapest and possible air/armor/naval the more expensive.

    Granted the current model may not allow for the right amount of mpp per major nations to keep play balance. For example the war on the east front would require the axis to keep a surplus of mmp if they planned to have an active period of attacks. Thus, some tweeking would be necessary.

    This model would help to correctly even out the pillage of some countries, which currently may be in the 'no brainer' category.

    -just some food for thought.

  8. The building of fortifications could be limited to cities and maybe costal hexes. Also, the cost of these fortifications would be high as to reflect the material and men needed form extra support functions. Each major county would have a limited # of fortification they could build, with a possibility of more through research. Research could also effect the effectiveness of a fortification. It sounds like the effect needs to be lowered a bit for the starting base.

    -Just some thoughts.

    PS: you really need to have airbone units:

    - Uk 1 unit

    - USA 1 unit

    - Germany 1 unit

    - Russia 1 unit

    Major countries could gain more through research. As for the transport air fleets, they could be added as a unit to either drop airborne or supplies to isolataed units. A countries bomber tech could increase the possible range of the transport air fleet. Or just do air transportation the same way you do naval transportation. I don't like this as much, because I currently think the naval transport functionality is a bit bogus.

  9. umm, to be blunt and harsh, you obviously have no idea what actual effects play balance issues. You really think play balance will be solved if the concepts of experience, research, and pillage were simply removed? This post deserves no more replies. So to answer your question, yes your wrong! Unit costs per nation, mpp resources, and starting levels of research are the more pressing issues that deal with play balance.

  10. Although I have not received my full version yet, I find it hard to believe the game does not allow building of fortifications? Throughout WWII many countries built significant fortifications with varying results. How hard would it be to add the functionality to build a fortification level for a given MMP cost? They could be treated almost like static units for technical reasons(not to get into the stacking issue). Higher levels should probably cost more than the initial level? Not having the West Wall or Sigfreid line seems a bit odd, only to mention a few.

    What do others think?

    PS: I'll have more comments once I start playing the full version. I do understand the game needs to be kept playable on the grand scheme of things.

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