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Barcelona 1936

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Posts posted by Barcelona 1936

  1. Konigs IMHO has done a very good post.

    Germany wasn´t an economy at war until Speer took economic command and Total war was declared.

    But the political reasons were important in this choose of Hitler , he needed germans didn´t feel the war over their backs; no increased taxes, no women in factories, goods as tires or gas for middle class were too political prizes for silent any disident voices.

  2. Thanks to defenders of a poor man that cannot win anyone even cheating ( sorry Iron ranger but i defeated you without cheating, believe you or not ) ;) . I played more than 20 year to wargames and never i have done it for winnig or loosing only to have fun with other people (and we continue playing nowdays). I have never played for money or honour ( God they are my friends¡¡¡). If i have seen how important is the game for the other player´s ego i prefer to surrender in the first turn doing my good action of the day (there is so much pain in the world to add a little more). Try to have fun with the game because is O N LY a game. :D

  3. First i haven´t played yet in any ladder game , then i don´t`play for rank, i´m not very competitive (I know this is dificult to understand for you JJRambo), only play for fun and i prefer to design scenarios than playing them.

    Second I could hide and say no i don´t cheat and he couldnt prove it.

    Third please reply this again because i hope people Know how easy is to cheat in this last version (and to know I cheat in this game)and this bug will be fixed inmmediately.


  4. redface.gif Hellraiser if you see the unit in negative strenght was in amphibious transport to invade UK and then should be the moment when you should have seen the sad true ( i´m a bit histrionic). And as i can see my plan have worked thanks to JJRambo and his torch against cheaters, i thing this BUG do the game with fog of war a matter of trust (if i want to hide myself i haven´t build any BB or CW as you can see in the screenshot i built). I hope this PROBLEM take all the attention of HC and he´ll fix it. :(
  5. Well Sorry Hellraiser redface.gif You have the reason, i begin to cheat from the first turn, but not to win instead of this only to promove some polemic in the forum about the ÜBERBUG.

    First I have purchased all my army and navy from the beginnig, but my mpps were positive at the end of the turn.

    I can give you my password and you can see that my MPP aren´t in negative numbers,if you have any dubte.

    The reason to do that is to report all players that the bug is even BIGGER than only to rename units, you can have units with negative strenght, and this give you a way to hold over 0 your MPP´s .

    This is only a play , but a play we have paid for, i know is a very poor excuse for using another player but you have gone out before i can explain me. If for my behavior i have to be banned some time i can understand it.



  6. In SC2 you can attack every single objetive with three tiles of front up to 6 times due mainly to blitz-attack-followed-by retreat-tactic , i have tested one simple way to reduce this so efective tactic by increasing movement cost of blitz attacks. In the last version of my campaign in clear turns or snow only units with movement over 5 can attack and retreat, and in mud turns no unit can retreat after attack, doing impossible this tactic. I hope this can help to make defense a reliable possibility. smile.gif

    What is your opinion?

  7. I have finished all the map and event scripts , about balance IMHO now is right, thanks to playtesters like ; AXISGENERAL , TERIF, STAVKA CCCP, FIREBALL, SOMBRA, CONSTAN.

    Finally I´m waitting for the next patch to write all the AI scripts, well i have done a lot of them , but i would prefer upload te campaign completely in cmmods , because now is mainly for use in human versus human games.

    If you want, you can contact with me in icq or by e-mail jaimain@gmail.com . Finally two screens of France 40´





  8. Well some players used to nag of the Atlantic size in my previous mod. ( with the original map of fall weiss but with an Atlantic Ocean 20 tiles wider).

    Howewer the main reason is that I do this naval loop from USA coast to UK Coast for allowing AI to send transport as It always send ( without any escort). Then UK based cruiser can react to the attack to those transports ( they arrive near to UK and in range of Royal Navy) A N D if the transports retreat they will do to the closest port ( UK Ports instead of Canada).

    I hope i have asked your first question.

    About the second , only scripts that aren´t relative to x,y positions can be directly added to this campaign (but i don´t suggest you do that), by the other side scripts related to x,y position have to be reescripted because not only coordenates are different but in this case SIZE MATTERS ; you have more cities , more room to manouver, more OB and different combat values and unit properties. You can´t simply paste the previous plans and change x,y positions in those, you will have to change number of units assigned to plan, cancel and activated position, create new scripts for new positions that are the Strategic Keys or are the triggers for new events.

    An example of this is a AI plan script to amphibious build up of one unit to Crete, and after this one other to garrison that position because it has a similar effect than Malta but for Allies instead of Axis.


  9. Sorry Hubert but I closed the editor and opened the campaign with the same result, Tirana act as a minor capital ( gives more points than a regular city). And every time i have opened the editor to make any minor correction to map Tirana is always the capital minor. And I want to add another bug? when a country surrender , I have implemented a Poland partition script , all works properly about ownership of the tiles but... (two image better than one thousand words) eeee1nz.jpg



  10. I don´t want to put more firewood on fire but about undervalue weather in war or battles, i want to add my opinion supported by examples of this (some of them happened reciently); Armada Invencible against England, Greco-Persian Wars,napoleonic Grand Armee,D-day etc...by the way sand´s storm stopped the most powerfull army in the world when invading Irak, add to this that relative forces aren´t so diferents in 1941 than in 2003, an you can see that weather have a key rol in wars and in battles. Earth , Oceans and Climate are more powerfull than any weapon that men have developed (termonuclear heads included).

  11. This campaign is intended for human to human , furthermore I haven´t worked yet in AI scripts, now the game works the way i think simulate betterthe history.

    Tech are more dificult (maximun 2 chits in all 5 level areas, but 1 in IW AT GLR MOT).

    Land units begin more powerfull than before, this the reason why R&D doesn´t break the game in land.

    Now allies can do two types of naval movement , one is the normal and the other is using naval loops from America´s Coast to British Coast and viceversa, this kind of movement is less risky but in this way you can never find Submarines.

    Airfleets are less powerfull against land units but more against others air units.

    There is like an Offboard Map Box wich represent Asian, Oceanian and Afrikan british commonwealth.

    Now whole Escandinavia is on the map, If you wish you can invade USSR from the North ..., well it would be a very long journey.

    US production is huge too.

    USSR activation depends on USSR units in the USSR-III Reich frontier, If you want to increase your production and activation you have to put units in the frontier...

    I only need playtesters? :(largocaminoamosc2jt.jpgsmile.gif

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