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Everything posted by palmero

  1. I've played through three times now, and have really enjoyed it. As far as this goes: "Can Russia be defeated in a stand up war of attrition if GB isn't knocking in the West?" In my third game, on the default level of play, I used the Axis for the first time, and just to see how it works, I declared war on Russia in the first turn (first thing really). I figured, oh well I'll get smacked around a lot, but decided to play on. It was great! I pummelled the French with a reduced force, absorbed an invasion of east Poland without too much damage, and then conquered france in August. The Russians got nervous then and pulled back to the Ukraine. The Italians and Finns joined the Axis and off we went to Russia. I didn't make much headway by the end of the game, but it was definitely a war of attrition appearing to favor me (although I couldn't really match the Russian production). Without any build caps I don't really know how I would have beaten the Russians since it seemed like they could always keep reinforcing their armies forever. It was fun while it lasted though, and I'm looking forward to a chance to press my war with Russia to the very end. Thanks Hubert!
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