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Posts posted by Zarquon

  1. Nice graphics. The way the form of the muzzle brake shapes the smoke cloud means high attention to detail (I suppose it's from the designers of IL-2, so that's no surprise). But - who plays CM for the graphics? I like the new doodads in CM2 but from level 4 or 5 perspective they don't show anyway.

    The screenshot indicates this is going to be an updated Panzer Elite. OK, I'll go for it. If it is, it's going to be fun. It will not stay on my hard drive for more than 2 years like CMBO did, eh, does.

  2. Ohhhhhh, how wonderful it is in here. So soft, full of peace and, dare I say it ... harmony.

    So, let's all unite, forget once and for all about things past and


    All together now, a song about love and harmony. Take the hand of the person next to you. Close your eyes. Yes, that's good.

    And after that, a little surprise: my mother has provided us with a few pots of her famous banana soup (it consists mainly of minced meat, if you don't mind). Anyone like curry?

    But what shall we sing? Wait... (sings)

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Some things in life are bad

    They can really make you mad

    Other things just make you swear and curse

    When you're chewing on life's gristle

    Don't grumble, give a whistle

    And this'll help things turn out for the best


  3. Never played Cosmic Encounter, what is it, anyway? You're right about the cozy games fitting in here. What about V.I.P.E.R, then? A space racing game, played on the floor. Accelerate by 30 cm/turn, race around the sofa where gpig is still napping, turn left sharply 60° towards the fridge at an astounding 225 cm/turn (a long tape measure comes in handy). Hmmmm.... you guessed the distance wrong and crashed into the stove? Never mind, have another beer.

  4. (cleans his boots, comes in, blushes...)

    Hi everyone, got a couple of eighties boardgames with me, I'll put them on the table beside the fireplace in case anybody likes a try at Wooden Ships or Awful Green Things From Outer Space...

    Time definitely seems to flow much slower in this thread, so I might give Vietnam (VG) another try. Ahhhhh.....

    Oh yes, there's some fine Hasseröder Pilsener, too. Help yourself, we got plenty. Sorry, no glasses.

    Can I put on CD2 of Bitches Brew?

  5. Originally posted by Voxman:

    - Allow the plane to first be seen by shadow, then the plane itself, then reflect the rockets/bombs being shot, then the pull up.

    - You could even show the AA tracers firing past the planes and the flames of the plane if hit.

    - If a plane is hit you could have a % chance that the pilot ejects and could drift out of play.

    I believe the engine still allows for height levels from 0-19 x 2,5m with the average height being level 7 (19 equals a 30m elevation above average terrain level).

    How many aircraft made their attack run at or below 30m?

  6. No, BTS has done their homework. In fact, all CMBB versions except the russian got the bocage steppe depicted correctly.

    Might be a problem with your graphics card - certain Nvidia cards display bocage in steppe only as little brown bushels; you only see them from the 1 or 2 camera levels.

    You can check by having a look at the Stalingrad scenario, where the factory walls of the Red Banner Shrubbery Plant are camouflaged with bocage. Play Germans. If you can actually see the buildings, update your drivers.

  7. Still waiting for my copy...

    With CMBO, I've made a few tests to get a feeling for long range gunnery. At ranges > 1000m first hit probabilities were below 10% and engagements mostly a waste of ammo.

    Now this is one of the areas where CMBB was supposed to be improved. Hits at ranges of 2000m and more should not be uncommon for late war guns. Can anyone tell me what to expect here?

    Just some rough estimates would do.

  8. Originally posted by Lord General MB:

    Actually, I'd like to see this post. It seems soooo, non exsistant as it is.

    I've tried twice and the bloody forum script called me "unregistered" for 5 minutes. I couldn't edit the posting because "only administrators are allowed" to do so.

    So, whatever, pictures are for the illiterate (sp?) only.

    It is a beautiful, stolen, ASCII picture of a vaguely humanoid, maybe slightly trollish shape holding a sign that says "DON'T FEED THE TROLL". It has four toes on each foot, it's grinning and it's tail is an undefined mess of characters.

    [ September 21, 2002, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Zarquon ]

  9. I think it's called a snafu, maybe even a foobar.

    Why can't we just assume it's a cross-section of a KV-1s? Then (in the old days before the CMBB hysteria) somebody would ask if the engine rewrite allows for more detailed tank damage modelling. Someone (name starting with "M" or "J") would post a four page explanation why the gearbox on the KV-1s was mostly immune to minor damage because it consisted of only one cast-iron gear etc. etc.

    Mind that, that's how it was in the old days. About a week ago.


  10. Sorry people, but in Ulan Bator we were told the customer is always right even if the forum script can't handle multiple slashes and even if he annoys people with silly postings.


    P.S. : I'd love to see this forum break down for technical reasons. Just for two or three weeks. Then everyone has got his copy and we could move on. No more "Hey, I live in Grosse Point and the package still hasn't arrived", "I can't read and I want a printed manual, comic strip style" etc. etc.

    Sorry, no offense to manual lovers meant, but you're offered the best tactical wargame your money can buy and all some people think of is complain (don't read my last posting, I was complaining). There was a lot of very interesting and informative, sometimes even funny discussions on this forum until CMBB went hot.

    And I have a right to a forum that suits my taste. You know, I'm a customer...

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