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Posts posted by CMsoldier

  1. I have been playing for about 1 1/2 years now. But the way i have been playing is still like a newbie. On the attack i just spread out my forces, move tree line by treeline and attack that way, i usually win, but thats against ai. On defence, i just set my units near the flags and there they defend. I have not learned many tactics, mainly because i dont think you can learn much against the ai, so i need some help understanding certain tactics, and how to set them up.

    First of all, people are talking about recon fights. On the offense, how do you setup your recon and with what units. Say in a 2000 point battle.

    What about on defense? What units do i set forward to do the recon battle,

    How many of what should be in the Main attacking force and the reserves.

    Should i have a company of many flanking on one side?

    On defense, should i set up zones to lure them into, and have Mgs watching over that area.

    Should i try to defend all the flags, or only the most important one.

    And what about the FSE, What should that consist of and where deos it usually go.

    If you just want to e-mail, that is fine too, help would be much appreciated.

  2. Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    BTS has said there will be no demo before release.

    I think they are smart to not have a release date. If they did set a date they would probably miss it and then everyone would be more annoyed than if they had never set one at all. I've seen it happen many times before with other games: publisher announces date, date is missed, fans go nuts about being "lied to" and how the devs are incompetent ect.

    which i think is total BS on the fans part, they are not the ones making the games. But i agree, there should be no release date. And anyways, you know what they say "Better late than never"
  3. Originally posted by Patgod:

    who said it was a bug? not EVERY shot that penetrates armor causes death/destruction of vehicle.

    or are you saying that no hit was registered? if thats the case then you should know the round placement after a miss is RANDOM, yours simply being placed somewhere on the other side of the target tank.

    not bug, feature ;)

    sorry i should have said that the round hit the ground behind the tank it just went right through, and it didnt cause any casualties.
  4. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Seems just about everyone and their mother had a hand in this mod.

    As I understand it, the original mod was from Kwazydog and featured in MDMP-1, then Fernando winterized it, then Paul McMahon made some new roadwheels for the Jadgpanthers that Gordon then winterzired and this whole thing was sent to me by some other guy. Whew, got that? Anyway, this has always been a favorite winter texture of mine and its even better now.

    Head on over to CMHQ to grab your copy now!



    *thinking*.......*thinking some more* ..... *thinking too hard* :confused:

    anyways, nice mod :D

  5. I think this would be a cool feature to have in CMBB(if not this one than later CMs). It might be a good way to test a scenario.

    They should make it so that it figures out the whole battle, then you watch it non stop. If that wouldnt leave you on the edge of your seat, then i dont know what would.

    Since the AI is better in CMBB, it would be a cool feature to add to the VERY long list of cool features on CM.

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