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Posts posted by anoldman

  1. Thanks Blashy, I appreciate that synopsis.

    As you refer to, in my games the Russian east front is the key. I think I could almost wave America coming in at all.

    By the time America seems to be willing to join in (Diplomacy chits maybe?), the war seems to have generally tipped one way or the other in the east.

    If it is tipped towards the Russians, they are on a slow unstoppable march to Berlin.

    If tipped towards Germans, it is a matter of cleanup to secure the final MPPs.

    Rarely seems to be a stalemate that America's entrance tips scales in.

    Good stuff though. Thanks for the thoughts.

    --AOM smile.gif

    p.s. What is a "DoW"?

    [ April 14, 2006, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: An Old Man ]

  2. First: Loving the game and having a blast. smile.gif

    So, I am no WWII Grognard, and maybe suffer from a fairly slanted American view of the war, but one of the things I remember from my history classes and such is the battle for northern Africa and an invasion of Italy.

    In both SC1 and SC2, it doesn’t seem like either of these are that important, and gamewise, I cant really see ever invading Italy, and a stalemate in Africa (or at least no sending additional units) seems an acceptable position?

    I accept this is a game, and it wouldn’t be much fun if it always led to the same outcome as RL, but when I think of WWII (at least the European portion), I think of (off top of my head and in no particular order):

    --Fall of France

    --Air Battle over Britain

    --Eastern Front/Stalingrad/Surround-cutoff Supply-Envelop Tactics

    --Rommel and Northern Afrika Mechanized Battles

    --Wolfpacks and Convoys

    --Invasion of Italy


    Also, perhaps another nod to game balance, but I seem to remember that USA had a 100 or so divisions in WWII? I know many were Pacific, but it seems to me in my 1939 games (SC1 and limited SC2 Games), that the U.S. is marginal impact if any?

    Just kind of curious from those Grognards out there whether the U.S. is relatively well represented, whether the Northern Africa actions were important, and was the Italy invasion just another sign the war was already over, or was it important to the overall tide of war?

    Would the war have turned out differently if Rommel had maintained control of the desert?

    Was D-Day and America's involvement a non-effect on the eastern front?

    Just curious.



    [ April 14, 2006, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: An Old Man ]

  3. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    [...] If you didn't get an email, then we are sorry, but that simply means you will need to wait until the next batch of emails goes out (which will be tomorrow) or possibly your email address in the original order was faulty or is getting bounced around before it finally comes back to us as undeliverable. Due to the amount of emails we are having to handle, we can not at this time check each and every one to see if it went out or not though.


    I appreciate that. I also know I will get it "soon", just kinda sucks and it makes me feel better to let you know I'm dissapointed. :(

    Feel free to tell 'Ed' at sales@battlefront.com a big warm "wtf over?" from me kk?... :rolleyes:

    Still having a blast with the demo, I know its not personal, still think HC is the man, i'll get my grubby's on it soon enough, etc... just thought from Moon's announcement that christmas was coming today... just, suxors i guess...

    Woo... :(


  4. As an aside. Seems like your question was answered but just in case...

    "Cookie Cutter" is not really a 'tactic' persay, it is just a general term that is used used.

    Adj. 1. cookie-cutter - having the same appearance (as if mass-produced) or closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "a suburb of cookie-cutter houses"
    In gaming it generally means a well known strategy or tactic that defines a particular set of steps taken at the start of a particular game, and which usually results in a certain outcome regardless of the actions of the opposing player or players.

    At least that's my tin horn attempt at defining it... ;)


  5. Nonono Blashy. O.k., true enough.

    But one hand is on the mouse, the other holds the pie for da pie hole. My feet and toes just simply aren't dexterous enough for arrow keys.

    Plus, I am already so reclined in my chair when I play that raising my feet would cause the delicate balance of my structural escape velocity apparatus to slip into a point of unrecoverable gravity free fall towards a mass concentration so dense as to often be described in scientific journals by a single word which they alphanumerically define as simply... 'Earth'. ;)

    …I freely admit my feature request is hardly a game breaker... tongue.gif

    --AOM smile.gif

    [ April 07, 2006, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: An Old Man ]

  6. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    Oops! Sorry already fixed the AF attacking neutral ships bug smile.gif

    Lol! You 'da man HC! :D

    Thank you for making this very fun game. Reccomended it to my friends, hope you make bajillions off of it. tongue.gif

    Hmmm... although I would have to guess that even at a bajillion dollars your labor hours vs. ROI is still probably a negative %... ;)

    Woot and Thanks for all the fish HC!!


  7. Hmm... well I can actually understand stopping the other side's ships even if they were not yet on 'the other side'.

    I am no Grognard by any stretch but would guess that relations between Italy and France were a bit strained well before outbreak of war.

    Sort of like a rude customs official turning away the French ships for failure to file a Form 1033-A9 at least 30 days prior to transit and stamped as approved by the high muckety-muck of transit authority. "oh, you didnt get it in triplicate? So sorry..." ;)

    On the other hand, sending in your airforce to sink some of their military ships seems a bit more attention getting.

    Although i guess you could always simulate it as sort of the risks for traveling to close to a war zone. Mistaken identification, etc...

    Either way, very minor. Hope HC puts it below my Left Click --> Grab map in order to move the map around on screen, feature request. smile.gif



  8. Single Player Bug (?):

    With control of Russian Navy, on Turn 1 begin to move fleet down towards Copenhagen.

    On Turn 2, complete trip to Copenhagen. If German Navy in port you get "Surprise Contact", but no combat.

    On Start of Turn 3, Luftflotte I near Copenhagen will air attack Russian Navy.

    Reproducible = Yes

    Scenario = 1940 Fall Weserubung

    Settings = Player is Allies, Difficulty 50%, CPU 0

    Comments = Russia still not in war by Turn 3 of course. Russians do take damage. Germans don't seem to take damage from these attacks. Not sure if Russians not firing back or just not doing damage.


    --AOM tongue.gif

  9. umm... well, figured I would stick my impressions of the demo here but not sure the posts in this thread are about demo impressions.

    In any case, Bottom Line: I had a blast playing demo last night. No technical or graphical issues at all. SC2 demo was really enjoyable and like SC1, I found it to be still a fairly intuitive game in terms of how to play and how things worked.

    Some random points:

    I liked panzer general a lot and would consider analogies to PG to be a good thing. I think the scripting and ability to mod/vary scale and conflicts make this a better game then PG. (but as an aside, I enjoyed the campaign aspect of PG with bringing along my core group of units as they gained xp. Kind of the RPG angle improvement thing with my units)

    I look forward to seeing what the fans do with icons and scripting! The demo was great for me, and I can only imagine how much better it will get as the game taps into the brains/knowledge/energy of 20 (or more!) SC2 fanatics.

    Thanks for the great game Hubert. I am very happy I pre-ordered so as not to lose a single day before I can play the full version. smile.gif

    I know everyone has them and HC's list is already longer than Santa's but here is mine...


    Left click -> Drag = grabs map to scroll the board. Edges of my screen are a long way away, and the mini-map is very mini. Sometimes I just want to re-center the screen a little bit.

    Have you seen the feature above in other games? Very handy and intuitive. That's my vote! :D

    Thanks again HC and all those who helped HC. I trolled the boards since SC1 and remember when SC2 boards first sprang into existence. I dont post much but I have really enjoyed both SC and now SC2 (demo).

    Woot! --AOM

    p.s. Looks like it's time to change my sig... "This space for rent for SC*3* pre-order $$" ;) *joke*

  10. Thanks for the nice reply... was actually coming back to say I found the <Esc> key smile.gif

    Thanks for the great game Hubert!!

    I am heading home now. Suddenly I don't feel so good... ;)

    A little confused on movement (my plane had radius of 1?) but will print manual when I get home.

    Loaded fine, Graphics look good, Alt-Tab'd no problem and came back fine, same with esc key, no obvious graphical issues at all.

    Have sound muted so will need to wait till i get home for that. smile.gif

    Playing on a Compaq nc6000 notebook.

    WOOT!! :D


  11. I was always a little frustrated that I couldn't play SC1 in a window... mainly becuase then I had a harder time hiding it when I was playing at work... ;)

    Oh yea, if you can, since the spacebar is probably not used, could you make that into a "boss" key for fast minimizing or a MS Word Screenshot over the top of it? ;)

    Thanks! I will definately pre-order this game based on my experience with SC1.

    Thanks Hubert! --An Old Man smile.gif

  12. I appreciate this post RevengeMD. I am a casual/for fun/still try to win, type of player and I enjoyed the list.

    I sadly saw myself in some of the negatives... (disappearing act, "man you got so lucky!", asking/whining to concede/restart after Germany took a bloody nose in France...) ..and am glad that I have matured past such things while playing games.

    and appreciated when I saw myself reflected in the positives...

    (Mentioning that if he leaves his fleet in port I could attack it, Graciosly (sp?) allowing my opponents to take back turns or restart the entire game... even after sometimes only the second "turn" and often when I was playing the allies and the Germans had just taken a bloody nose in France... smile.gif ) ...and am glad that I take such pride in being an enjoyable opponent to those I play against wether or not I won or lost.

    But, I appreciated the list RevengeMD and took it for what it was...

    o Try to win

    o Be competitive

    o Be fair

    o Be gracious

    o Dont cheat

    o Make mistakes and live with them even though you knew you actually had meant to move that Panzer unit to a different hex or just miss clicked the hex (I like to think of these as adding the randomness of misunderstood orders or "for the lack of a horseshoe nail...")

    o Trust that his luck in the dice are fair luck and not replayed turns or loaded dice...

    o Fight hard until the bitter end -- usually your opponent will offer you a chance to concede after drubbing you for a few turns (games get boring no matter which side of the land slide you are on -- although always remeber that the greatest stories are the ones that sprang from the most hopeless situations or odds of vitory...)

    o Not all games should be balanced -- war rarely is

    o Always respect and appreciate your opponents...

    Hmmm... I guess those are the ones that spring to the top of mind. tongue.gif

    Anyhoo, the point is -> Thanks again for the link RevengeMD, I enjoyed it and saved for the future.

    --An Old Man

    p.s. Concerning the offering my opponent advice or a "heads up" (ref: turkey comment) I have learned to really give a thought to the opponents level of play thus far, his admitted expierence, and how far into the game I am. I remember a very fun opponent named Hueristic (sp?) who left open the little city hex in the netherlands area (Lol, ok, so I did say I play more for fun than for being able to recite the middle name of every general in the war type of player... although... I would point out... "Tiberius" ;) )

    Point is, I took Hue's bait and he smashed up my valuable panzer unit with a combined sea and air bombardment, and swept back in with a strength 10 Inf. I thought he had made a mistake but it was a calculated bait/move. Just a thought before you "educate" your opponent and perhaps eat your hat when the drubbing begins... smile.gif

    [ June 26, 2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: An Old Man ]

  13. Just a public acknowledgment of a double defeat at the hands of Hueristic's excellant Allied Strategy that has decisively defeated my Axis Strategy twice in row.

    I will continue to try and find a proper counter but I concede two clean victories to you.

    Any strong Axis players looking for a good challenge might want to send Hue an email for a TCPIP game sometime.

    Anyhoo, fun games and so a public salute to you Hue! smile.gif

    --An Old Man

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