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Everything posted by DeadDireWolf

  1. Sorry Grant - Been away awhile. I'm running XP but don't know about the time sync.
  2. Yeah Hubert. I'm serious. I have two SC installed on my machine. One with version 1.02 and the other with version 1.03. I've noticed, however, that after the intial problem and the accidental fix that it hasn't happened again. Also, I haven't had much time to play lately so I haven't noticed if there were any other problems. Other than the above incident I haven't had any more problems. I do love a good mystery....... Hey Grant, did you try it and does the single player game work now?
  3. Mine just did it too. My PC clock said the year was 8197. I tried to start a SP game and it crashed to the desktop. I then saw this thread, checked my clock and saw the year. Have we been to Mars yet? Anyway, PBEM games will play just fine. I just loaded a buddy's turn and played it and sent it back to him. Then I (while typing this) tried to start a new game again (to double check) and it works just fine! Hey Grant - Try to play an email game or turn or something and then try to play a single player game and see what happens. If you need a PBEM game file let me know and I'll send you one. To quote Buffalo Springfield for this odd occurance..... "There's something happen' in here, what it is ain't exactly clear...."
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