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Everything posted by shatan

  1. Hi, I installed the 41.09 drivers and now I can't see any text. Anyone know if this is fixable or what drivers can be installed and still see text? Thanks!
  2. Those two quirks (German flak truck and SMG squads) sound like bugs. Does anyone know if they are reported and/or going to be addressed?
  3. Hi, Regarding Edge Hunting. What am I supposed to do if there is not sufficient cover in the middle of the map, but the edge provides me good cover and an opportunity to advance? Would an advance up the edge be considered gamey in this instance?
  4. CMMOS looks to be what I'm looking for (I have got a similar product for EAW.) Thanks guys!
  5. Hiya, What are the best mods to install for a newbie? There are a bunch out there and I just can't seem to choose, so I figured that I would ask you fine folks. Thanks
  6. Chicks dig mullets on hockey players too... So, if you're not a hockey player or an irish rock star, I think you're out of luck.
  7. Hi! I've had CMBO for a month of so now and just wanted to drop a note saying Hi. I played the demo about a year or so ago and finally broke down and bought the game for my B-Day. Looking forward to meeting and getting beat up by y'all. Hopefully, I'll learn something along the way.
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