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Posts posted by Esquire

  1. I must take some offense to the cynicism of the posts on this thread. As a practicing lawyer for the past 19 years, I can assure you that my private and court appointed clients always received zealous representation. I agree, much with any other profession, that there are some good and some bad, but all lawyers can not be lumped together.

  2. This brings me back to that long ago time in the Spring of '02. Those were heady day indeed. In a thread such as this we waited, day after day, week after week, month after month for the release of SC. There were setbacks, new release dates, more setbacks and exuberant anticipation which culminated in a consumer frenzy of epic proportions.

    Where has the time gone, not to mention the old guard; Bloody Bucket, Straha, Willgamer, John Difool, and Gen.Metaxas to name a few. Will we see days like that again?

  3. I was over at wargamer following the development of Russo-German War when I wandered over here. Downloaded the SC demo and got hooked. I began monitoring the board prior to the release of the cd and then when it finally went on sale snatched on up. I remember reports being posted as the cd was delivered around the globe. I seem to recall that for some reason there were delays in delivery to in Europe and Canada. Needless to say there were some angrey posts back then.

  4. This explanation is as fitting now as it was in Sept. 02.


    FWIW, I'll offer an observation. The tug of war between the beer&pretzels crowd demanding fun and the grognards demanding historical accuracy has been going on since April, since before the demo was released. The former group, having beaten the game several times with L5 jets in 1942 and other such fantastic feats, is probably getting bored and either looking for entertainment elsewhere or beginning to reconsider some of those silly "historical accuracy" issues to make the game more interesting. The grognards were obviously frustrated from the beginning and have seen some but not enough changes to make the game more "realistic." And Hubert has been focused exclusively on gameplay fixes and TCP/IP, and hasn't provided any guidance on which way the game will evolve because he doesn't know himself yet. So we must wait and wonder, and that leads to more frustration and sometimes a few bitter debates. Accordingly, some of the grognards have grown weary and either gone into lurker mode or abandoned the forum (to be replaced by new grognards to refight the old battles!)

    It's almost too funny. I've often put SC in perspective by noting that 3R evolved since 1974 through 4 editions, then morphed into A3R and several updates of that over all these YEARS. SC has now been out less than 2 MONTHS. We need to be patient. It should evolve into a much better game as time goes on, by offering more realism and historical accuracy without compromising the fun and replayability that it offers now.

    "courtsey of Bill Macon"

  5. just an observation from one who has been around since the game was released. Back in my day (apx. 18 months ago) I remember the anticipation that was genertated with the then upcoming release of the game. The morning it was to be released was further delayed for a few hours. At that time, I was by my own estimation one of the first 15 people to order it. The forum at that time was made up of people who were very excited about what the game offered. Given time, the people on the forum changed to those who wanted mere out of the game. Then after about 4 months the board seemed to die out. It even prompted me to start a new thread asking where everybody went. A few months later (late 02) the board came back to life, and the whole competition thing started. In summary, it appears that this board follows a cycle. It may be in a valley now but more then likely from my vantage point will become active again.

    Only my two cents worth.

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