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Everything posted by Kryx

  1. nm.. snuck an upgrade in on me.. I was back a version. It works great btw thanks.
  2. Having a problem with the TCP/IP function. One machine is directly on a cable modem with a routable internet address. My machine sits behind a Linksys Cable/DSL router as described in the readme. I forwarded 6530 TCP to my machine and put the game up. I saw him try to connect.. he saw his machine trying to connect.. I was able to start messing around in the game, and then a Socket Expired error comes up. He never actually gets in. It seems that we have a perfect scenario according to the TCP/IP instructions.. can you tell me where I am going wrong. My computer does use a 192.168.x.x strategy internally.. but I am forwarding 6530 to the correct machine. ~Thanks
  3. I have both A&A and Risk.. great games.. but clash of steel is a great deal more simular.. http://files.gammail.com/screenshots/clashofsteel.gif I almost have to think they have the rights to it or the programmer is the same.
  4. Is this by the same author as the old Clash of Steel game? It seems to be a very very close approximation of the game. Some things seem to be upgraded.. as in the naval components are integrated into the main screen, but some things seem to be lost that Clash of Steel had. The ability to combine force efforts in assaults, and the politics seem to be completely random now where in Clash of Steel there was points and pressure that could be applied. I have missed Clash of Steel since it stopped working back when I think I got my first Pentium. I tried to order the game.. but the order form returned a CGI error.. hrmm.. I will try again later. -Kryx
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