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Posts posted by Gman

  1. I would like to try and explain another view about the air power. I agree with Brian Rock. However to try to put it in game terms. The ground unit in question was so badly hit that for all intensive purposes it was removed from the map. To put it in other terms. If you ever played Third Reich. I remember playing the Allies and destoying the 4-6 DAK. Only to see the Axis player buy it back next turn and place it on the map.

  2. Yes, Mr. Hubert has done a great job with this game. This is the closest I've seen to Third Reich (the board game) in a very long time. Also wanted to agree with the comments of "BriantheWise" and "Les the Sarge 9-1b". I'm a newbie to SC. Just been playing the demo until my copy of SC gets here! smile.gif

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