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Posts posted by moneymaxx

  1. I can't believe it, I wanted to post exactly the same request just now !

    It's sad that one can't watch one big movie at the end of the battle.

    There is a utility for CMBO but it doesn't work that well.

    I just hope they find a way to add this in CMAK. For CMX2 I demand a VCR function to edit and cut movies, otherwise I'll hold my breath until my head turns red :mad: .

  2. I guess you saved some points while buying your forces and now you're suffering the consequences :D .

    I might be wrong but I guess that you've bought a 250/8 75mm (47 points) which comes with only 20 shells in comparison to a 251/9 75mm (60 points)which has 52 shells.

    Talking about shells might resolve the Panzer IV 'mystery' of a low HE shell count. Just look at the amount of the other shell types, smoke and AP. The overall count should be around 87 shells but the program decides randomly the exact amount of every shell type.

    Hope this helps


  3. So LCM1947 that's what I have to fight against in our next battle smile.gif .

    But seriously, I played with a similar setup and it was quite an easy battle. Someone informed me though, that mixing paras and tanks is sometimes considered gamey by some players (not me). So if you want to be sure not to be called ´gamey´ take 2 or 3 rifle companies instead.

    If you fight again against me, buy the paras :D !!

  4. I'm using PBEM Helper since a few weeks and it saves me a lot of work. Thank you Fuerte smile.gif .

    There is a little problem though. Today I tried to start a little test scenario (CMBO) against myself to try 'two turns per email'. I opened a scenario as the AXIS player, clicked play by PBEM, and after setup I saved it with the name 2-test-001.txt. It shows up in PBEM helper as expected. I edit the battle introducing the email adress and password. But after clicking on TRUST/SECURE a error message pops up with the following text (partly translated from Spanish, use at own risk ;) ):

    Error while executing CMBB.vbs statement: GameEdit

    Error the object doesn't except this property? or method: Matches1 Line 1040 Error 438 Text: the object doesn't except this property? or method: Matches1 (Error in the execution of Microsoftscript during execution).

    Maybe I have to update a dll or something, wasn't there something like a VB-runtime library that's sometimes problematic? (Just guessing here I'm no computer expert).

    [ April 18, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: moneymaxx ]

  5. I would order them to run to reach that wood. Forces are very exposed while in open ground, so as Klapton said, less time in the open is better.

    This is not the only reason. Actually, while in the open I DON'T want them to stop and fight back, since this would be a sure way to get them all killed.

    [ April 18, 2003, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: moneymaxx ]

  6. On-map self-propelled arty like the Hummel or the Wespe can only use direct fire. So when there is no LOS to the TRP they shouldn't be able to shoot.

    If it WAS possible before to fire without LOS and BFC changed this with the new patch (can't test it) then they removed a bug.

    Mortar-carriers and mortars on the other hand should be allowed to fire on TRPs without LOS (if not moved from their setup position) since they can fire indirectly on-map.

    Hope this helps, I'm no GROG though ;) .

  7. Originally posted by redwolf:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    There's a saying about your problem: He who defends everything defends nothing. I personally tend to ignore flags when planning my defense and instead try to pick out the best terrain for a defensive position, i.e. reverse slope kind of places. I make my goal to destroy the enemies forces rather than control the flags.

    But this only works (as in giving you a victory at game end) because the Quickbattle generator and most scenario designers place so few flags on the map.

    If the value of all flags would be like 2/3 of the attacker points things would look different. </font>

  8. I have to admit that I’m surprised that this thread evolved into such a heated debate. I think one should look at the original request:

    a) a winter option

    B) a bocage tile

    The original argumentation was that NO additional units tanks or whatever are needed because they are already in the OOB of the Med. theatre. So I agree with all of those who say that there shouldn’t be units which were not used in the Med. in CMAK and that BFC should concentrate only on the Med. during their research/game design.

    BTW, special textures for houses churches woods etc. are not needed because the mod community will sure be delighted to provide those. So there is no danger that French churches pop up in Italy. But winter with snow in northern Italy, unlike a French church, is very common, so I guess that the winter option isn’t a problem at all, since it, with a high probability, will be included.

    I understand that one doesn’t want a bocage tile in a computer generated map or that the bocage tile takes the place of another terrain tile. This has to be clarified by BFC since they program CMAK smile.gif .

    Anyway, after thinking about it I came to the conclusion that the value of a bocage tile for generating a map CMBO-style is more limited than one would expect. It sure would look authentic, but I don’t think that the CMAK unit data will include the information if a tank has a hedge cutter or not. This makes the bocage useless in many potential scenarios because this was a major difference in CMBO between AXIS and ALLIED tanks, resulting in totally different tactics since bocage prevented Axis armor to enter certain areas.

    [ April 15, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: moneymaxx ]

  9. Originally posted by Moon:

    I might be mistaken but I thought that CDV is actually mailing out patches on CDV on request. Have you tried to contact them? In any case, 65 MB and 26 MB? Hmm, are you sure? I seem to recall only one large patch. Is it possible that one is a multi-language patch, and the other language specific or something? I could be wrong, though...


    Just checked the CDV-website (german language). Patch 1.01 is 68mb huge, since they packed all languages in one patch, the possibility to download only one language(smaller download) or to request the patches on CD isn't mentioned anywhere.

    Another problem is, that the patch is not on a CDV server but on a site called http://gamesweb.com/pc/downloads/patches/detail.php?item_id=29252 . There are no alternative servers for patch 1.01. I can't confirm that this site has no resume function but it sure was difficult to download with a 56k modem.

    The 1.02 patch is 26mb big, not on a CDV server neither but has some alternative download locations http://gamesweb.com/pc/downloads/patches/detail.php?item_id=31315 .

    It would be great if BFC could at least host the 1.01 CDV patch on their website (with a resume option). It was already annoying to download a 68mb patch on a 56k modem but downloading it for 3 hours, losing the connection and then not being able to resume the download seriously threatened my health :mad: . So hosting it on the BFC website could save lifes ;) .

    [ April 11, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: moneymaxx ]

  10. IMO, I don't think it's gamey, since it is in the game and not a bug. I agree though that it can be unbalancing on a small map with a lot of points. But then, what prevents the atacker, who got 50% more points, to do just the same with the defender.

    Anyway this question fits into the category of realism. Is it realisitc for a defender to use such a tactic. No clear answer can be given here since, as this short thread already shows, there are a lot of different opinions. It goes back to the old question of the amount of realism required by your opponent. One extreme are players like me, who say that if it isn't a bug do it, the other extreme are players who find it gamey if you use weapons that historically did not fight together and/or if you choose unhistorical tactics. All you can do about this is talk with your opponent about this before the battle starts.

    Even if both opponents agree that a certain tactic isn't gamey, they can still agree on additional rules for the battle, to prevent too unbalanced battles, e.g. no more than x KV-1 in early war battles etc.....

    I think the following links are quite useful when talking about the eternal topic "gamey yes or no".




  11. Did you install any new media player recently? The start-movie needs the quicktime player from Apple, if it isn't there CMBO just skips the movie. If you DID install it CMBO now finds quicktime and plays the movie.

    You can find this information in the original readme.txt which can be found in the CMBO directory. Here is part of it:


    Copyright 2000 Big Time Software, Inc.

    All Rights Reserved Worldwide

    June 22, 2000


    OPTIONAL: If you would like to see the "intro movie" to Combat Mission, which plays

    when the game starts up, you will need to install Apple Quicktime - available from

    <http://www.apple.com/quicktime> for free download. This is NOT required, however.

    If you have Quicktime but do not wish to view the movie, just click the mouse

    or press a key and CM will skip the movie. You can also hold down the SHIFT key

    while CM is loading, and this will tell CM not to show the movie now or during

    future startups. (Pressing SHIFT during a subsequent startup will tell CM

    to begin showing the movie again).


    Hope this helps.

    [ April 08, 2003, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: moneymaxx ]

  12. Originally posted by Broken:

    It would be REALLY nice if support weapons could be attached to a specific headquarters, even if another HQ is closer. The current system of units willy-nilly attaching themselves to whatever HQ happens to wander closest can be very frustrating.

    Case in point: You have an HQ with LOS to an enemy unit. An on-board mortar (out of LOS) is attached to this HQ, allowing the mortar to indirect-fire on the enemy unit. However, a friendly platoon (with no LOS) moving up out of reserve "steals" control of the mortar, rendering it unable to fire.

    It would be nice to have an "Attach to HQ" command.

    Make it two who have this on their list !
  13. Originally posted by Dandelion:

    I try to move the pieces too. Arty keeps destroying my prime movers tho. And like I mentioned there is the setup time even if I do get them moved. You know of any tricks here that might help?

    As I said, my prime movers get destroyed too, most of the times :( , IF my opponent decides to attack that little gun. That's where I see the real advantage, buying e.g. 3 75mm inf guns in an 1500 points ME is a serious problem for the opponent. I spend 99 points + 25 for a Kübelwagen and he has to take those out with arty costing less then 125 points, assuming that my guns don't do any damage. And the opponent doesn't know if I have other guns for which he should save arty smile.gif .

    Also I find moving 75mm inf. quite easy, because you can do that with a very fast Kübelwagen, the 75mm inf. has a setup time of only one minute and can HIDE if not spotted during transport.

    The 57mm is very powerful too, since British forces receive tungsten rounds quite early in the war. The problem with allied guns is, that they are, except the 57mm ATG, very expensive, so that the above mentioned tactic doesn't work. The British airborne forces have a 75mm Pack Howitzer which is quite cheap, but then you don't get armor, unless you mix force branches that some people consider gamey.

    All bigger guns, IMHO, are only effective if hidden at the beginning of the battle. I will allways trade a Pak 40 for an enemy tank. If my opponent wants to take revenge and destroys the guns, so what? If he doesn't destroy it, I move and hide it again smile.gif .

  14. It seems I'm the only one who really loves field guns smile.gif . One of my favorites is the 75mm infantry gun. It's very cheap, that means that my opponent, if he can't bring in a tank to take it out, has to spend a lot of arty on them. If I'm lucky it costs him more in arty points than the 33 points I spend.

    Another tactic, which I'm currently working on, consists in moving the gun before the arty arrives (not onmap mortars of course). This seems to be the best way to save them, but until now I had little success. Still working on it smile.gif .

    By the way, I think that the 75mm inf. gun is even more effective in attack scenarios, if one can find a save route for the transport. E.g. moving it, out of LOS of the opponent, with a Kübelwagen up to a wood tile, unloading it there and then moving it to the other side of the wood to get LOS to the objective.

    Did this in a recent game against LCM1947 with 2 PAK 40 75mm ATG, but there aren't any enemy tanks in the game anymore :( .

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