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Jim L.

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Posts posted by Jim L.

  1. Looking for a PBEM game.  I have CMBS and BSBP1.  No preferences as I am new to this game so keep that in mind.  Tried the Blitz and got no takers.  Signed up for Few Good Men several days ago, but haven't been approved so not sure what's the deal with that.  We Band of Brothers doesn't seem to support Black Sea.  So this is my last shot I guess until The Blitz announces another scenario of the month.

    I have played PBEM in the past, namely Campaign Series and CMx1, but that was almost a decade ago, when I used to send turns zipped via email.  That being said, I do have a Dropbox account, but no PBEM helper program.  Anyways, I would like to get back into playing a live opponent, but I'm having trouble finding one.



  2. Guys,

    Thanks for everyone's help. I got the Allied rule sets to work. I guess you were right Philippe, the SFX files are sensitive or something. This time I downloaded the rule set to my desktop instead of C:\My Documents\My Downloads. I made sure no other programs were open although I did have programs open in the background that automatically start at start-up. Anyways, this time after unpacking the files wininstall kicked in which didn't happen in previous attempts, and I was prompted to select which rules to install. I didn't change anything since the default had all of them checked. Now the rules appear in CMMOS! Yahoo! Thanks again everyone. Time to start downloading big time. :D

  3. Hey Philippe,

    I posted my reply before I saw your post. I'll download the rule sets again and make sure everything else is closed out. I remember with earlier versions of the rule sets that the program did prompt you to ask you which specific rules you wanted to download. FWIW I was not prompted at all this time when I double clicked on the rule set. I'll try it again though and let you know what happens. Thanks!

  4. Hmmm. I right clicked on the rule set and selected "Quick View" which produced some report that unfortunately meant nothing to me, but might mean something to someone else more computer literate than me. I also then opened the file using WinZip. I noticed the path of all the files was to "disk1". I'm wondering if that shouldn't say C:\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector\CMBO\Allied Rule Set or somefink like that? smile.gif

  5. Major Gregg,

    Thanks for trying to help! Unfortunately I don't think it worked. The drop down tab on the bottom right has Beyond Overlord selected. I can't select Barbarossa to Berlin because I don't have the game yet (Shame, shame, I know...). Anyways, I next select "Configure" on the bottom left (I thought the User Readme said this does not apply to CMBO, but I tried it anyway per your instructions), and then "Rule-sets" on the top left. Next I hit "Add" on the bottom left. A window opens, and I browse to where the rule set was downloaded to. I have to change the file type on the bottom of the window to "SFX Files" instead of "Zip Files" since the CMBO rule sets are self-extracting exe files, and then I hit "Open". Nothing appears to happen. I close out of the configure window and still nothing appears in the main CMMOS window. I go to the CMBO folder in CMMOS to see if I can see any rule set folders in there, but I only see Filelists and Mods folders. Am I looking in the right place to make sure the rules are loading? I guess even if I'm not, CMMOS still does not see any folders. Does anyone know how to check an SFX file to see if it's functioning properly? I don't need to restart my computer or anything before I see the rule sets do I? Thank you for your help! I'm sure we can figure this out eventually. smile.gif

    [ February 22, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: Jim L. ]

  6. I decided to upgrade CMMOS to 4.03 now that I have broadband. I installed CMMOS 4.03 to its default location C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector. Next I downloaded the allied rule set to C:\My Documents\My Downloads. The User Readme seems to suggest that for CMBO the rule sets are self extracting and should install to the right place automatically, however, when I double click on the rule set I see that it unpackages the program, but then it does not seem to install it anywhere. I gathered from reading other posts that the rule sets are supposed to appear in the C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector\CMBO folder, but nothing is in there except the FileLists and Mods folder. Is it possible the self extracting file is bad or should I be downloading the rule sets somewhere else so they can find the CMMOS folders? The program does not ask me where to install to. I think that was the same in previous versions, but I did not have trouble with those. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    [ February 22, 2003, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Jim L. ]

  7. I use MSN 8, and I'm having problems receiving pbem files. Whether zipped or unzipped the text files always seem to be cutoff or corrupt. In other words if you open up the text file, you don't see an "end of play by email data" message. As a result, CM cannot read the file. I can't even open zipped files to see what's the matter because the archives are "invalid" when I try to open them with WinZip. Has anyone else who uses MSN 8 had these problems? If so could you offer a fix if there is one? Thanks.

  8. I have a question. Are the scenarios for the RoW tournament designed to be balanced only if both sides have not played the scenario? IOW are the scenarios designed to be balanced only if played blind? Or are they designed to be balanced only after multiple plays.

    For example I think the byte battles (or maybe all the der kessel battles) are not meant to be replayed. IOW replayability is not a factor in their scenarios because both FOW and force composition play a role in making their scenarios balanced. So if you remove FOW the scenarios may become very unbalanced. Para Recon in Force is one scenario that comes to my mind as an example.

    In Another Day's case it seems removing FOW makes the scenario more balanced. I thought the scenario was fairly balanced to begin with when I played it the first time even though I played the Germans and won a major victory because I feel my opponent was playing for a max, but as I've been following this thread I wonder: Are the scenarios for the RoW tournament designed to be balanced only if both sides have not played the scenario? Or are they designed to be balanced only after multiple plays. I guess I think the former and not the later since most players prefer to play with FOW. Thoughts please. smile.gif

    I'm going to predict that most of the scenarios in the second round of RoW were not as unbalanced as people think. I think only one may have been unbalanced, but with one modification, just one, would be more balanced...at least 40/60 I think if not 45/55. :D

  9. My God! I am close to suffering one of the worst defeats ever in my CM career. I'll be interested in seeing the spread for this scenario. I may have to go over to the "Unbalanced Scenario" thread and agree with Holien! :eek: Just kidding! I won't judge the scenario until it's over since I don't know the opposing forces/setup, and I need to consider the possiblity that I suck! :D It ain't over until it's over. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the other possibility...that my opponent played better than me. Sorry Visom! God that was hard.

  10. Thought I would post a reply since it's been quiet here lately.

    Finished my game against Cpl_Carrot. Came down to the last turn; quite fun.

    Strider and I are past the halfway point. This one might not make it to the time limit. :D Sorry Strider!

    Haven't heard from Visom too much this week. No worries though since we're past the halfway point on that one too. Works in my favor anyways since it gives me more time to consider my next move against him. ;) You reading this Visom? :D

  11. Treeburst155,

    Sounds good to me. There are a ton of scenarios I have not played from the Scenario Depot. I would love the chance to play them against other RoW players. No need to let all those good scenarios go to waste.

    The only thing I would add is sometime before the final scenarios are drawn the players should disclose which ones they have played before so you can eliminate them from the pool. Requires more work for you, but...it's up to you.

    I'd pretty much be interested in playing anything and let Nabla handle the rest. That's the beauty of the RoW tournaments. :D

    Come on people! We need more players who are interested (seems like it anyway)! Post a reply now! Pretty, pretty please... smile.gif

  12. Originally posted by Treeburst155:


    No discussion of scenarios is allowed on the forum until ALL players in all three tourneys have completed a scenario. I will let you know when it is alright to talk about a scenario. It won't happen until near the end of the tourney.

    No game results are to be revealed on the forum. You won't know who beat who until all is revealed at the end. Think before you post, and remember, no game scores, no blow by blow descriptions of the last movie, no general discussion about the scenarios, etc..

    Please think before you drink...err...I mean post. Thanks! smile.gif
  13. I just happened to stop by CMHQ tonight and low and behold CMMOS v3.02.002 is out! I know most people are moving on to CMBB, but I haven't been able to yet because my computer is too old so I'm glad some people like Gordon and crew are still trying to finish CMMOS for CMBO. So show some appreciation and head on over to CMHQ and download all the new mods now! Thanks Gordon and crew.

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