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Everything posted by martin

  1. Are you saying that if Germany surrounds Moscow --Russia can't buy any new units? If you capture an enemy's capital -- does it move or is the enemy precluded from making any more units?
  2. I am talking about LAND TRANSPORT. What are the rules for that? :confused:
  3. Can rockets lose strength when they attack? If not -- they would be the logical choice as the first strike unit to soften up the enemy unit.
  4. 1. Does buying rockets at level 1 make any sense when you have airfleets? 2.What are the stats for the more advanced rockets? Does anyone ever find them useful or do you stick to airfleets? Do rockets attack without losing any strength?
  5. 1. Does anyone find this option useful or do you save your money and move armies manually? 2. It seems that the armies I would really like to transport don't give me that option? What are the CONDITIONS for the transport option to appear next to a unit? Martin
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