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Posts posted by cbb

  1. Originally posted by Larsen:

    I had to revert to 1.01 because of the bug with HE fire. It is basically impossible to hit a soft target that occupies a high ground with direct HE fire in 1.02.

    I'm anxiously waiting for the 1.03 patch.

    How do I "revert" to 1.01? Is it simply a single .exe file that I need to copy over? Or are there other files? Or do I have to reinstall 1.0 and the upgrade to 1.01?
  2. Originally posted by Le Tondu:

    How dare you ask this question? Don't give us anything about the freedom of speech or any such gobbly gook. ;)

    Don't you realize that you have delayed CMAK -just by asking this? ;)

    Now we know who to blame. -You brave soul -you. smile.gif

    Still, I have to admit that I automatically found myself wondering about 1.03 as soon as I saw the announcement.

    The last two scenarios I've played have been rather "skewed" by the HE-LOS bug. I'm anxious for this one to be squashed.


  3. I've noticed this bug as well. Before, I thought ATGs were too easy to hit. Obviously, this bug creates a problem in the opposite extreme. In a battle yesterday, I had an ATG knock out 10 enemy tanks because it was impervious to enemy fire...

    Clearly, the next patch needs to create a middle ground. ATGs should be difficult to SPOT, but once they are spotted they should be vulnerable to fire.


  4. Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

    Someone get to work immediately.

    Oh, and if theres an existing one out there, thats ok too..

    Gyrene, if you're reading, you don't have to do this one. You still get credit for making me those spiffy railraod tracks.

    I can wait a week for this mod, since I wont have much time to play until next week anyway. (Trying to be reasonable here smile.gif )

    OK, just post a preview and expected eta here as soon as possible.


    Spiffy railroad tracks? Link?
  5. Originally posted by Hans:

    One devious way to out wit the AI to fire a barrage, place an forward observer in such a place that it can see a truck sitting on top of a TRP-normally the AI will open up on that.

    Not a great solution but the only one I've found so far.

    Yes, and in some scenarios that's okay. But if I want to design a scenario in which my forces are defending a fortified position (e.g. bunkers, trenches), it is silly to have to place a TRUCK right in the middle in order to make the AI launch a pre-planned barrage on the position...

    If it's too much trouble to program the AI to decide on its own when/where to launch a barrage, then at least give the scenario designer an opportunity to designate it in the editor.


  6. Originally posted by Legio:

    Any chance of toning down breakdowns?

    In Witman goes east on the dry step plain I had three Panthers become immobile in 500 yards or so. This is far too many. Tanks are far less prone to bogging or breaking down than this in what amounts to perfect conditions? :confused:

    I suppose we can all cite examples of tanks breaking down at the least opportune time but I would contend that there are no "perfect conditions" for WW2 AFVs. They were notorious for breaking down (especially the heavy tanks) no matter what the terrain. "Toning down" breakdowns will degrade realism. I'm opposed.
  7. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    Pre-planned arty barrages only work in attack/assault battles, not in meeting engagements.

    And they work fine, I might add...

    They work fine for a human player. The AI won't do them unless it has an enemy vehicle in LOS on turn 1. And there is no way a scenario designer can designate a pre-planned arty barrage for the AI side...

    I've complained about this before. For me, it's the biggest bug/omission in CMBB.

  8. Originally posted by Redmow:

    There is also Infantry Aces by the same author. Just started reading it so I don't know if any mention of Kursk is there. Right now I am reading about France 1940.

    I don't recall there being anything in Infanterie Aces about Kursk. But it's still a very good book. So much has been written about the panzertruppen, it's refreshing to see a book focus on the foot soldiers.
  9. Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    You probably still have DirectX 9.0 installed. To my knowledge (I haven't tried lately) the only way to go back to an earlier version is to wipe out your Windows installation and start over. There's no uninstalling of DirectX.

    Any particular reason why you installed DirectX 9.0 ? It doesn't generally help any of the current games available to my knowledge (since none of them support any DirectX 9.0-unique features). I haven't checked lately to see what the latest video drivers require - so that would be the only reason to upgrade in my mind.

    Did you have problems before installing DirectX 9.0 (such as the bad performance you were seeing) ?

    Before wiping out Windows, do some research on the web about uninstalling DirectX. There used to be a website by a guy who explained how to do it. As I recall, it involved editing the registry -- so it's probably not for the fainthearted. Also, I don't know whether his method still works for the latest version of DirectX or Windows. It's been a couple of years since I corresponded with him.


  10. I'm of the opinion that CMBB has bogging frequency just about right. It's certainly frustrating when your Tiger bogs down at the worst possible moment but that's simply the way it was during WW2. Tracked vehicles were notorious for getting stuck...

    In "The Combat History of Sturmgeschutz Brigade 276", the author states that he even avoided crossing railway embankments for fear of getting stuck!

  11. manchildstein II posts: "if you want the soviet ai to open on turn 1 up with a bombardment on a certain area, put axis trucks or unarmored halftracks into los instead of mg bunkers.

    in other words put as many 'hidden' axis as you'd like to in that area, but also put a couple of trucks and/or halftracks 'in plain sight' so as to get the soviets to 'hit' there right away. it might work. it has been my experience at least that if an ai FO has los to a truck or halftrack at the opening, there is definitely an 'opening barrage.' admittedly this was when the ai was set to 'defender' in the parameters (axis probe)."

    So in a scenario designed for the human player to hold fixed positions atop a hill -- say, with trenches, bunkers, mines, and wire -- I've got to place some trucks right in the middle of that stronghold??? I'll try but you have to agree that that is VERY unrealistic...

    manchildstein II: "i've definitely seen the ai drop artillery in the middle of a scenario... just last game i thought my attack was going 'swimmingly' within a certain 'sector' when a couple of ai 120mm mortar FOs - ones i'd long since forgotten about - dropped their payloads smack dab in the middle of an infantry company and some open-topped afvs. i have to admit that when the ai actually does drop artillery and it inflicts some casualties... "

    I've experienced that as well. In a scenario I'm trying to do presently, the AI finally launched an artillery strike on Turn 26 (of a 35 turn scenario). What prompted the AI to finally fire on Turn 26, I have no idea. The battle had been raging for at least 15 turns prior to that...

    I don't know whether this is a bug or simply a major omission. Either way, it's a big problem for those of us who enjoy designing scenarios. Either the AI needs to be programmed to fire pre-planned artillery strikes on its own or, better yet, the scenario designer should be allowed to designate pre-planned artillery strikes in the editor.

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