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Posts posted by Fubarno

  1. Those in the know, those that have played the full game obviously have the better perspective.

    But if they're somehow wrong, I would think the best option is not to limit the amphib movement to 2-3 as someone mentioned. Too unrealistic considering the timeframe of each turn. It would also preclude much chance for the sneak attack nature that an amphib maneuver relies on for success.

    Perhaps a soft build limit on the number of amphibious transports for each major power, as there is for the other units, would be a more elegant solution.

    The biggest problem for Germany historically was the lack of transportation and naval assets to transport a sizeable force across the channel. I know it's fun to try and change history, but I think most want to attempt it in a way based on the realities of the time.

  2. Pull yourself together man, *slap, slap*.

    Memorable lines from Aliens (1986)

    Hicks: Hey! I know we're all in strung out shape but stay frosty and alert. We can't afford to let one of those bastards in here.

    Hudson: Game over man... Game over!

    Bishop: I'm afraid I have some bad news.

    Hudson: Well that's a switch.

    Apone: All right you guys, we're a team and there's nothing to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some. Is that understood?

    Marines: Yes Sir!

    Apone: That's what we gonna do, sweethearts. We are going to go and get some. All right people, on the ready line!

    [the drop-ship crashes]

    Hudson: Well that's great, that's just f***in' great man. Now what the f*** are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty s**t now man... That's it man, game over man, game over! What the f*** are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?

    Burke: Maybe we could build a fire, sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?

  3. I found a Sea Lion too easy too. I captured Norway, Denmark, Benelux and France. I had begun an invasion of Yogoslavia. In adition I had brought the airborne corps to the channel coast and amphibed a HQ, 3 armored corps and two armies across the channel. These forces, with 3 level 2 air corps destroyed the Brit HQ, air and bomber corps and greatly weakened the corps defending London. One more turn before the demo ended and England would be flying a swastika over 10 Downing St. I was playing on the easy setting, but would it have made much of a difference? It seemed a bit far fetched and may require some tweaking.

    I'll have to give it a spin at the higher dificulty settings. What dificulty were you using aesopu?

  4. It took me about three run throughs on the demo to get a working handle on the game. Having played SC1, it was intuitive enough for me to stumble through and figure out.

    Some of the things that took me some time were:

    - Asigning HQ to specific units manually.

    - Attacking a unit that is inside a port, fort or city.

    - Using the waypoint function.

    - Getting used to the nuances of tiles and the angles available for attack, movement and supply.

    Some of the things I really liked off the bat:

    - Waypoints for movement, especially for naval assets.

    - Assigning HQ to specific formations.

    - The battle of the Atlantic will actually have the potential to be a 'battle'.

    - The North African campaign has room for maneuver.

    - The new techs and how units need to be specifically upgraded to recieve the benefit.

    Some things I thought were not intuitive in the interface:

    - The use of color seemed to be backwards or wrong. White for reduce and black for increase on reinforce. This was confusing.

    - When initiating combat in a hex with both a fleet or land unit that has an underlying infrastructure such as town or port, etc... the default attack is against the infrastructure. In war the primary way to win is destroy you enemy's armies so I would think the default attack would be against the military forces and attacking the infrastructure would require holding down the Ctrl key.

    I still haven't touched the diplomacy part of the game, and I've only played the allies so far.

    Overall first impression. This game will be the one I have been waiting for. It's great and will only get better with future patch upgrades. I'll order when the game comes out. Don't let the grumblers get you down HC. You have created the best WW2 in Europe strategic sim ever released (based on the demo). How's that for a first impression.

  5. I predict this:

    Within a week or two, tops,

    We'll have, oh,

    40-50 new!

    SC-2 Blitzkrieg!

    Scenarios for WW-2 and!

    That's what I was thinking too. I usually won't have time to load, look over and play everyone of them. A review mechanism will help so that I and others can easily find the the highest rated 'War in the Pacific' scenarios (etc...) out of 20+ that will get made.

    Yes, I just updated the SC2 portion of CMMods to include ratings for scens.
    Way to go! I'm looking forward to some interesting uses of the editor and modifications. That's not to say I wouldn't have bought the game without a map editor. The WW2 in Europe is still the main draw. But who knows...?
  6. Off topic for this site, but on topic for this thread...

    If you guys need something really fun to read and also to learn about a period of history that you may not know much about, check out Bernard Cornwell's stuff. He's the guy who does the "Sharpes" series, his most famous compilation.

    The books that I read of his recently that were so great were his "Last Kingdom" series and his "Warlord" series. My local library carried them and I devoured them like a starving man at an all you can eat buffet. This might ease the waiting and desire for instant gratification smile.gif

    Anyone else into his historical fiction? He has a lot more books covering civil war and revolutionary war too, if that's your cup of tea.

  7. LOL. I could see that coming from a mile away. Hopefully your game is not as predictable as your rap. ;)

    Yeah, I just saw that the forums are in German, mostly. Do a web search for 'tranlator'. You should be able to lift discussion content and drop it into the translator for comprehension. I haven't tried this yet with forum content, but I have with other stuff and its understandable but not perfect.

    [ March 21, 2006, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

  8. Thanks for the info. I'll be checking out Panzerliga and CM Mods & SC2 Database. I'll also be looking forward to your work Fantomas as I have followed your thread regarding mods.

    I was thinking it would be good if there was a mechanism to comment and perhaps review and grade a user submitted scenario. Perhaps different 1 to 5 rankings for such things as accuracy, map, balance, units, ai script if any, overall fun, etc... This might help in sifting through large ammounts of user made content. I guess we'll have to wait and see how much content there ends up being.

  9. I was just wondering if somone knows of a site that will be hosting SC2 fan made mods and maps. ai scripts, etc...?

    I'm looking forward to fan made maps from favorite periods in history and to see if the editor can translate these different periods into fun games. I could see an American Revolutainary War scenario and other scenarios, ad infinitum. Civil War, Napoleon, Scipio Africanus, Peloponesian War, Ancient China, Shogun Period, Crusades, Iran/Iraq, WW3, 7 Year War, Italian City States, the Last Kingdom and Alfred the Great, you get the idea... Does anyone have plans of trying to cover a more obscure period in history? (Yes, of course after you have Blitzed and bombed your way through WW2, the big one :D )

    I know ther'll be a gaggle of WW2 in the Pacific scenarios.

    Has anyone thought about what scale they would make the land units in a Pacific scenario? Division size maybe?

  10. I'll be looking for a couple PBEM opponents. I'm good for a couple of turns per day, most days. This is my preferred method. Every so often I'll go online for a game but unless someone surrenders I doubt I'll be able to go longer than two hours per session.

    I'm really looking forward to a multiplayer game of tcp/IP too with 5 players. Who's going to play the Italians tongue.gif

    I remeber in the ol' days, looking at my Dad's AH General mag and reading about the different strategies for the combatants in 3rd Reich. Even the Italians had a dedicated article covering the nuances of some Italian strategies, to do better than history, sink the Brit fleet or what if scenarios, Malta, Gibralter, Spain, Middle East, etc.

    Did anyone notice that it's the 20th (21st in eastern timezones). Anticipation.... smile.gif

    Just think how much of a letdown a delay would be at this moment ;) (pressureperssurepressure).

  11. Sorry all. I shouldn't be so harsh as yes, many GREAT minds have had their faith, including Darwin, and hopefully you live in a country where you can follow your faith without persecution. Even my paltry intelect is ocasionally moved by something greater than what can be touched by the senses or theorized by scientific method.

    What I can't stomach is the evangalizing for Jesus, Mohamad or any other religion that has come down the pipe. It becomes particularly odd when someone wants to pray to Jesus that SC2 will be all that and create some ridiculous homily to support their faith. Sheesh! Lay off the communion wine. Change your tag to WWJP (what would jesus play). :D

  12. I've been burned too many times on poor quality software that I thought was going to be good and purchased without demo'ing. GGWAW, MOO3, and a whole box full of others that failed to cut the mustard.

    Now SC2 is most likely something that I can trust will be a solid purchase as I enjoyed SC1 and have followed the progress of the new version of SC (as well as all the other shenanigans that gets written on this site).

    But, despite this confidence, I will patiently await the demo, give it a spin and then within one hour of demo'ing, I'll probably know whether this is a must buy for me. I certainly hope it is!

    As far as faith? I faithfully rely on my head rather than my heart as much as I can. Keep your faith to yourself because to me it's just primitive superstitions used by people of lower intelligence to make themselves feel better about something that they don't understand. Power to Darwin, science and reality and good software that can be tested out on a demo before purchase. Amen! smile.gif

    [ March 06, 2006, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Fubarno ]

  13. Best AAR yet, pictures or no pictures (pictures would be nice though). Thanks pzgndr.

    In my opinion, the biggest omition from SC1 was the weather and environment and how it effected the combatants. The addition of it seems to add a great deal of flavor to the war in the Atlantic and the war in the east. I'm salivating for a good taste, but glad to hear that great care is being taken to test and refine. Keep up the good work, cut sleep out of your schedule, test, test, test... smile.gif

  14. KK, step back for a minute and take a breather. You can bet nobody wants SC2 out more than HC, but thankfully he's got the willpower to hold out until it's DONE, and done right.

    Sure, support other wargame makers and buy their products too. Ease up on the Hubester and don't give him any added pressure or regrets. I know the major topics have been beaten harder than a red-headed step child in the Wallmart parking lot, but hang in there.

    Is some mad super villain got you tied to a computer as he sends mega jules of electricity into your genitals for each day that SC2 doesn't get released? I think not! Take a vacation, a reality check, a morale check, and thank the divine spirits of fortune that you don't have to deal with a real catastrophe (hopefully) like the tsunami last year, the New Orleans floods or the big earthquake in Kasmir.

    Settle back in your confy chair with the latest game that heats your juices, a good book or get some exercise. And, when SC2 comes out, hopefully its as good as we are all rooting it will be and we can crush the Hun' just one more time... smile.gif

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