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Posts posted by dougmangin

  1. Originally posted by Jollyguy:

    My experience is that British/Canadian units in Axis contolled France live on. Allied units in Vichy French territory at the time of surrender, however, surrender themselves.

    The lesson is don't have British/Canadian units in what will soon be Vichy territory upon French surrender. You'll lose them.

    My experience has been the same. And I sympathise with whoever started this string - I have had the same thing happen to me. In a recent game I had a british hq, tank, corp, and air fleet in syria ready to attack iraq. france surrendered and instead of moving those units outside syria - they simply were destroyed.

    I dont understand under the same circumstances the same thing does not happen to axis units. For example if you have an italian unit in areas to be controlled by vichy france, when france falls those units are moved outside the borders of vichy - they arent lost.

    If british units are in areas to be controlled by vichy france when france falls - they are destroyed. Neither are german units in italy eliminated when italy falls. Really except this one quirk with france no units are ever lost when a nation is conquered, except the units of that nation.

  2. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    Interesting analysis, I'm on a mini break right now, but as soon as I get back into town next week I'll take a look.



    Originally posted by I/O Error:

    Daaaaaamn... if this is at all true (and it sounds right now that I think about it) this is a huge problem. Technically the air battles aren't fought in the air at all, are they? They're just fought between two ground units that happen to have strike ranges of six squares or more. Ouch.



    Since the post above I have changed the setups I was running to include only german and british units of the same tech level, same hq level, same experience level and running the setup one way with germans attacking and british intercepting and then start another game the other way.

    In running a total of more than 100 attacks - all with the same tech level - all with the same hq level - all supplied - the german attacking units lost a total of 178 strength points, the interceptor 264.

    I had not yet forwarded the results to hubert but if you have run enough similar tests that have found the same results that I have found - then I would say the proof is there.

    You however were smart enough to do more than try to quantify what was happening, but also WHY. And your thinking is nothing I would have ever come up with - but it makes total and complete sense.

    Entrenchment or terrain effects can have a tremendous impact on the outcome of any engagement. If Hubert can check on this and let us know if this is really the case my biggest gripe with the game will be solved.

    Now I am not one to gloat - but......

  3. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    Makes sense to me after Bill's explanation -- glad he offered it. I can't imagine being able to play pbem with the interception choice. If the intercept choice were ever developed it would have to be disabled for Human v. Human.

    Bill thanks for the insight, and you are right - this may very well add a degree of complexity that just wont work with pbem and/or tcp/ip. I do like the idea of say verses AI you can choose, intercept yes or no - but in playing a human you can disable it, or set up a threshold - either in terms of unit strength or in terms of expected losses. Perhaps you say no unit with a strength less than 7 will intercept - and no unit will intercept if expected losses are more than 2 - something like that.

    Pheasible, I dont know I am as far from computer programming literate as you can get. But one question I still have that I dont know what, or IF there is an answer to is how can you choose where an intercept occours - which one, some are obviously more critical than others. Germany attacking a wounded naval unit that may be completely destroyed or a full strength army just to weaken it.

    It just seems so unfair to watch an interception occour and then watch another attack while you are sitting there thinking to yourself - that is NOT what I wanted. And I am sure there is an element to war where commanders made a choice based on bad information - they later realized was the wrong one. So blunders happen - I just dont like them happening not because of my incompetence (which there is a substantial amount of at times) or choice - rather it is because the machine arbitrarily chooses for you.

    I just cannot think of another aspect of this game where you are not in control of where and when your units attack. If I attack an air fleet on the ground, sure they should not have a choice. But if an air unit is going to be sortied - I should have the choice of where and when it goes. I dont know how that can be accomplished - it seems it might be more difficult than I realized. Still I can whine and pout about it - may not fix it but makes me feel better :)

  4. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> As originally posted by Yohan:

    Right now the side that gets a lucky IT and Jet bounce controls the skies and the game.

    I am thinking that the next patch will address that issue. Better research development and achievement will tame that unruly Air beast.

    While I can understand the desire for more control over air units, and more detail in terms of specific activities, my feeling is that SC models the Air war pretty well. :cool:

    These good ideas can be debated for SC2.

    After all, this is a GRAND strategy game, and some finer aspects must be generalized, as is done with Anit-Tank and otherwise improved unit categories.

    One thing you do have to pay attention to -- the placement (or, removal -- out of range) of Air Units. This can be an "art" in itself, paying strict attention to which HQs are where.

    Given the parameters that have been installed, it then becomes necessary to adapt your strategies to the particular game at hand, and, as is mostly the case in this instance -- or indeed any real-life situation... not the other way around. smile.gif </font>

  5. Originally posted by Der Panzinator:

    When playing the computer taking neutral countries is so easy there is no reason not to. For neutrals I am talking about Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Iraq, and Turkey.

    Doing this early also helps since some of the countries resources will increase over time.

    I have played both sides several times and have always been able to take several of the neutrals with no problems. It makes a huge difference for UK to go from making only 140 MPP per turn to 500 MPP per turn.

    This is not a bad strategy if you are playing against the AI - and more importantly if your politics are set to historical. If they are set to random then massive offensives will come back to haunt you. The US and Russia come into the war earlier than usual, you wont get your axis minor allies to become active, and you may stretch yourself too thin. It all depends on the situation and what you are trying to do. Personally I prefer the politics set to random, it makes the game more fair just for this reason - it creates a negative consequence for overly agressive behavour. Dont get me wrong, some attacking is good - poland, denmark, the low countries are almost always attacked. But if you have politics set to random then watch how quickly russia and the us come into the war when you take norway, sweden, spain, portugal, yugoslavia, etc.... it will make you think twice!
  6. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    There are two other issues to consider regarding the conquest of axis minors.

    One is timing. Hungary and Romania joined the Axis alliance in November 1940, Bulgaria in February 1941, and the game provides a 25% chance each turn of them joining on or after their historical entry dates, unless you've attacked Spain. To benefit from their plunder, you have to attack them before they become your allies. When you do, it affects USSR and US readiness and eventually brings in those extra Allied MPPs sooner. Remember that the "cash now" argument works for both sides.

    The other issue is the adverse effect attacking your facist Balkan minors has on those other potential facist minor allies - Spain and Turkey. These minors may join the Axis alliance if Britain is near surrender, but not if Germany has an unfavorable relationship with Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. This may or may not be important in your game plan, but one should understand the opportunities being lost if you choose to pursue a certain strategy.

    In the final analysis, you decide what to do. There are pros and cons on both sides of the issue. IMHO, attacking your own facist allies in a game where you have few allies is not a wise thing to do. If you do decide to attack them it may work out OK depending on your overall strategy and luck, just understand what you're doing and why.

    I have recently played a few games where I tried both strategies vs AI - which I realize isnt the best standard - but what I have found is that if I conquer poland, denmark, defeat france, and perhaps norway - then I stand a better chance if I let the axis minors join.

    The breaking point seems to be if I proceed on into spain/portugal or sometimes if I take yugoslavia too soon. What it seems to come down to is if you are going all out for as much conquest as soon as possible, then the axis minors are simply more fodder for the fire.

    However it seems if your plan is to halt after the nations above - dont attack spain or yugoslavia - sit, build up forces, pay your scientists to do their thing - play the uboat game, and prepare to attack britain or ussr - then it is a bad idea to attack your friendly neighbors. One big reason being that while you are decreasing the value of those resources to yourself, you are at the same time increasing the production to britain - even if only for a few turns.

    I have often wondered about that - how should or could the full benefit of polish or other far flung minor nations industrial production GET to the UK? Shouldnt there be some limit - say the mpps generated in that nation can only be spent in that nation? Anyway that is a side point - but one I would like to hear others opinions on.

    One change that would cause me to never attack potential allied nations is if there were some way you can allow minor nations to benefit - albeit at a reduced rate - from hq's. I dont see any reason why my beloved canadian friends cannot serve under and get the readiness bonus from british hq's.

    Anyway - what I have found over the last few games is that if you dont have to - or if they are going to join you anyway then go ahead and beat up on the little kids on the block. But if they are going to come and play with you then let them - you deny any production to the allies and you get a greater benefit in the long run.

  7. Originally posted by John DiFool:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dougmangin:

    Plus I really dont like minor nations units. You have to pay for their reinforcing, operationaly moving, transporting, etc... just like they were yours - only they dont perform as well as yours because they cannot be attached to a hq. All things considered I would rather take the plunder now, research, buy some units, and have assets I can use now rather than wait. Of course then you get into the whole issue of brining ussr and us into the war earlier. Which is why I usually only do this if the minors ARENT going to join, are delaying in joining, if the ussr is about to delare war anyway, if they are already at war, or if I am already prepared for the ussr war. Anyway that is just my two cents. I think you are right, there are definate disadvantages - but so far I seem to like taking this risk when it seems appropriate.

    They are useful for squashing partisans (either

    killing them outright or preventing outbreaks),

    letting your good units do the frontline fighting.

    I'd always take some freebie garrison units any



  8. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Interesting problem. Looking at Romania only, and assuming it would be in play for about 4 years from 1941-1944 (say 56 turns), that's 80 x 56 = 4480 MPPs as a minor axis ally but only 3584 MPPs as a conquered minor. For a modest gain of about 300-400 MPPs of fast plunder cash, you forfeit about 900+ MPPs during the game plus the aggressive actions help bring in the USSR and US earlier. Is that worth the cost, assuming you're playing a "balanced" game where the Allies eventually turn the tide and the war drags on for the long haul? Maybe, maybe not. Hungary and Bulgaria are different because their resources are low, so it doesn't much matter except for the adverse political cost.

    In the case of Germany attacking Spain and adversely affecting the Balkan minors from entering as allies, sure - go ahead and blitz them for MPPs rather than wait forever for them to join, if at all. Under normal circumstances though, it's prudent to focus on the long term advantages and leave your minor allies alone. Since they don't receive HQ control benefits, they make ideal garrisons against partisans and free up German and Italian units to fight at the front. So that's something to consider.

    SC2 could improve the political model by providing a full spectrum for minors to enter as allies of either side, depending on events. If Germany attacks Hungary, for example, that could trigger a revolt in Romania and maybe bring them in on the Allied side. How would you like to watch 60-80 MPPs going to Britain each turn until you were able to take the oil fields and force Romania to surrender? That might make the Conquer-Your-Allies strategy less appealing.

    You have a very valid point there - the economic difference is noticable. However, although this is not a real world economics problem - there is an element of time value of money here. Not to say that in this game you earn interest. But as in real life a dollar today is worth more than a dollar a year from now. The reason in real life is inflation. We dont have that in this game. But what we do have is the reality that money now is more valuable than money later. So if you take that plunder and buy two or three units - over the course of three years you have increased the value of those units by gaining experience to such a degree that the same amount of plunder later would not be able to buy the same quality units. Plus in this game no matter what you spend you cannot buy experience, you can only earn it. So if you wait over time to gain the funds, and over time it is better to wait, but you have to wait 25 turns (80 - 64/400) to have the mpps equal. Over 25 turns two or three extra units can do a lot of good - and after 25 turns if you waited and bought you would have the same number of units - only mine would be worth more due to experience. Or lets say you stuck that plunder into research - that is 25 turns at an increase of 5% chance per turn. Id be willing to bet that over that time you would get at least one tech out of your investement. And a tech now is worth a heck of a lot more than a tech later.

    OK I am not an economics prof - I just deal with this kind of thing in engineering work I do. And the conclusion of the matter is - it is better to have now and use it - than to wait over time. Ask yourself this, would you rather be magically given 1000 mpps on your first turn or in 1943? It could do you a whole lot more in terms of units, research, and effective use of resources to have it now.

    Plus I really dont like minor nations units. You have to pay for their reinforcing, operationaly moving, transporting, etc... just like they were yours - only they dont perform as well as yours because they cannot be attached to a hq. All things considered I would rather take the plunder now, research, buy some units, and have assets I can use now rather than wait. Of course then you get into the whole issue of brining ussr and us into the war earlier. Which is why I usually only do this if the minors ARENT going to join, are delaying in joining, if the ussr is about to delare war anyway, if they are already at war, or if I am already prepared for the ussr war. Anyway that is just my two cents. I think you are right, there are definate disadvantages - but so far I seem to like taking this risk when it seems appropriate.

  9. Originally posted by ev:

    Perhaps you could limit tech sharing to one level below current tech. Say Brits have Jet 5, they may share Jet 4 with U.S., but not their latest discovery. And perhaps, they could share Jet 3 with the Russians.

    If we are going to allow tech sharing, I don't see why we cannot allow some limited tech sharing between Axis. It did not happen historically. Does that mean it could not have happened? The Axis never attacked Sweeden, or Spain. The Allies never attacked Portugal. And there were very important political reasons for that. Same with tech sharing. But the purpose of games is to play with the "what ifs".

    I would be all for sharing tech below your most advance tech levels, sort off like giving (or selling) your old tanks and planes to an ally, but keeping the best ones for your own men.

    I would be all for allowing some sharing of tech advances - but there seems to be a healthy degree of tech advances already. I dont know if I would want it to be sped up in the current system. Given the randomness of tech and no increase in cost as you invest more you can easily have startling advances made in a very short time. Say britain gets incredibly luck and gets industrial tech 4 or jets 4 - when the us or ussr enters with that the game may as well be over. One nation getting incredibly lucky is bad enough - sharing the luck that one might, or might not have with all the other children is a bit unbalancing in my view.

    How about this - a nation can only share tech with an ally if that ally is invested in that catagory of tech. I dont see a reason the us should get level 4 tanks with no research on their part just because britain got lucky. Perhaps if two nations are both researching an area and one gets an advance, then the other gets a research "bonus".

    Say if the US has tech level 3 and has 3 factors of research in that area - if britain is investing in industrial tech then every level of research up to 3 (matching but not exceeding the us) would get a bonus - so instead of a 15% chance of making an advancement you have say a 30%.

    I think that might more accurately reflect an ally "helping" another along with their research. I dont think an ally should just automatically get research advances without having any research going on themselves - that would be free tech. In that case britain could sit back and let the us do all the research and use its mpps to buy units. Not fair.

    I also agree with the other ideas that an ally cannot "assist" another in bringing tech advances all the way up to their level. Say between the US and UK a 1 point difference, between the US/UK and USSR/FRANCE or between GERMANY/ITALY a 2 or 3 point difference. Again that way one country does not put in token effort and entirely reaps the benefits of allies.

  10. I was playing a pbem game recently (as the axis) and I was a bit overly agressive - I attacked a number of minor nations, poland, denmark, norway, low countries, spain, sweded - yeah I was greedy. Anyway due to my actions there were consequences, one being the axis minor nations never did become active. So I ended up conquering them instead.

    I dont know if this has been discussed before - but after finding myself in the above situation I began to wonder whether it wasnt better to attack minor nations anyway. Certainally not for the allies - not a number of them anyway - they need the us and ussr in the war asap. But for germany I began to wonder which is better - having axis minors join the axis, or just conquering them outright.

    Here is what my experience showed in a few cases - if you dont attack the minor nations (here I am talking primarily about bulgaria, hungary, and romania) then they eventually join the axis. Doing so you get the benefit of their mpps, as well as their free units. With armies costing 250 and corps 125, those free units are worth a good bit of cash. So there are advantages - but....

    I found that in many cases it was better to conquer those axis minors. My reason being, one you still get the mpp production every turn after you conquer them, two you get plunder - resources you can spend on what you want. With the three nations mentioned above you can get somewhere around 800 to 1200 mpps total. That is quite a number of corps, armies, or a few air units. But it does not buy the same number of units that you would have gotten for free. But that isnt necessarily a bad thing. You may not want or need the same kind of units they come with - perhaps you would do better to add tanks, or air units, or hq's. plunder lets you decide.

    Plus those axis minors do not ever seem to play a significant factor in my games. For one they have no experience, and by that point in the game many of your units are already seasoned veterans. Secondly and perhaps more important - they cannot be attached to a hq - receiving the bonus that german units would.

    So even if you are able to buy fewer units with the plunder than you would have received from those nations joining you - I find the units you do buy are more valuable to you. AND in the process of attacking those minors I would usually use units that I had recently purchased - that way I can get more experience to my newer units before they trek on into russia.

    So in my experience I usually do attack those nations. You do have to consider how that affects the ussr and usa entry into the war - but if you can afford to speed their entry up, if they are about to declare war anyway, or if they have ALREADY declared war - I have found in most cases it was better for me to attack rather than annex those minors. I dont know if this is a good idea or if anyone else has ever run through a few campaigns to see how this affected them - any ideas or comments?

  11. Originally posted by John DiFool:

    Well, things were awfully...weird in this

    alternate universe...

    I (as the Jerries) bought 6 air fleets, 3 tanks,

    6 armies, and 3 HQs (Manstein, Rommel, and

    Kesselring, natch). The French and British

    didn't buy a single boat of any type: the French

    had 3 air fleets, 3 tanks, and lots of armies and

    corps; the British invested almost wholly in

    air fleets and bombers: IIRC she had 5 of EACH.

    Despite that, I was able (at Expert +1) to defeat

    both, tho it took longer than it typically does

    in the regular game. The AI's biggest mistake

    was not investing in HQs: the paltry income of

    the Brits meant that they couldn't reinforce

    their numerous air assets back up to full, and

    despite losing all three tanks I managed to take

    Paris by November 1940, and Manchester by Sept.

    of '41, after my +4 experience Rommel HQ and his

    associated air fleets bombed the RAF into


    In a human-only game the Allies would undoubtedly

    prove much tougher. I wonder if this means that

    Battlewagons are not worth it, esp. if you get

    some long-range air (if I played the Brits I

    probably would have done what the AI did, along

    with some HQs of course)...

    John DiFool

    I tried this same thing a while back and quicky decided it was not a good idea. I have never, either under this setup or any other seen the AI EVER purchase naval units, other than uboats - and even those rarely.

    When you consider the number of battleships, carriers, and cruisers Britain has - and the staggering cost of those units, 500-700 EACH.

    In the two or three times I started a game like this Britain and France bought no naval or strategic bombers, but filled their nations with corps, armies, HQ's and some air units. Given you can buy 2-6 ground units for each naval unit it turned into a nightmare - no matter what happened the game just ended up in a trench war that did not go anywhere.

    I thought it would be a fun "what if" to be in control of the assets of a nation and set it up as you would wish - tailor the armed forces to your own particular style or play. However France cannot build units at the magion line, so by the second turn germany has pushed through that - but there are so many ground units any offensive gains quickly grind to a halt facing line after line of hq supported armies and corps.

    There were just huge problems with this and I wouldnt recommend it to anyone - it just didnt turn out to be any fun, from either side.

  12. Originally posted by ev:

    I am troubled by the lack of control we have over which units are asigned to each HQ.

    Sometimes it gets pretty messy. Specially if you have multiple HQs near each other. You never know which units will be assigned to which HQ next turn. (...which will make a difference if the ratings of each HQ are very different.)

    I wish we could give HQ's at least some priorities regarding which units within its range will be commanded by that HQ.

    Also, I don't understand why do we need to limmit to 5 units the number of units controlled by an HQ. Since an HQ has an effective radius of 5 hexes, It seems at first glance, that we should allow a single HQ to control a larger number of units ...large enough to effectively defend the radius of 5 hexes in each direction supported by that HQ.

    I hope this is something that gets fixed in the last patch. I think there has to be some way to have control over what units are assigned to what hq. I may not be attacking with any ground units on a specific turn, perhaps just air and strategic attacks - why shouldnt I be able to have my best hq controlling the air units.

    Here is a question for everyone though - should you be able to indiscriminately change what units are attached to what hq every turn. Should there be some kind of limit or restrictions on changing.

  13. Originally posted by Russ Bensing:

    But the reason the massed-airfleet strategy has come into vogue is because, in view of the game mechanics -- particularly no stacking, the linearity of a hex system, and no coordinated attacks -- it's the only effective method of countering the massed-corps defensive strategy. I can break through a line of corps because I can concentrate 5 (or 10 or 20) airfleets against a single unit; in most cases, I can concentrate only 3, and often 2, ground units against a single unit. If you tone down air power, you're going to wind up with the same trench warfare, except that there'll be no way to break through the trenches.

    Unless you tone something up in its place. And that's where tanks come in. I think SC substantially undervalues the role of tanks. In every single offensive in WWII -- from the Ardennes in 1940 to Barbarossa to the Russian counterattacks to Patton's breakout in Operation Cobra -- tanks played the pivotal role. That doesn't happen here. Tanks aren't any more effective against infantry units than other infantry, and it remains that way throughout the game; a King Tiger has the same attack strength against infantry as a PzII.

    Fixing this involves getting under the hood with the game mechanics. I'd beef up the infantry attack strength of tanks from 4 to 5 or even 6, and have it increase by 1 for each advance in tanks. (Right now it stays constant.) I'd reduce the attack strength of air fleets against infantry from 2 to 1, but have it also affect readiness (which is related to supply): for each air attack, the defending unit suffers a loss of 1 in supply.

    Last, I'd change the combat system to include a retreat rule, so that a defending unit retreats when it suffers a certain loss. That, coupled with the change in the supply rules, would make armored breakthroughs and

    Russ I totally agree with many of the points you made here. The only way I see to have any kind of offensive sucess is to provide overwhelming superiority of numbers, experience, and strength. Although this can happen in attacking minor nations, this is very rarely the possible in major v major fights.

    Given the limitations of no staking, no retreating, and the bizarre absence of the ability to have coordnated simultaneously attacks on a unit - there are few circumstances where you can destroy a unit, unless you are able to surround it or border it on several fronts.

    So I agree with you that the ONLY way to sucessfully advance against a major nation is to overwhelm an area with air power - and use ground units to mop up the damage and seize control of the hex. While I dont want to diminsh the role of air power in the game - I do think there should be a better system of allowing ground gains primarily using ground units.

    Lets say there are no air units - none at all for any side. What would this game be? Nothing other than trench warefare - and I think that can be improved upon.

    I agree TOTALLY that tanks are undervalued in the game. I think your suggestion is a great one - to increase the attacking strenght of tanks against infantry - and allowing tech advances to improve that attacking strength.

    I would also make this suggestion - allow for multiple units to attack a single target. There are so many reasons for this - many have been discussed in other forums. But I think doing this will put a greater emphasis on the role and value of ground units - couple that with the improvements in the role of armour - and the ability to retreat - and I think you will create a more playable, more enjoyable game. And ultimately that is what this is all about.

  14. Originally posted by jfstup:

    would it be feasable to add include in the next patch the ability to play both sides from the

    same computer. i was thinking in terms of solitary

    experimental play. maybe you can already do that but i don't know how. if so.let me know. thank you your time and effort

    You can - play a hotseat game. That is setup for two people to play at once, on the same machine. All you have to do is play for each side. This is a good way to find out what tactics may or may not work. When I first bought the game I played a few of these.
  15. Originally posted by DLW2:

    I was just wondering whether anyone has ever tried building a large German navy. I've tried it before, but whenever I try I usually just end up tossing the MPP's into Russia and let Italy take care of the naval warfare.

    That is about the same conclusion I have come to. Naval units are so very expensive and germany starts out with so little that it is not really cost effective to pour a lot of resources into it - at least I have not found it to be so. Think about it you can buy an air fleet and two corps for the cost of a battleship. And air units can be used to attack land, air, or naval units. naval units are limited to attacking other naval units, land units adjacent to water, or if you are really stupid ports. I never give out as much damage as I take and MY damage costs 20 - 30 mpps per POINT to repair. How does doing 3 MPPS of damage justify that?

    What I HAVE tried is if my industrial tech research has been productive and the costs are lowered I will buy air carriers - as the have a wider range or applications, and keep this in mind - air carriers are the only unit that can attack land units and NEVER take damage. If I do this I buy just enough cruisers to defend the carriers - coupled with land based bombers and air units you can do a lot of damage to britains fleet and give a nice platform to attack britain itself.

    But in answer I have never created a vast german armada to outright challenge the british control of all seas. But coupled with the italians you can do some damage - plus if you take gibralter you can get the italians into the atlantic and you dont need german battleships

  16. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    The loss values for interceptors vs. attackers is simply based on the combat values and is not favoured one way or the other. Combat values are affected by supply, readiness, exprience, tech levels etc. so there are many variables to be accounted for, try a few tests with the Campaign Editor and you'll see what I mean.

    Hope this helps,


    Hubert I have run a few trials with german v russian or british air units. I will keep going till I have a representative sample. The first round had 22 interceptions on the russian front, all tech level 0, all experience level 0, all attached to a hq. The only discrepancy is the germans lowest hq was 6, the russians had some 7, some 5, some 4. I am sure that has an effect but I dont know how to force that to be equal all the way around. Anyway I have this so far - 22 interceptions, total attacker (german) 42 - total interceptor (russian) damage 68

    Now I am thinking this is skewed because of the hq levels - so I am going to re run it some with british hqs and units with the exact rating for each. I also ran just a few examples of equal hq ratings and varying experience levels - and I can say there is probably no rating that has a greater impact than experience. Even one bar had a tremendous impact.

    It has really changed the way I look at units. I think many of us make the mistake of confusing strenght level (6, 8, whatever) with a units capability. What I am seeing is that the strength means nothing other than the degree of damage a unit can take. A strenght 5 units with level 3 experience is FAR FAR FAR stronger in attack and defence than a strength 8 unit with no experience.

    It would be interesting to see how that relationship breaks down - how much strenght are you willing to loose before you reinforce and loose experience? Any thoughts on that? And as I get any other results I will pass them along. But the conclusion as of now is if your HQ is weak - stay the heck away from intercepting air attacks.

  17. Originally posted by Russ Bensing:


    I am in total agreement with you here. Parts of the game are so balanced and fun - and yet others are so imbalanced that they are virtually irrelevant. I honestly dont know why ANYONE would invest in strategic bombers. They are more expensive than fighters, and fighters can do everything bombers can do and then some. Plus we all pour tons or research into fighters anyway, so to get bombers up to that level you would have to move that research from somewhere else. And I really really dont see the need for it.

    If you buy a strat bomber for 400 - you hit a german or british port. you are going to do, what 2mpps of damage? 5 perhaps? and in the meantime you are going to take a point or two in damage - and those cost 20MPPS each to repair! What is the sense in that?

    The only only only use I have found for strat bombers is in attacking naval units - which they do a great job of. You can sacrifice one or two corps, load them up, transport them to the southern coast of england (within range of your bombers) and watch britians fleet come to defend. Providing you have air cover you can proceed to nail the fleet - and if you do have that air cover when britains air tries to intercetp THEY take damage too. And the interceptor always takes more damage - so you win by hitting naval and air units at once.

    But other than that I havent found any way to effectively use strat bombers in a way that has a meaningful impact on the economics of the game - which is what I think their main goal was in reality.

    The same can be said for uboats - they become nothing more than another kind of surface vessel - only one that cannot defend itself. I only use them if I have tons of mpps to spare (never) and if you can create a pack of them so you can take a unit out entirely - because they cannot defend - and the most I have ever, EVER had damage done to britains mpps was with four uboats, tech 2, and they did 32 mpps of damage. It cost me nearly 1000 to build the things, is 32 a turn going to be a good investment?

    So I guess the point I am making is in game play there are things that just dont seem right. But as this is the game we do have you find those and try to use them to your advantage.

    I would like to see optional and selective interception. Why should a british air unit fly interception of a german bomber hitting a french port just because that was the first move made by the germans - wouldnt it be more effective to choose what and where you intercepted? Or not at all if you dont think it is a fight you can win, or the losses dont justify the risk.

    Great game - but I am looking forward to either the next patch or the future versions to address this aspect of game play.

  18. Originally posted by Zeres:

    Doug- Nothing that dramatic. You just reach a certain amount of posts and you switch over.

    Well you know you have to have something to work toward. I was just curious - thanks! :)

    Oh, interestingly enough I checked the profiles of a few folks whos names I have seen in many posts - there are people with 1500+ posts. How long has this game even been out????

  19. this is waaaay off topic but since at least two people posting to this qualify - I was curious what constitutes a member as opposed to a junior member? Is it like politics, you have to slip hubert some $$$ - provide the designers with beer - hire some strippers - supply some crack (ok thats only for mayors of the nations capital)

    You see the masses of us lowly junior members need something to aspire to - something to challenge us, some grand sweeping achievement to validate our standing in society - and what more nobel and worthy goal can there be than to one day, if we try hard enough, if we lucky enough, if we are blessed by the gods themselves - to attain the status of MEMBER!!!

  20. Originally posted by DLW2:

    Hi. I was just wondering how other people defend Poland and Yugoslavia. I'm sure that they always end up falling, but how can you hurt the Germans the most while defendng them? I haven't been able to think of a good wat yet, and the two countries are almost always taken over extremely quickly when I play the Allies.

    I dont think you have to keep the minor countries in perspective - you are not going to be able to defend them - not for long anyway. So if it is a foregone conclusion that they will fall then you have to decide what you are going to do with them before that time. I have two opinions on the matter and it depends on what the setting is as to which I use.

    One idea is to prolong the war as long as you possibly and effecively can. Pull all your forces next to the capital, even if they are understrength ones - if there is a unit there at the beginning of the turn it is one fewer hexes youhave exposed to the attacker.

    Option two, and I have found this works well against the AI but not as well against human opponents - is try to inflict as much damage as you possibly can regardless of what it does to your own units. If there is a german fleet in the harbour go hit it - if you are within range of an air unit attack it. DONT spend a single MPP reinforcing anything. It doesnt matter what happens to your unit, the goal is to make the conquest of that minor nation as costly to germany as possible. Remember air and naval units are VERY expensive, up to 20 mpps for one point, the minor forces you are given are free.

    One question I have for hubert, any other designer, or anyone who may have the answer is this - does the level of plunder depend on the amount of damage done to a nations forces. In other words if you take poland after wiping out all of their forces do you get less plunder than if there were several corps left? (and presumably all of their equipment, arms, supplies, weapons, etc..)

    Is this something that anyone thinks may be an idea to add? Perhaps it would give incentive or perhaps a bonus above normal plunder for agressive action and a very quick capture of a minor nation.

  21. Games for PC or other platforms are getting rather pricy these days - $59.99 for hot new titles. This game is not a masterpiece of cutting edge technology and 3D modeling. But I can say that it is one of the very best strategic level games I have ever played. I dont want to pay any more than I have to, but even if the game was $40 I would still have bought it, still enjoyed it, and still felt I got a good value out of my purchase.

  22. Should the development of Radar help your Interceptors?

    I think this may be another area that can level out the field between attacker and defender, but I dont think the effect should be very significant, perhaps a bonus to readiness of 10% per tech level.

    During WWII, I believe the British mainly used radar as an alert sistem to scramble interceptors.

    This is true, and it greatly increase the effectiveness of british air power. They could use what they had, when they wanted, and where they most needed it. Without radar it would have taken a great deal more resources to provide the same degree of air defence.

    radar sistem in SC increases the airdefense of cities, but does not do much for Interceptors

    As far as I can tell you are right - to be honest that tech catagory is one I dont know if the benefit warrants the high cost of investing in that research catagory. Especially considering how that same investement can bring tremendous advantages if applied in other areas (industrial tec, jet fighters, heavy tanks, sonar)

    I think there should be a random chance that interceptors arive "late", meaning after the target city or unit was bombed. Advances in Radar should then increase the probability that "intercepting" occurs prior to the bombing raid

    My only concern with this is considering the time scale of the game. An air fleet attacking a unit, or port, or whatever is not a single sortie covering one trip there and back. The time scale on the game changes, but it is at least a week. So an air unit attacking is really a weeks worth of bombing. In that case I dont really think the intercepting air units would "miss" the incoming attackers. I would suggest that radar research raise the readiness of air units, or give some kind of statistical boost to their strenght.

  23. Originally posted by JimR:

    The responsiveness of the game's designer and developers is truly remarkable. Soon (next patch) it appears we will have sea travel around the Cape; a less arbitrary tech system; and a new port at Suez. And now, in this thread, Hubert has said he will look at optional air interception sometime too.

    Great game, great attitude, great team.

    I completely agree. I do not know of any other software, let alone computer game, company which has done a better job in taking user ideas and opinions into consideration in making updates and improvements than the folks at battlefront have with this game.

    Again I say HUBERT FOR PRESIDENT IN 2004!

  24. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    Fair enough and it won't be the first time I've been proven wrong despite my own tests. ;) If you can set up a test campaign with the skewed results you encounter I'll be more than happy to take a look to see what is going on.

    I will try to recreate a few situations and see what kind of results I get to determine if there is a bias against the interceptor. I will let you know what I find - providing I can recall anything I learned from statistical analysis in college.

  25. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    The loss values for interceptors vs. attackers is simply based on the combat values and is not favoured one way or the other. Combat values are affected by supply, readiness, exprience, tech levels etc. so there are many variables to be accounted for, try a few tests with the Campaign Editor and you'll see what I mean.

    Hope this helps,


    I would like to believe you, and I realize you are the one who designed the game - but in my experience the damage done to the intercepting units is ALWAYS more than the damage to the attacking units. On many occations I have has british air units, with hq support, same supply levels, very similar experience, and a HIGHER tech level - and they consistantly take more damage than they give. The only remedy is to attack your opponent as often as he does you, thus evening out the damage.

    I have experienced a unit being destroyed or coming very close to it after a turn where it attacked and took damage, then on the opposing players turn it was forced (even though not at a high strenght level)to intercept.

    It just seems reasonable that you should have the option of intercepting or not. Or at least being able to choose WHERE to intercept - not necessarily the first attack. It is a bit frustrating to have one critical hex not have the air support you intended it to have simply because the other side attacked another hex first. Shouldnt the british be able to provide support over antwerp and not over another less important hex?

    I dont want you to think this is bitter critisim. I sincerely enjoy the game and think you have done a remarkable job in designing it. It is worth far more than the cost you are charging for it and I have recommended it to several friends. But this is one area I wish you would take a look at - optional interception or being able to choose your fights.

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