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Posts posted by Wojtek

  1. Hi all

    Just got a new PC system - Dell 4550, gfx card as above, XP Home - and I'm experiencing a few problems seeing fonts (graphics look lovely btw). Drivers are Catalyst 3.2 v6.14.1.6307, just updated (I was getting kaleidoscope colours on previous version).

    All font output is white on white, so I don't see my password appear in the password screen when I type it. In the game screen, any text (e.g. numbers of healthy vs injured) are also just white blocks.

    Has anyone seen anything similar? Anyone have any suggested fixes?

    [Edit] FYI, when I select a graphics mode after deleting the Prefs file, I can read the text there, it's only in the game itself I can't see any text.

    [ March 24, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Wojtek ]

  2. Result X2 vs B2 Mechanised Bushmen

    Draw, Axis 54 Allied 46

    Much relieved at this result which was better than I'd hoped after the terrible pounding my armour took from a single [CENSORED]. I lucked out with a [CENSORED] which destroyed all of his [CENSORED], and tipped the balance slightly back in my favour.

    Do we still need all this censorship?

    In the other scens, April's Fool is near the end. I'm not sure I could have covered the length of the map in 30 turns even if there was no opposition! Arch Enemies is on around turn 8, and we've finally found each other in the darkness!

  3. Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

    What amazes me is that the Germans never caught onto the fact that we could break most of their codes/coding machine language. Does anyone know if the Germans ever suspected it?

    The British were always very careful in their use of Ultra intelligence, rightly reasoning that the source itself was far more important than any one piece of information. For this reason, it was usual to ensure that the Germans believed there was another reason for the intelligence before an attack was made.

    For example, in the North Atlantic, this would mean flying a reconnaisance plane over a target before attacking, so that the Germans would think that they had been spotted by the plane rather than that some other means of intelligence was available.

    IIRC there was one occasion on which the Kreigsmarine believed that their code was broken, based upon the fact that all but one of their U-boat resupply ships were sunk in the space of a week. In fact, although the locations were all known to Ultra, the sinkings were a coincidence, the result of local action rather than Ultra information. The resulting KM investigation concluded that their cipher security was intact.

    There were many occasions on which Ultra intelligence was not used, because using it may have compromised Ultra itself. I believe that Crete was one of these.

    I'll try to get references for this (I'm at work just now) but IIRC most of the info comes from Simon Singh's The Code Book.

  4. Here's how it's looking from Allied B2

    April's Fool - Y2 vs B2/7 Some minor contact has occurred. Looks like being a great scenario.

    Arch Enemies - W2 vs B2/3 All dark on the Western Front.

    Dies Irae - Z2 vs B2/17 Carnage :D I haven't seen so many sparks flying since I turned my Dad's car on its roof ...

    Mechanised Bushman - X2 vs B2/7 Some desultory plinking, but no real action yet. Just making sure their dander is up.

    It's early days for most of the scenarios, so I still feel confident. I haven't had to face reality yet.


  5. I rescued a surrendered MGer from the evil clutches of the AI the other day too. I'd left the squad too far forward and unsupported at setup and it was overrun. But the AI made a mistake as they marched the sole survivor off into captivity. They walked him only 100m from a forward platoon of Pioneers I had lurking in some woods waiting for a flank counterattack. The QB was going pretty well by then so I indulged myself with a rescue mission instead of the counterattack. The moment I got him back was probably better than when the attackers finally surrendered :D

    Worst thing about a rescued MG POW is that they've had the weapon taken off them. Best thing is that, unhindered, they can run smile.gif

  6. Fionn

    Originally posted by Fionn:

    Historically the BEST way to defend a river is to prevent the enemy ever reaching it.

    I found this statement interesting. Not being much of a military historian myself, can you think of any examples of successful river crossing defence (at the CMBO tactical level)? Or is it historically always all up if you let them get there?
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