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Posts posted by Sigurd

  1. Like LOS, we could imagine LOH (Line Of Hearing), which for example would be very "short" (u can't hear above 30m) if there is an arty barrage falling nearby.

    It would be a step beyond the actual "static" management (LOH is shorter if it's raining, but has a predefined length). Maybe for the rewrite?

    Wth the updated suppression model, I find you need even more suppressing fire over suspected ennemy area (marked by sound contact), thus highlighting the importance of the noise management.

  2. From Rex, concerning the grouping of cover arc commands :

    Sigurd - lots of us agree with your suggestion, and I have asked about it recently. Unfortunately Steve said it's a definite no-go, too much coding work apparently.

    Thanks for the clear, definitive answer. I understand the Pb.

    BTW I agree with MikeyD concerning the commander of the KV-1, needing much time to occupate the right seat, when he buttons up. Then delaying the first shot.

    Is it possible to implement this without too much coding ?...

    I read elsewhere on this forum that bad ergonomics caused some early Russian tanks to be quite ineffective. Is it only reflected by actual ROF / spotting abilities / inexperienced crews / 2 man-turet penalties? or is there some hard coding to translate those especially bad ergonomics ?

    (but for the most part, I'm already happy with it, I find the existing tank modeling far more enjoyable, in comparaison with CMBO :D !)

    [ October 09, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Sigurd ]

  3. good introduction of CM (and more generally real world) tactics. Newcomers can always take a look at the tutorials at Madmatt's Combat Mission HQ

    They'll find SRE means Search and Recon Elements, and MLR Main Line of Resistance

    and that it's sometimes best to fall back the forward elements to the reserve, than moving forward the reserve. (just as example of something weird for newbies at the first sight, i think)

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