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Posts posted by Canuck_TAR

  1. Late Aug '42.

    Seesaw battle in NA continues, Italians actually came to fight, reinforcements arrive thanks to air cover from Malta

    Loss of 2 Uboats hurts but the allied navy not looking so hot. 1 still active.

    Eastern front, German forces have taken a heavy beating from the Russia army in the South. Odessa still in German hands.

    In the North the Germans counter attack and drive towards Moscow with the aid to paras. Russian forces are forced to redeploy from the southern front to meet this new threat.

    Reinforcements arrive on the southern front to aid with stemming the red tide.

    All and all a fun game so far with surprises coming from both sides.

  2. Back from Acapulco..............yippie.....I think!

    Lets see......Aug '42........the Russian hordes are on the move in the East. Their supply lines getting expended. Germans trading space for time.

    U-150 runs into Bradley HQ group on the high seas........beats him down to a 2.

    North Africa still in the heat, Italians holding on. Italian corps lost in transport. Med RN taking a beating from air.

  3. Action continues, up to Nov'41.

    USA at 75%, it will come in on time Dec '41 looks like.

    Oost front.........things are going slowly.

    City West of Moscow is taken. See many Russian armies around the capitol.

    Mines are captured in the south.

    Atlantic............German subs are causing havoc in the shipping lanes........these are the "happy times" with operation DRUM BEAT in full swing.

    3 CA's try and nab 1 subs West of France......got it down to a 8. Experienced subs will be a problem for a RN that is hurting and needs refitting.

    Med action..........lost another Italian BB, but he did dammage to a CV (down to 1) and a few BB's before they got him.

    Italian forces are still holding out with the aid of German AF's

    Had a German corp in an ambfib off of Sicily and headed to Tunis...........Luft HQ reports Corps from Malta embarked on transports and went to Tunis...........HELLO..........quick frag orders to German Corps Commander.............redirect to Malta.

    Malta now under German control.........full supply to NA and the Italians.

    Could pull there bacon outta the fire yet.

  4. Mid '41. Norway now under the axis boot. Greece falls to Italy.

    Subs having a free run in the Atlantic as RN is 90% in the Med.

    RN in the Med taking damage from AF's.

    Lose 1 Italian BB for a carrier.

    NA not going to well for the Italians.........German help otw.

    Russia joined the allies.........german troops take the first North town.........Fins join the axis cause.

    Oddessa surrounded...........and another town in Russia taken.

    Must get a few more before the winter hits.

  5. Feb - Mar '41

    British forces make a strong surge in NA taking Torbuk in 2 turns.

    RN shows up in force in the Med taking out 1 Cruiser and 1 BB of the Italian Navy.

    British evacuate Malta, but with RN will be impossible to take. If they leave the RN around the AF's stationed there have orders to destroy all.

    GHC decides to secure the Balkins, Bulgaria signs axis terms.............Yugoslavia..........well lets say they didn't get a chance to sign squat!!

    Russia at 55% late march '41. USA at 38%.

  6. The weekend proved fun, alot of turns gotten in.

    Stands at Dec '40

    A recap.

    U-28 still playing cat and mouse with the RN. Not sure if Lars is even looking for him.

    Poland held out longer than I liked due to weather.........Oct '39...........put my timetable off.........GHC not impressed.

    Denmark and Belgium fall May '40 in quick strikes.

    Paras fall from the skies over France, grabs the mines and then heads east.

    French are truely po'd and come after the Para's with a vengence..........this could have been a mistake.

    France abandons the maginot line and have eyes on the paras along with french tank group.

    German army to the rescue and saves the beleagered lads.

    France taken early Jul '40.

    GHC very impressed, 2 months ahead of timetable now. Schnapps for all!!

    Italians wait for the out come and french surrender and in an act of bravado join the the axis side.........hmph!

    Sweden misplaces trust and drops diploma to 11%.

    July '40 till Dec'40..........refitting for next Ops.

    German AF's practicing on Malta and giving them a good pasting.

    Dec '40.........Hungry and Romania join.......OIL OIL OIL for the war machine.

    All quiet on the NA front.

    RN not spotted............wondering what they up to.

    Thats an update to where it stands now.

    [ March 05, 2007, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: Canuck_TAR ]

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